Chapter 194

“The Demon Cannon is here!”

Everyone does not know who the second battalion commander is.


Judging from everyone’s previous performance,

The second battalion commander should be the overlord!

The Overlord pushed the Demon Cannon up.

“Isn’t this a secret weapon for a decisive battle?”

The Demon Cannon can only be used 5 times,

Every time there is a great blow,

If you want to escape from the Demon Imperial City, you all count on this baby!

Su Bai unexpectedly showed his hole cards so early?

“It’s not a decisive battle, what is it?”

Su Bai pointed to the city gate and said,

“After 10 minutes, bombard the city gate!

If you can’t fire one shell, you will have two shells! ”


The aiming of the Demon Cannon is very simple.

In these 10 minutes,

Su Bai is about to summon the elemental army!

A 5-second CD, only 2 seconds left in Su Bai’s hands!

3 crystal balls, summon 3000 elemental creatures in 2 seconds.

90,000 in 1 minute!

900,000 in 10 minutes!

At the same time,

A demon with 10 crystal balls,

Can summon 1.2 million!

In terms of quantity, Terran is still at a disadvantage.


Su Bai, they have an exterminator,

Just attack one city wall!

The demons need to defend 18 walls in four cities,

On average,

300,000 troops per wall!

The original advantage the defender had,

It has become a disadvantage!

Before the 10 minute countdown starts!

All 96 talented students,

Enter the jeep one by one, and contact Su Bai alone for a few seconds.

Su Bai’s original words are:

“I gave Tyrant the crystal ball,

The matter of summoning the elements can be handed over to Tyrant. ”

Everyone lifted their spirits,

Tyrant is by my side! !


Everyone saw an extremely shocking scene!

Numerous elemental creatures, madly called out!

Batch in 2 seconds!

The efficiency is full, even more exaggerated than they expected!

Tyrant shot,

Sure enough!

“Human Su Bai, I’m so disappointed!”

In the Prince’s Mansion,

Sixty-seven princes sat on the bench,

While drinking, watching Miki dance in the field,

“Why does the prince say that?”

“I thought he was courageous and strategic,

Now it seems that it is a straw bag!

Even such ridiculous test conditions can be opened,

What is it if it’s not a lounge meal? ! ”

He is already winning,

Only wait 24 hours to collect the victory fruits!


Terran sent three people,

Asked to go to the dungeon to check the human captives. ”

“Let them go.”

The prince didn’t take it seriously,

Arranged by the emperor’s father.

The dungeon is foolproof!

A subordinate of the prince walked out and saluted,

“Prince, the minister feels that something is wrong.

This rule has hidden traps,

It is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface! ”

“shut up!”

The prince retorted,

“Could it be that I don’t know the soldiers alone?”

at this time,

There happened to be a messenger entering the mansion,

“Ten minutes of preparation time passed,

The offensive and defensive war has begun! ”

“Come here, take the battlefield in front of the lonely!”

“Lonely have to take a good look,

Terran Su Bai,

Is there any good way to challenge! ”


An extraordinary master lifted into the sky,

Overlooking the entire battlefield,(Read more @

And then everything that was discovered,

Shown in front of everyone in the mode of virtual projection.

“The Human Race is attacking the East City Gate,

There are 450,000 troops here,

Even if the Terran comes with twice the strength, don’t worry! ”

An extraordinary master introduced,

“wait wait wait!”

“Where does the Terran come from so many troops!”

On the projection,

Densely packed elemental creatures,

Nearly a million!

“A total of nine hundred thousand!”

Everyone’s expressions were dull in the room,

Where did the 900,000 elemental creatures come from?

To know,

This competition is stared by the strongest of both sides!

Want to play tricks,

That is completely impossible!

In other words,

Terran, as permitted by the rules,

Within 10 minutes, 900,000 elemental creatures were pulled out abruptly!

“How come there are so many blues?!”

“It’s Tyrant! Tyrant is here!

It is said that Tyrant, as a fusion mage,

But never worry about the consumption of Mana! ”

As Tyrant shot more and more,

Some information about Tyrant,

I can’t hide it from the demons!

“Damn it! Even so,

900,000 troops want to break through the city wall guarded by 450,000 troops,

It’s also a idiot…”

A messenger rushed in, bringing shocking news.

“Report! Terrans smashed the city gates with shelling!”


The prince got up directly, unable to believe his ears,

He pulled the messenger in front of him with one hand,

“Repeat it!”

The other side tremblingly finished,

Was crushed into blood mist by the angry prince!

City gate,

Was crushed!

A gate that can withstand the ultimate blow,

After being bombarded for two consecutive shots,

Broken directly!

The Terran soldiers did not climb the wall,

Directly poured into the Demon Emperor City!

It’s not the same as everyone expected.

Just fought,

The Demon Imperial City is broken! !

The prince only felt a chill rushing to his forehead,

Terran has fought against the crypt for nearly a hundred years.

Have suffered the biggest loss,

That is, the strongest shot, three thousand miles for nothing!

that time,

It did not affect the Demon Imperial City!

As the capital of the entire demons,

Devil City,

Have an extremely sacred halo!

The Devil’s City is here,

All the monsters have confidence in their hearts!

“No one is standing on the walls of Demon Imperial City!”

This is the pride of the demons and a great totem!

But just now,

This pride,

Was ruthlessly broken!

In the hands of the prince,

The Demon Imperial City was broken! !

He has no doubt,

The first thing after the father came back,

Just kill yourself!

Do not,

Won’t kill myself,

And let yourself be tortured forever!

The Demon Imperial City was lost in his hands!

I thought it was extremely reliable,

The Demon Imperial City that will never be breached,

broken! !

The prince suddenly remembered something,

Take one person out of the crowd,

It’s like grabbing a straw,

“You said earlier, what are the loopholes in this rule?”

Su Bai’s rules,

No matter how you look at it, they are extremely reckless, which is very detrimental to the human race!

Even if the Human Race has breached the city gate now,

Reached the Demon Imperial City.

The demons only need to ensure that 1,000 geniuses are alive,

After 24 hours,

The demons win!

Terran has been busy for a long time, and it has not fallen into any benefits!

The man caught by the prince,


“During the third match… Grandmaster can’t make a move! 703”

The prince was taken aback,

Released his hand, the man fell to the ground.

No wonder, no wonder he has 24 hours!

Everything is understood!

Everyone sank,

Thought of an extremely bad possibility.

The man almost cried,

Speaking of everyone’s heart.

“Su Bai didn’t intend to kill the genius of my clan at all!”

“He, he is going to destroy the Demon Imperial City!!”

“Don’t love war, go ahead! Go ahead!”

Su Bai stood under the gate of Demon Imperial City,

Directing everyone to rush to kill.


Countless elemental creatures,

Rush in at the fastest speed.

There was no one on the streets of Demon Imperial City.

The entire Demon Imperial City,

It was evacuated because of the competition.

right now,

Is historically,

When the Demon Imperial City was at its weakest!

Su Bai from the beginning,

Don’t care about the 1000 geniuses of the demons.

It’s just cannon fodder!

Even if you kill 10,000 or 100,000, the demons will not feel distressed!

Su Bai’s true goal,

It’s the Demon Imperial City!

Su Bai’s voice spread throughout the battlefield.

“Within 24 hours, the Grandmaster can’t make a move!”

“Destroy everything in the Demon Imperial City as much as possible!”

“Today, break the city without sealing the sword!”

Genius students in elemental creatures,

Drink in unison,


among them,

Overlord holds a crystal ball,

Lead 300,000 elemental creatures to the middle of the Demon Imperial City!

The task Su Bai gave him is simple:

Enter the Demon Palace! !


(The third one will be sent, rush rush!).

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