Chapter 195

“Is the dungeon ahead?”

3 celebrities follow behind a demons,

Exactly: Fireworm, Zhao Zizhen, Xiaohu.

“Yes, follow up!”

This demonic clan is very young, and his strength is only second-tier.

Fireworm asked abruptly,

“Are you also participating in the genius war?”

The Mozu nodded and smiled.

“The prince told me to hide in the dungeon,

Then no one can find me. ”

He is talking,

A loud noise came from the east,


It seems that the city gate was blown to pieces!

The demon genius has lingering fears,

There is a second loud noise!

A sharp blade cut his neck,

Cut down the entire first level!


The demon genius couldn’t say one more word.

The fire worm skillfully cut off the opponent’s head,

Talking to himself,

“There is a magic nucleus in the brain of the demons,

You will not die immediately. ”


A chain pierced through the palm of the fire worm!

The chain connects the boat.

He binds himself to the undead demon!

The two share the damage and share their lives!

Fireworm does this,

I will bear the pain all the time,

The result in exchange is,

This demon can always live!

“Wine jar!”

Xiaohu quickly handed over a wine jar,

The two put their heads into the wine jar and sealed them together.


The guard of the dungeon saw three people coming,


“Where is the one who brought you here?”

“Itchy hands, kill.”

The fire worm said it with confidence.

“It’s despicable!”

The dungeon guard still gave way,

The entire gambling appointment is under the attention of the Xeon.

Now that three people from Human Race have agreed to visit,

It must be done!

Three people walked down the dark and damp dungeon,

Seeing an extremely shocking scene!

In the dungeon,

Sitting densely with monsters!

There are thousands of monsters!

They are not prisoners,

Instead, with the help of the dungeon’s large array, hide the breath and hide here!

The first floor of the dungeon,

The breath of each monster is very powerful!

Xiaohu and Zhao Zizhen looked at each other.

Understand each other’s meaning:

These are all level 699 monsters!

They can break through to the master at any time!

Do not,

They even took the initiative to suppress their own strength,

Let yourself not go to the master!

Mozu will also take advantage of the rule BUG!

They prepared a surprise soldier,

Waiting for Terra in the dungeon!

Once the 3 bets are completed,

There is no need to mobilize masters from outside,

Just the more than a thousand monsters here,

I am afraid that hundreds of masters will be born!

The catacombs cost so much effort,

It goes without saying what you want to do!

These guys,

From the beginning, there was no plan to let the captives of the race go back alive!

As everyone in the Federation guessed,

This is a vicious trap!

While the three were nervous,

Can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

An idea emerged from the bottom of the three of them at the same time:

“Fortunately there is Su Bai〃‖!”

After Su Bai entered the crypt,

Interlocked, abruptly found a trace of life in despair!

The first provoked the master and caused heavy damage to the enemy.

It also made the Mozu fear the name of Su Bai,

Start to fall into Su Bai’s calculations!

In the second game, Su Bai made a bet at the last minute.

Using the psychology of monsters,

And the talent of the broken leg [immortal body],

Successfully got the right to make rules for the third game!

Since then,

Terran is absolutely passive,

It has become a good situation today:

Have 24 hours of activity time,

Don’t worry about the master’s shot!

Demon genius?

Not an opponent of Human Race at all!

These 24 hours,

Terran can do many things!

For example, break through the Demon Imperial City and destroy important buildings in the city!

For example, try to break the devil’s palace!

For another example, rescue 903 prisoners!

The three fire worms,

It’s a dagger deep into the enemy’s heart!

In the words of Su Bai,

Can the whole plan be concluded smoothly,

It depends on the performance of the three!

The first floor of the dungeon,

Thousands of monsters gave way to the three of them.(Read more @

The fire worm continued downward.

The second floor of the dungeon,

Only 6 people,

6 Ao Shi Grand Masters who are obviously not in the right state!


The three of them couldn’t stay longer and entered the third floor.

There are 903 captives of celebrities and Federation heroes held there!

After entering the third floor,

Xiaohu didn’t do anything,

Instead, he looked directly at Zhao Zizhen.

Zhao Zi is really hot,

But helpless,

Can only pick up a piece of paper,

Talking without emotion,

“Little Tiger, shouldn’t they keep us here!”

Zhao Zi’s true voice just fell,

There was a click from the top of the head.

The monster arrogantly smiled,

“You stay here until the end of the competition!

Hahaha, a few fools who cast themselves in the net! ”

This time,

Even Zhao Zizhen was shocked!

Is your mouth really open?

Xiaohu wanted to hug Zhao Zizhen and kiss him.

“Old Zhao, I brought you this time!”

Say everything in reverse.

The note just now,

Su Bai stayed,

Zhao Zizhen was asked to enter the dungeon and read it after seeing the captives.

“Busy business!”

Zhao Zizhen felt very complicated.

You can only change the subject first.

The two took out dozens of jars of rice wine from the storage space,

They have extraordinary vision,

Naturally, I can see that there is a healing holy thing in the rice wine.

According to the performance during this period,

Probably it is the spring of life! !

The fire worms began to cut lemons,

A bowl of rice wine,

A slice of lemon,

Give the captives a bowl to drink.

Fireworm toasted,

While saying,

“In ancient times, people would bury a jar of wine for their newborn daughters,

Drink it when you get married, and the name is daughter red. ”

“This wine is called Hero’s Blood!

The hero bleeds without tears.

From the day you were captured,

The Federation is very much looking forward to being able to take you home!

Today, drinking the blood of heroes,

I wait and go home! ”

His voice echoed in the dungeon.

People who drank hero blood,

Body injuries quickly recovered!

The eyes are gradually clear,

Two tears flowed down his slightly filthy face.

An old warrior,

Asked in a tiny voice,

“Let’s hit the Demon Imperial City?”


Fireworm nodded.

Just now, they broke through the Demon Imperial City!

“We are going to win, right?

From now on.. No need to fight? ”

The fire worm is silent,

After a long time,

“There will be one day.”


He added,


My Terran has three Tianjiao who are expected to be the strongest!

That day, it’s not far! ”

“Good! Good! Good!”

The old warrior was so angry, tears flowed,

Can’t say much with excitement.

“Give me another bowl…”

“This old bone,

Can still hold on…

Until the day you said it! ”

“I also want…”

In the dungeon,

Everyone is very eager to restore strength!

They know,

The war is not over yet!

Their mission is not over!


Take a look at it alive, the prosperous age this epiphany doll said!

The age of peace where there is no need to worry about the threat of the crypts and fight!

That should be…beautiful! !

“…” Fireworm succeeded! ”

The overlord led people all the way hurriedly.

“Speed ​​up the progress, don’t love the battle!”

The whole human genius students,

The soldiers are divided into three ways!

The first way,

Overlord’s six-man team,

With 30 talented students, 300,000 elemental creatures,

Go straight to the Demon Palace!

Demon Cannon,

Also in their hands.

This is the most powerful wave,

Their task is also the heaviest!


Break through the Demon Imperial City,

It was a stab at the artery of Demon Clan’s confidence.


Break through the devil’s palace,

It stabbed the heart directly with 10,000 knives!

That is the bedroom of the Devil Emperor!

If it can be broken,

Even if everyone died here this time,

It’s all worth it!

The second wave of people,

Led by Gongsun,

All the remaining talented students, 300,000 elemental creatures!

Their task,

Do as much damage as possible in the city.


Contain the demon’s chasing soldiers!

Give the Overlord and others a chance to break through the Demon Palace!

As for the third wave.

Su Bai alone,

Lead 300,000 elemental creatures!

He has only one mission,

Stopped the 450,000 troops on the east side of the city wall,

Prevent them from joining the frontal battlefield!

at the moment,

Su Bai’s pressure is undoubtedly the greatest!

“Don’t be afraid, there is only one person!”

“Su Bai can’t fight melee! Kill!”

The demon genius commands the forces,

Pouring down from the city wall, trying to break through Su Bai’s camp!

450,000 dozen 300,000,

The demons have 200 days to fight, which is equivalent to 200 sharp knives!

This battle will win!


They saw countless crows taking off!

“Where did the crow come from!”

“The crow is the master of assassination, so why can he do it?!”

The appearance of the crow,

Completely changed the situation!

Until the moment of death,

The demon geniuses only remembered,

“Su Bai… is Crow’s apprentice!”

“And still a mage!”

“Limit a mage, and don’t allow him to fight melee…”

“The prince has a bag in his head! Mage needs melee?!”

In countless emotions of resentment and regret,

Su Bai alone,

Destroy the demon genius of the east wall!

Their crystal ball also fell into Su Bai’s hands!

Su Bai picked up 2 crystal balls,

The elemental creatures originally belonging to the demons,

Now follow Su Bai’s command!

Su Bai holds 3 crystal balls,

Can call elemental creatures crazy!

“It seems to be smoother than I expected!”

Su Bai looked back,

In the Demon Imperial City, gunpowder is everywhere!

“Good! This city should have been like this!”


(The fourth watch is sent, there are four more, don’t talk nonsense, charge!).

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