Chapter 180

“Unacceptable, singled out?”

If the skin breaks the leg,

Let the 197 high-achieving students of the Magic Capital University of Wuhan not be able to pull the bottom!

Who are they?

The college entrance examination champions everywhere, S-level talents start, the apprentice of the master!

The proud son of heaven, the star of the future.

Along the way of life,

Who doesn’t grow up like Zhongxing Pengyue?

Everything around them revolves around them!

It’s only a week since I awakened talent

The brat boy who hasn’t taken the college entrance examination,

How dare to be so arrogant?

Many people’s faces are blue,

Even if they are not very convinced of the lonely president,

At this time, he had to stand on the united front with the president.


In their view,

Pi’s broken leg stepped on the face of the entire magic capital of Wu Da!

“Boy, be careful when you speak.

You can scold me and insult my alma mater. Isn’t it a bit too much? ”

The lonely president is tit-for-tat and refuses to yield.

“Laozi has seen you upset for a long time.”

In the words of the broken leg,

“Opening your mouth and shutting up is moral kidnapping.

Do not stand on the commanding heights of morality, point and point, can’t speak, can you? ”

President Lonely wants to refute,

But his broken leg is like a machine gun.

Suddenly scolded a bloody head.

This kid got poisoned,

No one else will do anything.

The faces of the people who were scolded by the broken leg became more and more ugly.

Can’t hate to teach this kid in front of me!

A broken leg can do without a dirty word,

But the blood pressure of people scolded soaring!


President Lonely finally realized,

He can’t win by scolding people.

“Aren’t you going to be singled out? Come on!”

He decided to teach him a lesson.

Just losing to Su Bai was just an accident,

He was not ready at all.

It’s different now!

The lonely president is full of confidence.

“Come on!”

Pi broke his leg without fear.

Su Bai interjected suddenly.

“If you want to make an appointment.

I still have something to go. ”

Mowu everyone:? ? ?

Because you are going to fight,

Turns out you have something to leave?

What is the truth!

“Instructor Su, you are busy with you,

If you don’t convince this guy today, I won’t be named Pi! ”

The fire worm said leisurely from the side,

“You didn’t have the last name Pi.”

Shen Xiu: …..

Some people, yelling and nicknamed, become their real names.

Before he left, Su Bai ordered,

“It’s okay to fight, just admit it if you lose.

If they win, if they shake people,

You shake me. ”

I don’t know when it started,

Su Bai no longer needs to shake people,

It can even appear as a shaken existence.

“Ten thousand hearts!”

Pi broke his leg with confidence.

“Draw down the road, how to fight?”

Not long after Su Bai left,

The two parties have agreed that 12 people will PK each!

President Lonely is very confident,

Everyone has the same talent, and Level is generally higher than 100-200.

How do you lose?

10 minutes later,

There were also 12 members of the Overlord’s group standing on the field.(Read more @

All 12 members of the Magic Capital University of Wuhan have been killed, and they are now alive!

“If you don’t have talent, you can’t play well, it takes so long!”

The top students of Wudu University of Magic,

Long gone the previous arrogance and anger,

Only the unbelievable truth is left to them!

other side,

12 people,

He really won!

Of the 12 people, 9 are still high school students! !

If this news goes out,

Students of the Magic Capital University of Wuhan, don’t even think of raising their heads in front of the Emperor Capital University of Wuhan in this life! !

“Come again!”

12 people came on stage again,

Initiate a PK invitation again.


Unexpectedly consistent!

Until the more than 190 people present, all were overwhelmed by 12 people! !

They actually lost!

Lonely as snow watching the scene in front of me,

He suddenly felt lonely as snow in his life!

Outside the game cabin, someone tried to wake him up.

President Lonely went offline quickly,

“President, your second uncle’s call!”

The second uncle of the lonely president is Master Ao Shi,

The strongest existence in the entire family, the one and only Patriarch!

“Second Uncle, how do you think of me…”

“I heard that you had a conflict with Instructor Xiaosu?”

A majestic voice came across the phone.

The lonely president was taken aback, Xiao Su instructor?

That Su Bai?

“Second Uncle, listen to me…”

“I ask, you answer!”

Even through the phone,

The lonely president can also feel the majesty of Master Ao Shi.

I can only bite the bullet and say,

“A little misunderstanding.”

“Small misunderstanding?”

The second uncle sneered,

“I already know what happened.

I’m here to inform the results,

President of your student council, resign yourself, don’t make yourself too ugly.

The allocation of resources within the clan to you will be suspended from now on.

In the past few years, you spent 120,000 contribution points in the clan’s resources.

Repayment within 10 years, the annualized interest rate is 6%.

As for the damage you caused to the Federation…

Haha, ask for your blessings! ”

After speaking, the phone was hung up.


Listening to the busy tone on the phone,

The lonely president is struck by thunder,

Loss to the Federation?

What’s the loss?

He didn’t understand,

In the end what happened! !

“Lao Liu, do you think this works?”

Li Huba put down the phone and asked respectfully.

“Can you ask me?

I only know that your nephew is an idiot,

how could I know,

Is he such a stupid idiot? ! ”

Opposite Li Huba,

Liu Wanlou didn’t have the slightest grand master,

Smash the teacup directly on the ground, and the teacup is broken into powder.

Liu Wanlou cursed,

“do you know,

12 people who went in with Su Bai.

Each person carries 12 layers of Dragon Soul Buff,

It is equivalent to an extra S-level talent! ! ”

Hearing this, Li Huba took a breath.

He is Master Ao Shi,

The horizon is higher than ordinary people,

Naturally understand what Liu Lao meant.

If according to the original plan,

Su Bai brought 693199 people into the copy,

That would benefit 187 more people!

These idiots,

I gave away the chance I got!

“I can’t eat the rice to my lips.

There is a famous saying from the strongest,

People can’t blame God for being stupid!

That’s it!

As for how to deal with your nephew,

Ha ha…”

That night,

The principal of Wudu Wuhan University, who has always been known for his elegant and easy-going,

After knowing the cause and effect of things,

Angrily smashed half of the principal’s office!

176 Dragon Soul Buffs, that’s it! !

These 176 people, if they can get 12 layers of dragon souls,

The definitive master! !

This great opportunity was so missed!

1 o’clock that night,

Magic Capital University of Wuhan,

A junior male student,

Was dragged out of the dormitory by four security guards,

Thrown at the school gate,

And all his salutes.

He just learned that

I was fired!

Imperial capital, outskirts,

nursing home.

The follow-up to the conflict,

Su Bai doesn’t care.

His focus tonight is still to prevent a surprise attack by the blood of the Demon Emperor.

The breeze of the night blew past my ears,

Suddenly a silver bell of laughter rang in the sky,

Su Bai looked tight.



(Fifth watch, there are three watches left, rush rush!).

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