Chapter 207

“Report! Take down two walls again!

Only the northern wall is unbreakable! ”


When nearly 20 Ao Shizong ~ divisions entered the battlefield,

The situation reversed immediately!

These thousands of high-grade warriors,

Before being captured by the demons,

They are all the elite of the elite!

He was also a genius like Overlord,

Shine your own light in the human race!


They disappeared for too long,

Many people have forgotten their reputation!

When these masters and high-grade warriors reappear on the battlefield,

They are tigers!

It’s a hunter!

It’s a ruthless killing machine!

Even the healer with the weakest combat power,

Can be a master of the same rank in front of you!

Everyone is better than Zhao Zi!

What’s more terrifying is that

Since there are still residues in the diluted life spring water,

In a short time,

They have a strong resilience!

Everyone puts on a pair of injury for injury,

Even the posture of life for injury,

Extremely horrible!

“Crazy! These human masters are crazy!”

Under their impact,

The master of the demon defense, die to death, escape to escape!

The four walls have fallen one after another!

All the walls,

All guarded by Terran warriors!

Ye Liangchen counted the battle losses,

Found no more than a thousand casualties!

Paid such a small price to win Ye Youcheng.

This is something he didn’t even dare to dream of!

After the city wall was occupied,

Ye Liangchen sent someone to repair the broken city gate,

On the other side,

Start contacting the Ao Shi Grandmasters who came to help!

He doesn’t know yet,

Where did these people come from!

“Little Ye Zi, you are leading the team this time!”

A proud grandmaster flew over,

“Uncle Qin, you were also…”

Ye Liangchen suddenly realized a possibility!

I almost yelled out of control,

“You, did you escape from the Demon Imperial City?!”

“It turned out to be really successful!!”

The old man surnamed Qin is not polite,

A chestnut smashed down,

“What escaped?”

“Laozi killed all the monsters in the city,

Come out swaggering! ”

Ye Liangchen:? ? ?

Killed all the monsters in the city?

Demon Imperial City?

Is he crazy, or is Uncle Qin crazy?

Another Grand Master Ao Shi corrected Old Qin’s statement,

“Let the former Demon Sovereign escape, it’s not killing all!”

“Yes, yes, you are right!”

Ye Liangchen: Abba Abba…

A few minutes later,

Ye Liangchen, who recovered his sanity,

Forced to accept what the other party said,

All 903 prisoners were rescued!

That’s good!

Ye Liangchen then asked the most concerned question.

“Where is Su Bai?”

“Where am I?”

Su Bai looked at the chaotic demons around.

From the teleportation array,

In the Demon City where Su Bai is located,

There are monsters everywhere,

Many injured monsters were also brought back for treatment!

In the entire demons city,

There is no order at all!

Su Bai at this time,

With a mask of joy and anger on his face,

Transformed into a mask of the demons.

The Devil Emperor Bone Ring on the finger,

It will let him exude the aura of the demon!

Even if invincible snooping,

I would also think that Su Bai is a demon!

Within three days,

It’s all so.

Su Bai’s mission is simple,

Find a way to escape back in three days!

of course,

You have to wait until after this war is over!

Su Bai now,

Be lurking well.

“Newcomer, there is a shortage of people in the treatment department, hurry over!”

Su Bai followed the other party’s instructions,

Came to a place full of wounded demons!(Read more @

A demon healer,


“These dozens of tents are all yours!”


He went to work on other things.

The demons are seriously injured,

Even if there are more healers,

Can’t be too busy!

In order not to reveal his identity, Su Bai walked into a tent.


He saw 3 sixth-rank monsters playing games!

“Hey, Laozi won again!

Hurry up and kiss one! ”

Su Bai: Excuse me, sorry!

On the three monsters,

There is clearly no injury at all,

Why are you waiting for treatment in a tent?

Seeing Su Bai coming in,

A monster shouted,

“Hurry up and get Laozi some good medicine for treatment.

Laozi is taking it home…Bah! Laozi needs to use it! ”

Su Bai suddenly realized.

Where are these wounded monsters!

I don’t want to go to the battlefield,

Pretending to be a wounded monster!

Just to avoid going to the frontal battlefield,

Lost his life!

Not only did they cheat their injuries, but they also wanted to go along with some good medicine!

The erosion within the demons,

It can be seen!

Su Bai walked in to the three of them.

“Boy, talk to you!”

“Want to die?”

“If I can’t beat Human Race, I still dare not beat you?”


Three cold lights flashed,

Three sixth-rank monsters are cut off from life!

Not only that,

Su Bai also created some more wounds,

And give the other party a dressing and disguise.


It looks like after going on the battlefield,

Severely injured and died!

If they are really seriously injured,

Su Bai still has some psychological barriers when he kills.

That is respect for the fighters.

But the scum of this kind of demon scum,

They are also worthy? !

to be frank,

Su Bai sometimes feels,

Don’t kill them,

Keep them as a hindrance to the demons,

It seems more cost-effective!


Passing by anyway,

Just kill it.

Take it as a good deed.

Threw the three corpses in place,

Su Bai walked to the next tent,

There are more than a dozen monsters playing pool,

Without exception,

They are all alive and well!

Even if there is no doctor for treatment,

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Can also survive smoothly.

After being rescued by Su Bai, a ‘well-trained’ doctor,

Successfully announced,

More than a dozen monsters failed to rescue,

Unfortunately lost his life!

Su Bai is like a god of death knocking on the door,

To the next tent….

On the walls of Yeyou City,

The last city gate has been blocked.

There are more than 100,000 monsters in the city,

All the warriors of the human race guard the city wall,

How to deal with these monsters,

Become their current problem.

“Kill it!”

A young man in white,

Suddenly speaking, the words are full of murderousness.

“Gongsun Qi, speak carefully!”

“This is to create a big killing karma, and you have to back the karma!”

The masters spoke one after another.

They are not the kindness of women,

But worried about killing too much,

After Gongsun Qi became a top performer,

It’s easy to evolve into a demon!

Among this group of human geniuses,

……. … …

The grandmasters have a fierce vision,

Leave Su Bai aside,

There are seven or eight invincible master Miao Zi!

Gongsun Qi is also one of them!


He never had the opportunity to stand beside the masters and discuss this matter!

Ye Liangchen felt,

This young man in white has an appetite for himself!

Treat these monsters,

No need to be soft!

Ye Liangchen took the initiative to say,

“This is my token,

Do you dare to pass orders to kill? ”

“Why not dare!”

Grandson in white took the token,

The order is gone.

Deep in his always calm eyes,

There was a trace of scorching heat,


He will use his token to pass the order!

Just follow behind Su Bai,

Gongsun Qi believed,

On this day,

Not too far!

After Gongsun went to pass the order.

The monsters in the city quickly disappeared.

Everyone cast their gazes outside the city,

Ye Liangchen said with emotion,


Ye Youcheng is broken!

This is the first time that my human race has broken through the demon city!

When it comes to nothing! ”

The Grand Master Ao Shi beside him corrected his words.

“Yeyou City is not the first Demon Cities city to be broken by my human race!”

“Which city is that?”

Ye Liangchen was shocked!

Could it be that the Federation also surprise other demons cities? !

Grandmaster Ao Shi looked around,

Smiles appeared on everyone’s faces,

At last,

When Ye Liangchen looked anxious,

All talents announced the answer:

“The Demon Imperial City is the first city my human race has breached!”


Terran breaks the Demon Imperial City first, and then takes the Yeyou City!

A result that hasn’t been seen in a century!

Two cities in succession!

The catacombs war for nearly a hundred years,

The offensive and defensive trend is changing shape today!

The sky of the crypt,



(It’s done before 12 o’clock!

8 more, close to 2 million 5!

Stop bragging, good night brothers.

Continue to rush tomorrow morning! )corpse.

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