Chapter 192

“Human tribe wins!”

“The score is 0:7!”

Even if Su Bai did not appear on the stage,

Easy to win 5 games in a row!

In the next 3 games,

Terran only needs to win one game to win this big game!

“not that simple.”

Su Bai just finished speaking,

The Mozu sent someone to notify:

The game is suspended.

Because of the concessions on top ~ combat power,

The crypt demons have absolute initiative in the game system.


The two sides still negotiated the game-rules,

If the demons want to modify,

You only have to pay the corresponding price!

In equivalent exchange,

It is indeed possible to make minor amendments if both parties voluntarily.

The Mozu’s thoughts were sent to Su Bai:

“The last 3 team matches were changed to one.

The Mozu has 10 proud masters,

Random out of 10 people from the Terran! ”

“The fool promised!”

Su Bai said NO directly,

Set out his own terms,

“The Demon Race has 10 extraordinary masters, and the Human Race has 10 people at will.

As a price to modify the rules,

If the human race wins the second round,

Need to send 903 celebrity captives to the human race first,

Simple treatment should be given to them. ”

The demons naturally refused to agree,

Both sides are see-saw,

Several rounds of negotiations.

Finally got a format acceptable to both parties:

The Mozu has 2 proud and 10 extraordinary,

Terran allows Su Bai to play,

Plus 4 extraordinary and 7 non-masters!


In terms of paper strength,

Human race suffered a big loss!

The demons made concessions,

Allow Human Race to send 3 people to visit 903 prisoners,

Can be treated in the dungeon,

It is impossible to bring it out.

Both parties modify the rules,

The black cloud above his head did not respond,

It shows that both the Demon God and the Xeon have acquiesced to this change.

Su Bai turned his head and nodded the 4 most powerful masters and the Overlord Team.

As the one who once shredded the proud world master,

No one questioned Su Bai’s debut.

4 extraordinary masters,

Can also have self-protection ability.

It’s just a 7-man team of Overlord, with an average of 299 per capita.

The power gap with the master is too big!

The evil intentions of the demons are obvious!

They just want to take the opportunity,

Unplug these geniuses of Human Race!

Still shameless as always,

After digging the hole, no matter how you jump, the demons will not lose!

It’s impossible,

Can the human race survive without dying alone and easily win?

After taking the stage,

Su Bai suddenly shouted,

“Why don’t you add a lottery?”

“What color?”

People who talk about things in the Mozu,

Is the 67th son of the Devil Emperor,

Master Ao Shi,

Close to the ultimate strength!

“If one of my human races does not die this time,

The rules of the third match are made by my human race! ”

The sixty-seventh prince grinned and said,

“What if one person dies?”

“In this big game, I count as a human loser!”


Such a cost-effective bet,

Don’t you bet on the demons?

He doesn’t believe that Human Race can survive without death!

A full 7 soy sauce bottles,

As long as 2 Aoshi drags Su Bai,

The remaining 10 extraordinary masters stepped forward,

Even if he blew himself up, he could take away one person!

After debut,

Su Bai gave a few simple commands,

Set up your tactics.

There are a total of 24 people in the ring on the north and south sides of the ring.

“The eighth test, start!”

With an order, the 12 masters of the Demon Race rushed out!

According to the plan,

2 Aoshi successfully got Su Bai.

10 extraordinary masters,

But there was an accident!

“The iron cable connects the boat!”

Between the palms of the fire worm,

Flew out 10 railway lines,

Everyone except Su Bai is linked together!(Read more @

Their talents are restored,

Before departure,

The invincible grandmaster eliminated the side effects of the last use.

11 people,

Relying on the iron wire to share the value of life!

Buff sharing, status sharing!

This is also Su Bai’s greatest confidence in initiating a bet!

“Wang Jue BUFF!”

There was a purple light on the king’s body,

The combat power of everyone present,

Have been greatly strengthened!

Not to mention,

7 people originally had 12 layers of dragon souls,

After leaning on the iron cable to share the boat,

The combat power has increased several times!

Shield, recovery, damage reduction!

11 people put on a defensive position,

They just need to hold on!

Hold these 30 seconds, or even longer!

Waiting for Su Bai to free up,

Kill these 10 extraordinary as butchering dogs!

In the cemetery,

The real-time live broadcast just happened to this scene,

The middle-aged person surnamed Ye immediately shouted excitedly,

“With Zhenghe, with Qisheng!”

“Luo Laocheng, I will not deceive!”

What Su Bai did,

Think of yourself as a surprise soldier!

As long as the frontal battlefield defense can be supported,

Terran has a great probability of winning!

The 96 people in the field heard these six words for the first time.

Asked one after another, what do you mean.

After the middle-aged man explained,

Don’t forget to introduce the source,

“This famous saying,

From the military book compiled by Luo Cheng of the Ming Deng!

I borrowed half of Su Bai,

Unexpectedly, this son has such a deep understanding!

This strategy can serve as the commander of the army! ”

Everyone suddenly realized,

Then he became more and more curious about the so-called “Luo Cheng Art of War”.

Su Bai can be achieved in half a book,

How strong should Luo Cheng, who wrote the whole book, be? !

“Unexpectedly, Ming Deng Luo Cheng singled out the world invincible,

The art of war is also so powerful! ”

“It’s worthy of being the existence that made Crack Kong called Dad!”


A rainbow fart,

Luo Cheng in the corner is very useful.

“The cemetery should lack this kind of talent!”


The smile on his face slowly disappeared.

On the live screen,

Su Bai has severely injured an Ao Shi Grandmaster!

Winning seems to be right in front of you.


A defensive formation composed of 11 Terrans,

After 10 extraordinary onslaught,


Luo Cheng, as the invincible master,

How savage vision is,

“If this goes on, it won’t hold up!”

“Can’t hold it anymore!”

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

The fire worm roared,

The demon master who stormed the periphery,

A cruel smile appeared on his face!

No matter how evil you are,

After all, he was only a weaker at level 299, not even a third-rank martial artist!

If it were not for the support of the four clan masters,

The Seven Overlords had been beheaded long ago!

The chains of the fire worm swayed for a while,


A chain of chains couldn’t be held together, it was broken!

“good chance!”

“Set fire to him!”

10 extraordinary masters immediately changed their fire targets!

The only person who was disconnected,

Also yelled,

“Bug, I won’t let you go as a ghost!

You killed Laozi! ! ”

I haven’t finished speaking yet,

He was overwhelmed by countless attacks!

at the same time,

Su Bai made a violent effort.

The Grand Master Ao Shi, who was already badly wounded, beheaded one after another!

Not rest for a moment,

Kill 10 supernatural demons again!

“It’s late! Su Bai, you have already lost!”

In the stands,

The prince let out a hearty laugh.

……. 0 …

12 to 12,

Seeing that the demon master will be killed by the opposite side,

And only one person died!

He even laughed!

“Su Bai, if you lose, you lose too madly, too proudly!

If you don’t make such stupid conditions,

You won’t lose this one,

Lose the lives of more than 900 celebrities from your human race! ! ”

The prince not only wants to kill people,

He still wants to punish the heart!

To count the deaths of more than 900 people on Su Bai’s head!

Become the demon of Su Bai’s life, nightmare,

Make him unable to make the last step!

As long as Su Bai’s invincible road is destroyed,

For the demons,

No matter how many people die, it’s worth it!

Su Bai heard these words and said nothing,

Just keep punching!


10 extraordinary masters,

Failed to survive 10 rounds under him!

“Hahaha, what’s the point of killing them all!”

“Su Bai, you lost!”

The prince is extremely rampant,

If you win this big game, the Mozu has already won!

It doesn’t matter if you compare in the last match! !

On the ring,

The gunpowder dissipated,

I was bombarded by a wave of attacks from the demon master,

The broken leg of the skin that was close to the skeleton frame appeared in front of everyone!

Death is extremely miserable!

Accompanied by the prince’s laughter, everyone almost shed tears for him.


His eyes rolled.

The snow-white teeth showed a big smile,


Everyone: Damn it! It’s a corpse!

The flesh and blood of the skeleton frame slowly recovered,

Pi broke his leg and even danced a veritable skeleton dance!

In front of the demon prince, it is extremely arrogant!

“Unexpectedly, the Lord is alive again!”

The flesh and blood are fully restored,

Pi’s broken leg once again showed his white teeth,

“There are two lives, really good~~~~”

The demons have countless counts,

Not counting the talent of the broken leg, S-level [Immortal Body]!

Even if it is smashed into scum,

I will also be resurrected to show you!


(The first update is sent, rushing! Today is 8 more!) Corpse.

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