Chapter 181

Su Bai sensed the moment the enemy came.

Liu Wanlou also noticed it.

Li Huba, who was opposite him, realized afterwards,

I still don’t understand what happened.

“You stay here, guarding the 97 people in the hall!”


Liu Wanlou’s figure flickered,

Appeared outside the nursing home.

In order to deal with the blood of the Demon King,

The Federation deliberately transferred Liu Wanlou and Li Huba,

A superb, a proud world!

Plus there are hundreds of rivers and crows,

This is comparable to the power of the Great Master!

In the case of invincibility,

It’s hard for someone to kill under their noses!

Even so,

The blood of the Devil Emperor decided to try it!

There are enough chips in front of them,

Let them take risks!

“God said, flying is forbidden here!”

A few kilometers away,

A man in a black robe turned over the holy scripture and tore a page of the book.

There is no fire spontaneously on the pages

Next second,

The crow hovering over the sanatorium was suddenly pulled back to the ground!

When the crow loses the ability to fly,

Their combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened.

“According to the plan, do it!”

5 black shadows sprang from all directions,

The aura of everyone,

Not weaker than the master!

Their goal is clear,

Enter the nursing home!

Even if it’s a self-detonation attack,

As long as enough losses are caused,

The devil will also resurrect them in the crypt!

“Jie Jie Jie Jie…”

There was a hoarse laughter in the air,

“Do you want to pass this way?”

Accompanied by the laughter of the crow,

Jackdaws on the ground began to gather 693,

They make up countless tiny jackdaw crystal arrows,

No need to fly,

Just wait in place.

The effect of the no-fly,

It is effective for everyone!

The demon master must also move forward on foot.

And the jackdaw’s crystal arrow is spread on the ground,

It’s like laying countless nails!

Once stepped on,

Will cause debuffs such as vertigo and slowing down.

The key is,

The crow will take the opportunity to assassinate!

The black-robed men on the periphery,

Tear off a few pages in a row,

“God said, dizziness is invalid here!”

A dark figure strode on the crystal arrow,

There is no hindrance in body shape!

“Kill the one outside first!”

Liu Wanlou held willow leaves,

Want to rush out and kill the enemies who cast area spells!

The props in the opponent’s hand,

Can instantly cast a wide range of forbidden spells,

If you let the other party go on like this,

I will only become more and more disadvantaged!

“Your enemy is me, Mr. Liu!”

A black figure rushed out and stopped in front of Liu Wanlou.

“Go away!”

The black figure took Liu Wanlou’s full blow,



He in turn spit out a black light from his mouth,

Behind Liu Wanlou is a nursing home, unable to escape.

Can only take this blow!


The opponent’s attack turned out to be 70% of the power of Liu Wanlou!

As a demons,

They also have talent.

This person’s SS-level talent, devouring heaven and earth,

Can absorb all attacks and return them!

of course,

This absorption has certain limitations,

With the strength of his proud master,

Trapped Liu Wanlou for one minute at most.

One minute,


There are four figures left,

Did not rush into the nursing home directly.(Read more @

Rush to the crow!

“Kill him! The devil will give the godhead!”

Their goal was the crow from the beginning!

The leader gave a violent shout to remind his teammates,

At the same time, he launched his own talent.

SS level Talent: Level imprisoned!

Centered on him,

The Level of everyone around instantly dropped to 300!

They all returned to the level 300 state!

Su Bai who is only level 299,

I don’t know what happened.

“Now is the time when the crow is weakest, do it!”


Su Bai wanted to ping the question mark,

Which eye do you see that I am weak?

“He is a mage, kill him up close!”

The flag of the other side is getting more and more.

In fact,

Not many people have ever seen a real crow shot.

most of the people,

Just hearsay.

As for the arrow coming,

It doesn’t make sense at all, except that the crow has a super-high damage skill.

In response to the information revealed by the crow.

Everyone has formulated a meticulous siege plan!

No flying, no teleportation, no vertigo.

The crow’s ultimate move has been abolished in half!

From level 700 or higher to level 300,

Everyone’s strength has declined,

But there are four of them!

Looking at it this way, win!

The most important thing is that they are prepared.

Prepared a lot of 300-level cooperating killer moves,

For battles below level 300, they practiced for a whole day!

Regained the feeling of the year.

And as a crow contemporaneous with Zhao Zizhen,

I am afraid I have forgotten what a level 300 battle is like!

Relying on each other’s talents,

They start with hands-on,

Get a huge advantage!

right now,

Just remove the head of the crow item!


A soldier rushing to the front,

Already close to the crow three meters.

The crow remained motionless as if frightened.

Two meters!

One meter and five!

The soldier had begun to accumulate his strength, he seemed to see the crow being crushed by himself!

Before the war,

One of their masters of the prophecy system, at a huge price, won the crow career!

Everyone knows that the crow is a mage!

All the time,

His ghostly assassination made people think he was a thief, and no matter how bad he was, he was also an assassin!

Who can think of it,

The assassination of Grand Master Crow dignified, turned out to be a mage!

Relying on this information,

They developed a detailed melee plan!

As we all know,

The mage is most afraid of close combat.

They have also retrieved surveillance video from Baichuan City,

A few days ago,

When the Yexiao branch was wiped out,

The crows had fought close to each other, and some videos were left behind at that time.

This video has been specially studied by Bai Shouhe.

In the eyes of the master,

A few days ago, the crow was weak in close combat like a brother!

Perfectly fits the identity of the crow mage.

Everything is right!

Can’t say,

In just a few days, the crow has changed from melee combat to melee master!

If the crow really has this ability,

Everyone just wipe your neck!

The soldiers charging at the front have already seen the dawn of victory!


This dawn was ruthlessly broken!

“Strong hand cracked skull!”

A huge force pulls people over uncontrollably.

“Quiet’s power!”

Triggering the Wind Dragon Soul, Su Bai’s heavy fist dashed through the aisles with afterimages in the air!

Even if Ye Yi’s fatal rhythm is on,

Not as fast as Su Bai’s attack speed!

In one second,

Su Bai hit hundreds of punches!

The black shadow following the warrior,

Just a blink of an eye,

Suddenly found,

The soldiers burst open with a bang!

Those who die can’t die again! !

That’s a master who has 90% of his power!

Among the four of them,

It is the strongest existence in melee combat!

It’s just a face-to-face, and it’s seconds by the crow!

“The information is wrong!”

“Quickly retreat!”

There is no fool present,

Everyone found out,

The crow is super strong in close combat!

The misjudgment of this intelligence directly caused the whole plan to become a laughing stock!

“Want to go, have you asked me?”

Everyone is going backwards quickly,

I want to distance myself from the crow.

The flock of crows that had originally stood on the ground all flew up with just one shot!

“how can that be?”

Su Bai suppressed the golden light on her body,

Don’t let the gods twilight be too conspicuous!

From the beginning,

These restrictions have no effect on him!

Just to lie to the other side, acting in a play!

right now,

It’s time to close the net!

The three black shadows were swallowed by the crows, and even a scream was too late.

The crow himself flew out even more quickly, chasing down the outermost shadow!

Liu Wanlou watched the crow succeed,

With a cold snort,

“Enough playing with you.”

A small willow-like slit split between his eyebrows, as if he had opened a third eye.


Next second,

Has the SS-level talent to devour the shadows of the world,

It splits into two directly from it, which is very smooth!

The majesty of the supreme master is beyond the reach of the world!


Su Bai catches up with the black shadow, and the opponent who beats three punches is delirious!

“You, even if you kill me, the people in the nursing home will not survive!”

“Hahaha! 1 outstanding, 2 proud to sneak in, no one can survive!”

The blood of the Devil Emperor, there are more than these 6 people!

Su Bai was not in a hurry,

Smash the opponent’s head with one punch,

Breathing fragrance at the corpse,


In the sanatorium, Li Huba is not the only one proud master!

Those old guys are very bad!


(Sixth update, there is a bit of Calvin today, and there are two more.).

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