Chapter 193

“The second game, Terran wins!”

No one dared to play tricks under the eyes of the strongest.

Every word, every action on both sides,

All under the gaze of the devil and the rift,

The agreement they reached verbally,

If you dare to tear it up at will,

What is waiting for is God’s punishment!

The sixty-seventh prince could only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach.


They were fooled!

Su Bai has been laying out from the beginning.

Until the last moment after the start of the competition,

Su Bai only proposed the bet,

How could the Mozu not agree to such an advantage?


All the masters of the demons,

Subconsciously will complete the gambling contract-kill a person!

If it’s the last moment,

They didn’t set the fire leather to break their legs,

Instead, he chose to continue to attack the people of the human race,

Other people who don’t have [Immortal Body] must have casualties!

It is precisely because of the existence of gambling agreements,

Let everyone in order to be stable,

Prioritize the output of the broken leg that is disconnected.

As a result, through talent,

Pi’s broken leg was directly resurrected with full blood!

All in Su Bai’s plan!

The prince was even more hateful,

“Su Bai’s scheming is unpredictable, the city is extremely deep!”

“Go and report to the emperor,

Su Bai must not stay here! ”

The Demon King left a message before,

Su Bai has a deep connection with the Cthulhu, and may even be the favored one of the Cthulhu!

Such a human genius,

For crypt monsters,

The more the better!


The direction of the matter exceeded everyone’s expectations!

Su Bai just 2 rounds of competition, beheaded 3 proud grandmasters, 57 extraordinary grandmasters!

To say without any kind,

No one of the same rank is as heaven-defying as Su Bai!

The prince even doubted deep in his heart,

What kind of shit evil god’s favor,

Maybe it was the strongest human race who killed the evil god and cultivated Su Bai to replace it!

The place of evil god,

A radish has a pit.

If you kill the evil god, then train a strong person to follow the same path.

It can also be the way of the evil god!

Combined with Su Bai’s B-level talent,

Take such a person to do experiments,

No loss at all!

The more the prince thinks about it, the more reasonable,

Send envoys again and again to report to the emperor.


Many masters died in the second game.

The demons need to deploy a group of people,

It also takes a lot of time.


Has the right to formulate the third game system.

I don’t know how they would choose!

If you choose to fight in the ring again,

With Su Bai,

The Mozu may lose three games in a row!

“Su Bai, the third game must be singled out!”

With the fighting power shown by Su Bai,

No one can beat Master Ao Shi.

Just need to guard a wave,

These three human races won,

You can rescue the captives!

As for going home,

Everyone knows this in their hearts.

Rescuing the prisoners is the moment when the war really starts!

9 crypts will surely erupt fierce battles at the same time!

And the ultimate master of the demons,

Will kill from 5000 kilometers away!

Everyone is in the enemy’s hinterland,

It’s hard to escape!

It can be said,

Is the most dangerous place of this trip!


These are things to worry about later.

Top priority,

Win the third big game!

If the third game is not won,

Even going back alive is a shame!

After so many twists and turns in the first two games,

Surprising but not dangerous,

Take it down.

Don’t lose the chain at the end!

Most opinions are for stability.

of course,

The final decision was Su Bai.

“Everyone, let me ask a question.”

Su Bai looked around,(Read more @

With the Xeon staring, no one can eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Are you embarrassed this time?”

Everyone was silent.

Suffocated, very suffocated!

The Mozu dug countless pits one after another,

The Federation can only grit their teeth and jump down!

Can you not be aggrieved?

Su Bai continued,

“Why suffocated?

Because the chips are in the hands of the Mozu.

How to play, what to play, they have the final say! ”

Su Bai’s words made everyone nod frequently.

Too passive.

This is consensus.

“right now,

We have a chance,

Formulate the rules for the third competition!

Taking advantage of this opportunity can break the deadlock,

Bring the rhythm back to us!

If it’s just a fight in an arena.

Even if you win,

We have to go through hardships and dangers to escape,

Still following the rhythm of the demons!

A complete waste of opportunity! ”

Su Bai’s words are well-founded and convincing.

“Then what do you say, we all listen to you.”

After Xiaohu spoke,

The surrounding masters nodded one after another.

Pass the first two competitions,

Su Bai has proven that he is not a reckless man.

Courageous and strategic, rough but detailed!

Since he said so,

I must have an idea in my mind,

Everyone chooses to believe in Su Bai!

“Want to turn over and jump out of the Demon’s chessboard,

We only need to do one thing:

Take unfavorable conditions,

Reversal into favorable conditions! ”


Su Bai said in the ears of different people.

Everyone received their own task.


They don’t know the overall framework of the plan,


They can guess the idea of ​​the whole plan,

The more you think about it, the more feasible it is!

If it is really as planned by Su Bai,


This time it can really create a miracle!

“Then do as I said!”

As the commander-in-chief,

Su Bai obliged to give orders.

The consequences of this order are good or bad,

All are borne by Su Bai!

“what did you say?

He was better than a siege in the third match? ! ”

The demon messenger knelt on the ground, trembling,

“Yes, that Su Bai is extremely arrogant,

Said that Human Race has never breached the Demon Imperial City.

I saw the Demon Imperial City today,

Very disappointed, but so, willing to give it a try! ”

“Thieves are rampant!”

The demons have no culture,

On the contrary, after contacting the Earth human race,

Started to learn culture, so I especially like to use ancient Chinese to appear literate.

The more people lack something, the more they like to show off.

“Father’s Demon Imperial City,

The city wall is ten thousand meters high, countless institutions, and arrow towers stand,

How dare he ask for a siege? ”

“If you die by yourself, don’t blame others!”

“Siege, I promised!”



Su Bai also beat 2 Proud World, 10 Extraordinary, and won the second biggest game…

This news is extremely exciting!

Su Bai’s ranking on the World Ranking,

Also climbed to NO.2 in one go!

Soon new news came,

The rules of the third match were revealed:

All geniuses of demons and humans participate in the offensive and defensive war!

Taking the Demon Imperial City as the place to compete,

Demon guard, Terran attack!

All the geniuses on both sides,

Wear a special bracelet,

Suppress the attributes and strength to the first rank martial artist!


Both sides have special equipment: summon crystal ball.

Summon Crystal Ball: Summon 1000 elemental creatures, consume 200,000 Mana, and cool down for 5 seconds.

The elemental creatures have the strength of a top-ranking martial artist,

No sane,

Only obey the command of the crystal ball holder.

In this war,

The elemental creatures are cannon fodder,

And the geniuses of the two races are the commanders,

This is a fully simulated simulated siege war!

In a siege,

The defender has a great advantage!

What’s more terrifying is that

Terran only has 3 crystal balls,

The Mozu has 10 crystal balls!

The production efficiency of the Demon Race is more than 3 times that of the Human Race!

There are 98 talents in the Human Race,

1000 talented Mozu contestants!

Even if the fight hasn’t started yet,

Looking at the terrifying gap in strength on paper, it makes people desperate!

The most dazzling Su Bai of the human race,

It is even more named, and can’t kill the enemy in close combat!

Although the rules are made by the human race,

The demons are still under the big frame,

Keep adding patches!

Limit the advantages of Terran!

As for the conditions for determining the outcome, it is very simple:

within 24 hours,

The Terran needs to kill all the 1000 geniuses of the Demon Race!

Can do it, even if 5.9 wins!

Even if one demon genius survives,

Terran also lost!

Everyone in the Federation, when they saw these harsh rules, was almost desperate!

How does this win?

Strength, huge gap!

The weak attack, the strong defend!

Even if you kill the city, you have to hunt down all the enemies!

24 hours,

The demon genius is playing peekaboo,

You can hide for 24 hours in the Demon Imperial City! !

In people’s hearts, there is no light of victory!

When the news reached the ground,

The third match before the Devil’s City,

It’s ready to start.

Behind Su Bai, there are 96 talented students standing with 3 crystal balls in front of them.

Before the fight,

They have 10 minutes to summon elemental creatures!

Looking at the majestic and tall Demon Imperial City,

The city gates are tightly closed and heavily guarded,

It must be a fierce battle next!

Everyone is ready to fight,

Just wait for Su Bai to order!

Su Bai suddenly howled.

“Second Battalion Commander!”

“Your fucking magic cannon!”


(The second one will be sent, rush rush!).

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