Chapter 197

“His Royal Highness, you can’t die yet!”

Grandmaster Ao Shi of the Mozu rescued the prince back,

“You are dead, who will face the anger of the Demon Emperor?”

They have ignored it at this time,

He tore his face completely.

Save the prince,

It’s just for the sake of having a back-to-back man after the fact!

In the case of Grand Master Ao Shi,

Maintain the demon prince in one breath-unbroken,

Hardly resisted the blow of the extinction cannon,

Escaped the second blow,

He was already a little numb at this time.

I said earlier,

It’s better to stay in the house for 24 hours,

Before the father comes back,

Lift yourself up.

Why suffer this sin?

Grandmaster Ao Shi next to him,

Obviously still waiting for his order,

The entire Demon Imperial City has turned into a pot of porridge!

Gongsun Qi brought 300,000 troops,

Dealing with the 750,000 troops of the demons.

Delay as much as possible for the opponent to return to the Demon Palace!

The east wall is the quietest.

There seems to be a dead zone!

There is no news of 450,000 troops!

And the overlord has 300,000 troops,

Seeing to enter the Demon Palace,

The situation can no longer get worse!

In this crisis situation,

There is no good way for everyone.

I can’t stay with the prince and wait to be raised!

Maybe it’s the last stage of life,

The prince looked away instead,

The brain’s circuits are more smooth,

Cold voice,

“There is another way,

You can reverse the situation and recover the loss! ”

3 proud masters,

With so many extraordinary things,

Said hurriedly,

“His Royal Highness taught me to wait!”

The prince has his own conditions,

“You save me completely.”


“Miki in my house, must be there.”


When is this, he is still thinking about this!

The prince not only eats the bowl,

Still thinking of what’s in the pot!

“All from your house will be sent here too!”

The beauty of the demons,

Bald, fat, and short are beautiful!

The less hair, the bigger the body, the sharper the canine teeth,

The more they like it!

Some people once saw the “Mozu Hundred Beautiful Pictures”,

After reading it,

Life-long shadow, can’t get up again!

Even the healer,

Can’t cure this problem,

It’s too cruel!

High EQ: Your aesthetics are at the same level as the old eight recipes!

Low EQ: The monsters and ghosts leave soon!

The situation is extremely critical right now,

The prince is confident again,

Many masters can only reluctantly give up their love,

Give up the ‘beauty’.

Because they stayed in the Demon Imperial City,

The people in my house are actually still there,

Did not move out.

They can meet the needs of the prince.

“A mere beauty,

If the prince really has a plan to break the situation,

What if I wait to cut love! ”

Many masters quickly reached an agreement,

Satisfy the prince’s last Cao thief fantasy.

“The way to break the game is very simple.”

The prince pointed down and said,

“Take the 1,000 geniuses of my clan,

Kill all!

Even if the human race wins this competition,

Grandmaster can make a move! ”

As soon as this remark came out,

Everyone was taken aback,

They are not surprised at the cruelty of this scheme.

But surprised,

I didn’t expect it! !

So many “beauties” were wasted for nothing!

Someone asked,

“After that human race won,

What should I do? ”

The prince snorted coldly.

Stop talking.

The meaning is obvious,

Want to add people!

“I have always heard that all old mothers were the beauties of the imperial city!”


His taste is so heavy!

Let the 800-year-old not let it go!

“can!”(Read more @

The demons always don’t pay attention to courtesy, justice and shame.

My mother and Miki,

Sometimes it makes no difference.

After adding people successfully,

The prince took the rest of his plan,

And tell,

“There are more than a thousand masters in the dungeon who are about to break through!

There are also 6 proud masters,

They are refined by secret methods,

After swallowing each other, two powerful supreme peaks can be born!

Once Terran wins 3 big games,

At the end of the competition, Grand Master can take action…”

The plan behind,

Even without the prince saying,

Everyone also knows what to do!

The big and small kings have 4 2 tiles,

Can you still lose?

They immediately followed the prince’s statement,

Go to make up for the situation!


The master of the demons can’t attack the human race,

But kill yourself,

no problem!

The prince is satisfied,

Back to his house,

Looking at the “beauties” sent by the masters,

Each has more than 500 kilograms,

Very in line with his aesthetic!

The prince began to fulfill his last wish.

He is dead anyway!

hurry up.

It’s cool!

Start with the oldest!


A minister knelt down on the ground,


“Why should your Highness abandon yourself, so decadent?

According to His Highness,

My clan still has hope of a comeback!

Just killing Su Bai alone is a monstrous feat! ”

Inside the house,

The prince of 10 seconds just ended.

Coldly snorted,

“Idiot, haven’t you figured it out yet?”

“The minister is puzzled, please state clearly!”

The prince said the most correct sentence in his life,

“Things I can think of,

Do you think Su Bai can’t think of it? ”

“That bunch of idiots will only be in vain!”

“Look, this competition won’t end so easily!”


“1300 years old, 687 kilograms, you are the only one!”

In the dungeon,

All martial artists of all races have drunk rice wine.

Their injuries are healed by the diluted life spring water,

The mind is restored by the lemon fruit.

at the moment,

They surrounded the fire worms in groups.

The fire worm is full of blood and sweat!

The body kept shaking.

Drinking bowl after bowl of rice wine,

Even so, the blood volume is still declining rapidly!

Zhao Zizhen was also on the sidelines,

Cooperate with several healing masters and try their best to treat fire worms!

The fire worm was not injured,

His health drops,

It is because I locked myself with a demon genius who was seriously injured and dying!

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Su Bai said,

This is the key to the overall plan!

It’s a fairy hand!

If Firebug fails here,

May ruin the whole great situation!

Pi Broken Leg once suggested,

Request to bear with Fireworm,

He has an immortal body and can share more pain!

Fireworm refused.

Want to last longer,

He must bind the least target!

Only him,

Bound to the dying demon genius,

Talent can last the longest!

Every pore is sweating,

Even if it is cleansed by spells over and over again,

Fireworm is still a blood man!

“Hold on! I can’t stop now!”

Fireworm looked at the wine jar in front of him,

Inside was the head of a demon genius,

There is only a glimmer of life left for the demon genius!

“Everyone’s life and death are on my shoulders!”

“I must… guard my own glory!”

This time,

Fireworm abandoned all of its identities.

……. 0 …

He is no longer fighting for the son of the strongest,

Nor is it fighting for SS-level talents,


Fight for yourself!

Also for everyone who is fighting on the battlefield today!

He must persevere!

In the torment of life and death,

The tough nerves are tight,

Bite to death,

Before Su Bai’s signal came,

He can’t fall down!

“how so!!”

The master of the demons is going crazy!

They follow the prince’s strategy,

Began to chase the demon genius wildly!

The highest level of these geniuses is only level 299, less than a third-rank martial artist!

In front of the master,

There is nothing to fight back!

The demon master’s slaughter is very efficient,

Less than 30 seconds,

The whole city of geniuses are close to being killed by them!


This competition is not over yet!

According to their soul cards,

There is also a demon genius alive!

And this demon genius,


The masters turned the entire Demon Imperial City over,

Can’t find the last person!

“Where is it!”

“Come out!”

Listening to the roar of the demon master in the sky,

Su Bai was silent.

Over the fire worm,

Persistence should be very difficult!

Persevere and persevere,

You’re almost done!

Su Bai looked at the crystal ball in front of him,

There are 11 in total!

The demon master killed all the demon geniuses,

But can’t touch anything on them!

Otherwise, it will undermine the fairness of the game!

All the crystal balls,

Fell on the battlefield,

It’s cheap Su Bai!

Su Bai took a deep breath.


Summon elemental creatures with full power!

11 crystal balls,

With 11,000 elemental creatures every 2 seconds, it is comparable to a top-ranking warrior!

In 1 minute, it is more than 300,000!

Su Bai wants to gather millions, tens of millions of elemental creatures,

Take down the Demon Imperial City! !


(Sixth watch sent! There are two more changes, charge!) Corpse.

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