Chapter 182

“The crow and Liu Wanlou are gone!”

“Our chance is here, come on!”

Three figures rushed into the nursing home.

Two masters of the Demon Race Ao Shi rushed to the hall,

The hall has the most goals!

Li Huba also guarded there.

Another great master,

There is a separate task to complete!

Among these federation heroes,

There is a very special person,

Is the father of the Great Master!

If you kill him,

Mozu speculates,

This supreme master will definitely step into the demons!

Add one piece to the value of the remaining 9-6 people,

It’s not as valuable as Jue Dian’s father! !

He is the primary goal, worthy of a superb shot!

The two sides act separately,

As long as one side succeeds,

The plan tonight is a success!

“The remnants of the demons, dare to be rampant!”

Li Huba’s strength just broke through,

In Grand Master Ao Shi, he is also a good hand!


Two fists are hard to beat four hands,

not to mention,

Li Huba took the path of melee martial arts.

This makes him much weaker in the means of confronting the enemy!

It took less than 30 seconds to fight,

He was knocked into the air by two Ao Shi Grandmasters and smashed the door of the hall.

Falling in front of 96 people.

They were playing peekaboo now.

Three Ao Shi Grandmasters broke in, and the atmosphere in the room immediately solidified.

Especially the two proud masters, with a murderous look!

“It’s so easy for us to succeed,

The Federation is really careless! ”

Two proud masters of the demons,

Very proud.

They appeared in front of 96 people,

It’s like a tiger entering the flock,

Kill as you want!

Li Huba roared, struggling to get up.

Today he Li Huba is not dead,

These 96 people will not lose a single hair!

“Young man, you bleed.”

An old man got stuck in front of Li Huba,

Words seem to have magical powers,

“You are sleepy now…”

Li Huba’s head became heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep.

“This is… Master Healer?!”

The two proud masters were shocked,

All the masters of the human race. Especially the Healing Master, they all know each other!

Where did this healer come from?

A bad conjecture appeared in the bottom of their hearts.

They looked at the gate,

A middle-aged man has blocked the door,

Coldly said,

“Nearly half of Ye’s subordinates died in a battle in the crypt.

Please give Ye a chance. ”

The two Ao Shi Grand Masters became more confused as they listened,

Give a chance?

What opportunity is there?

Just listen to the words of the middle-aged man,

“Give me a chance to kill them personally!”

Master of the Demon Race: …..

“Little Ye Zi, so much nonsense, I want the one on the left!”

“Strike first!”

“Leave one for Xiaoyezi, and the other for us!”

Two masters of the Mozu,

Surprised to find,

The breath of thirteen masters burst out around!

1 proud of the world, 12 extraordinary! !

It is indeed a tiger into the flock,

But they are sheep,

And these crazy old men…it’s a tiger! !

Sheep are easily torn apart by tigers.(Read more @

“This is the ward!”

The master of the Demon Race found the ward,

“I don’t know if the other two succeeded.”

Push the door and enter,

It was an unbelievable scene that caught his eyes:

A middle-aged man lay on the ground as a wooden horse,

There was an old man on his back.

The old man held the wooden sword in his hand,

He shouted, ‘Kill! kill! Kill all the demons in the cave! ’

It was originally a harmonious parent-child link,

Was smashed by the Mozu Jue Ding.

He wanted to close the door and said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”


The people in the house obviously didn’t give him this opportunity.

The old man burst into a strong sense of war,

The strength of the sixth rank martial artist may not be enough to see in front of Jue Dian.

But among ordinary people,

Also a good hand!

Even enough to serve as the head of the warrior legion!

The old man hides himself deeply, and he has such a strong strength!

What’s more terrifying is that

Patted one hand on the shoulder of the old man,

His whole body’s fighting spirit was stagnant, and he was abruptly suppressed.

“Dad, let me do it.”

The middle-aged man who was lying on the ground,

Standing in front of the old man, blocking everything for him.

He said casually,

“By the way, Dad,

Don’t ride horses in front of your friends next time.

Your son is the best,

People in their eighties,

How much to save some face. ”

He said,

On the other side,

A judge’s pen appeared in his hand, with terrifying power,

Gently poke forward!

A magic spot appeared on the right arm of the Mozu Jue Ding,

Start spreading the whole arm!


Retreat again!

This is the only thought left in the head of the Demon Race Master Master!

In the count!

It was very difficult for the person in front of him to kill him.

But there are crows and Liu Wanlou outside!

If you run late,

Everything is over!

Obviously, it is too late.

The human race in the nursing home is the best,

There was no plan to let him go.

The judge frequently used his pen to draw a prison between the world and the earth, trapping the opponent!

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Liu Wanlou arrived at this time,

A willow leaf rotates,

Cut the right arm of Mozu Jue Ding directly!

The two human races joined forces,

The Mozu Jue Ding took a deep breath,

I am afraid it is rare to know that today!

When he was about to desperately,

Suddenly realized,

Did you miss something? !

My heart sank suddenly,

Liu Wanlou is here, what about Baichuan Crows! !


A huge crystal arrow broke through the window,

The Mozu Jue Ding was hit by the crystal arrow at the last moment,

Abandoned his left arm and got his life back!

Before he could catch his breath,

An iron fist with a big casserole appeared in front of you!


Baichuan Crows, the two human races will make an all-out effort!

Did not leave him any chance to comeback!

…… ……… …

After a fierce battle,

Liu Wanlou tore the Demon Race’s pinnacle by hand,

Stained with devil blood, like a demon god!


After killing the Demon Race, Liu Wanlou and the Human Race were upgraded by one level each.

Su Bai has no such luck.

He turned to leave.

“Wait a minute!”

Liu Wanlou followed,


“Su Bai, good job!”

Baichuan Crow snorted coldly,

“I heard my disciple say, do you want to accept him as a disciple?”

Seeing that the other party is not fooled,

Liu Wanlou didn’t give up, but wanted to talk a little more.

Baichuan Crow threw a sentence,

“Within six days, Baichuan City will arrive as scheduled!”

Liu Wanlou’s spirits lifted up!

he knows,

This is his assassination agreement with the crow!

After a killing,

Baichuan Crows left chicly, but Liu Wanlou wanted to clean up the mess.

Lao Liu, you also have a part-time job!

On the second day,

An explosive news made the headlines of the newspaper.

The bloodlines of 9 Demon Kings,

Attempt to attack the nursing home at night.

Baichuan Crow, Liu Wanlou and others set up an ambush!

The bloodline of the Demon King is completely wiped out, and the Alliance wins!

Another 9 grandmasters were killed, and one of them was the ultimate!

It instantly became a hot topic of discussion across the Federation.

After reading the newspaper,

The office worker put the newspaper aside,

Picked up the coffee and took a sip.

“I told you earlier, don’t do it.

Look, you missed it, right? ”

The office worker touched her hand,

With reminiscences on his face.

“Oh, what a pity.”

“What a good hand.”

“Will you marry me?”


(The seventh watch is sent, and there is another watch, charge!) Corpse.

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