Chapter 196

“Idiot! It’s all a bunch of idiots!”

On the Prince’s Mansion,

Sixty-seven princes flew into thunder,

Smashed countless precious artifacts, and even killed several subjects.

“His Royal Highness, the most urgent thing is to find a way to make up for the loss!”


The prince’s eyes were red,

make up?

Make up for a fart!

I’m dead!

The most important thing to make up now,

Just take advantage of these 24 hours to refresh yourself,

Then, before the end of the competition, I raised myself!

A word of the courtier woke him up,

“The Devil Imperial City has been broken,

If there is another mistake in the Demon Palace…”


The furious prince woke up instantly.

The Demon Imperial City is broken,

The emperor father will only rise, and feel that it is detrimental to his face!

The Devil Palace… the anger of the father,

I can’t imagine how terrifying it is!

He can be left behind by the Demon King to guard the situation,

Obviously there is still some talent.

After calming down,

Several military orders were issued,

“The three walls of south, north, and west,

All troops returned to aid the city!

There are so many of us, we will be surrounded by the human race that has penetrated into the city, and there is still a chance of winning! ”

“Order all the masters, except the dungeon, to gather in front of the Demon Palace!”

“Order the dungeon to be on guard, no one is allowed to enter or leave!”

Right now, he is still the prince.

He is also the highest-level commander in the Demon Imperial City.

There is nothing wrong with these three commands,

Every one is quite satisfactory,


It was implemented immediately.

The prince rushed to the Demon Palace,

While comforting myself in a low voice,

“Just kill Tyrant or Su Bai,

Compensation! I still have 703 chance to survive! ”

Nearly a hundred masters of the demons,

Fly to the Demon Palace collectively!

on the way,

The prince saw a painting flaming ablaze.

That is his favorite place to go,

The young lady inside is very moist.

Seeing things and thinking about feelings,

Thinking that I am not far from death,

The prince ordered,

“Grandmaster can’t hurt people, let’s fight the fire head office!”

“You, shot out the fire here!”

The grandmaster who was named, looked terrified, and shook his head!

“If you don’t do anything, the lone will kill you too!”

At last,

Being trapped,

The Grand Master had to cry in tears,

There is still a trace of luck in my heart, what if the strongest don’t care?

He just shot,

The fire hasn’t gone out yet!

Numerous wounds on his body burst!

Directly cut off vitality! !

The strongest cracked empty!

Tear the wound!

Sea of ​​clouds,

Splitting the air explained seriously,

“This fire is very important,

It is an important link to attract the demons.

He put out the fire,

Is to break the human plan,

Destroy the fairness of this competition! ”

In the sea of ​​clouds,

The demons listened to these shameless words.

Can’t refute.

Both parties swear by their real names,

Since the split air hasn’t been backlashed,

They can only watch the cracked empty cup silently.

Burn a club,

Suddenly being said to have become the key to the entire decisive battle!

They quickly turned their attention under the sea of ​​clouds,

In front of the Devil Palace!

“Second Captain, your fucking demon cannon!”

Overlord has everything to learn,

Also howled!

Pi’s broken leg pushed the Exterminator Cannon up.

As the forces of the demons are distributed on the four walls,

No one thought that the city would be broken so quickly!

Overlord’s way,(Read more @

When you reached the front of the Demon Palace, there was no one outside the Demon Palace!

of course,

As the place where the Demon King lives,

Has a not weak defensive array protection.

Although this defensive formation is cosmetic,

After all, the Demon Sovereign is the most invincible of the Demon Clan,

Who can hurt him?


The defensive formation can easily block the ultimate blow!



The Demon Cannon did not aim at the gate,

Instead, he bombarded an inconspicuous palace wall.

They are going to enter the devil palace,

It’s the same whether you walk through the gate or not!

After one blow,

The defensive formation of the entire Demon Palace shook wildly!

The next blow,

Definitely blast away!

“Energy storage, continue!”

The Demon Cannon can only fire 5 rounds.

The previous 2 rounds smashed the city gate,

1 shot just banged.

Now there are 2 shots left!

It takes a long time to store energy,

Just for a while,

The demon prince arrived with many masters.

They just wanted to destroy this magic cannon,

The previous bloody lesson is vivid!

“His Royal Highness, even if I wait for the shot,

The attack can’t go down either.

It’s just dead in vain! ”

The previous extraordinary master who tried to rescue the club’s fire,

The death is extremely wrong.

The clubhouse was still reduced to ashes.

With countless good memories of the prince.

The prince also knows,

It is impossible for them to take a shot at Rift!

“Then take fate,

I don’t believe it alone,

How many shots can this ghost bomb! ”

Although I don’t know Momon Cannon,

The prince can probably guess the principle,

If it can launch indefinitely,

This thing has long been popularized by the human race.

Instead of as a hole card,

I didn’t take it out until now!

His orders passed,

But no one around responded!

All the demon masters even took the initiative to distance themselves from him.

Looked at him coldly.

The meaning of those eyes is very clear:

“If you want to die, you die, we won’t play with you!”

The prince said angrily,

“If the Devil Palace falls,

Father father is back, can you survive? ”

An Ao Shi Grandmaster of the Demon Clan said coldly,

“Prince sixty-seven, take care of yourself.

If the Demon Sovereign is embarrassed, then it’s better to change to the Demon Sovereign.

The demon god I am waiting to follow,

I won’t watch me wait to die! ”

The demons are extremely disunity within,

The demon gods that each master follows are different.

These people right now,

There is not much friendship with the Demon Emperor itself.

It’s not guilty for the face of the contemporary Devil Emperor,

Go to die for nothing!

“You, you guys!”

Just for a moment,

The prince fell into a situation of isolation and helplessness!

All Ao Shi Grandmasters divide boundaries with him.

As for the extraordinary?

Even if they are all on top, it will have a little effect!

no solution anymore,

The demon prince can only bite the bullet and do it himself!


Overlord didn’t know what they were planning,

There is only one thought in his heart,

Fry him!


It was a bombardment comparable to a full blow!

This time,

The defensive formation has not been crushed!

“Energy storage!”

The overlord did not hesitate to give the order,

No matter what happened just now,

The last shot,

Boom or boom!

The smoke cleared,

Everyone can see what happened!

Demon prince,

The aloft master proud of the world,

He ate all the attacks of the Demon Cannon!

He was full of wounds and embarrassed.

The body in many places has been gasified,

Only half of his head remained.

Even so,

He also explained tremblingly,

“Me, I just… just passing by!”

He can’t say that he is here to stop the gun!

He was passing by and was accidentally injured by mistake!

Leak Kong apparently accepted this statement,

Did not kill him directly!

This scene,

If you let the Holy Magister who developed the Demon Cannon see it,

I am afraid that even tears can flow out!

What is the biggest flaw of the Demon Cannon?

Can’t accurately hit the enemy!


In the hands of Su Bai, Bawang,

The Demon Cannon has exerted its true power!

Bombard the enemy’s strategic targets,

Force the opponent to use the flesh to fight the magic cannon!


Laozi never aimed!

The enemy will take the initiative to get together!

Seeing the tragic situation of the demon prince,

The Terran burst into laughter.

The energy storage of the Demon Cannon is also completed!

“Aim at him!”

Overlord did not hesitate to order this time.

in case,

Able to kill one proud master in two shells!

Even if there is no way to enter the devil palace,

It’s also earned!

Was aimed at the muzzle,

The demon prince was so scared that he flees in a hurry!



This time,

No one’passes’ anymore!

In front of everyone,

The defensive array of the Demon Palace is completely broken!

The overlord gripped the spear tightly,

The whole person is extremely excited,

The roar echoed on the battlefield,

“The Devil Palace is right in front of you!”

“Those who are willing to break the formation, follow behind me!”



(Fifth more sent! Chong Chong Chong!).

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