Chapter 171

“It’s so lively today.”

Su Bai came to the trading secret,

Sitting in the lobby is a tiger and a crown tree man,

The two are reading!

in this world,


Especially reading non-game strategy books,

It is an extremely rare thing!

Su Bai approached quietly,

Seeing the title of the book in their hands:

“How to Fix a Relationship in 30 Days”

“99 tips for giving boyfriend gifts! 》


Su Bai was stunned.

If he remembers correctly,

Both of these are men! ! !

Does your own Tyrant go round and round,

Is there really a fencing buff?

“Tyrant, are you here?”

The sound of Su Bai’s breathing refreshed the two people who were fascinated.

“Ahem, the federal government has recently advocated comprehensive development.

We also keep up with the times,

See what young people like to watch! ”

The two immediately hid the book behind their backs,

This look, this look,

Stains stains stains.

It’s like being caught by the teacher while reading a novel in class!

Su Bai never discriminates against the orientation of others,

If two people get married on the spot,

Su Bai can also send sincere blessings!

The three of them took their seats and started talking about business.

the first thing,

Naturally, Baichuan crows are making trouble in the crypt.

From the crown tree population,

Su Bai learned that

The entire crypt almost entered a state of full-scale war!

As soon as the war rages, the gold is worth two!

The Federation has cultivated health and nourishment these years,

Enough to support an all-out war!

This is also one of Rikong’s confidence!

If it really kicks off,

The Shen family, I am afraid they will donate half of the family property on the first day!

If you don’t donate,

There is no need for the Shen family anymore!

“Money, we have.

We are not short of people.

It’s just that the time has not arrived, so don’t do it rashly! ”

The Crown Tree people gave Su Bai an analysis of the situation,

What the Federation lacks now is time!

Wait for Su Bai and his group of geniuses to grow up,

Each can stand alone,

At the very least, you must have the combat power of a rank five warrior!

Until then,

They are on the battlefield as the main force,

After experiencing the baptism of war, the speed of strength improvement is very terrifying!

It is very possible that several masters will rise in the blink of an eye!

of course,

The growth rate of Su Bai and others is already terrifying!

This makes Crown Tree people look forward to it more and more,

Once they enter the legion sequence,

Command warrior corps-level operations,

Plus the tiger generals who are good at rushing into the battle!

That picture is too beautiful,

Crown tree people can’t imagine!


The Crown Tree people are also a little worried.

The so-called genius is the aptitude in a certain aspect, far beyond ordinary people.

But genius is not equal to generalist!

For example, Su Bai, the future of martial arts is bright,

There is only one B-level talent,

Limited his development!

The only good news is that Tyrant took him through the most difficult novice period.

Otherwise, Su Bai’s uncut jade,

I don’t know how long it will be buried before it will be excavated!

Tyrant sits on SSS-level talent,

The strength is amazing.

But as the name suggests,

Violent, the king is generally arrogant!

He is used to fighting alone,

Even with Su Bai upgrading this kind of thing, Tyrant has done a lot of disgust.

I asked Tyrant once before the Federation,

He decisively rejected 10,000 contribution points!(Read more @

As for Baichuan Crow…

Stop discussing this person.

Routine chaos and order.

The whole world knows the madness of Baichuan Crow,

Many enemies are waiting for the crows to run away,

Cause heavy losses to the Federation!

Three geniuses,

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages,

The Crown Tree people commented in their hearts,

Looking at it as a whole, it is Su Bai with a B-level talent, giving people a sense of reliability.

The Crown Treeman finished speaking about the actions of the Federation,

Looked at Tyrant and asked,

“Tyrant, is it convenient to talk about your things in the catacombs?”

We have already asked Su Bai,

I want to confirm with you again.

We want to know more about the performance of Crow and Su Bai! ”

Su Bai rolled his eyes inwardly.

It’s not good to have too many trumpets

Do three jobs,

The project report has to be done three times!

Su Bai tried to take Tyrant’s perspective,

Explain the story again.

“You mean… throughout the process,

Are your plans made by Su Bai? ! ”

The crown tree man was stunned on the spot.

They originally thought that the crow was the main one and Tyrant was the second one.

who knows,

Su Bai is actually in charge?

Solved the case,

Commanded by Su Bai!

Su Bai,

There is such a superb view of the overall situation? !

He suddenly remembered,

Before Tyrant the crow starts,

Liu Wanlou had already set up Zhilan City with his strategy!

It is said that Su Bai also offered advice,

It was executed by that Han Han Liu Wanlou!

Now let’s look at the two things together,

The crown tree man suddenly found out,

This Su Bai… everybody!

Absolutely chosen commander!

Even if you don’t have a good martial arts,

Su Bai can also stand out from the crowd by relying on his head!

In the heart of the crown tree,

Su Bai’s status has risen sharply, even surpassing Baichuan Crow!

“Good, good, good!”

He even said three good words,

Fully exposed the fact that he has no culture.

Su Bai found that

Since everyone doesn’t read much, they patronize playing games.

When they have difficulty expressing their feelings,

It’s not damned, it’s awesome.

No culture at all!

The world is more cultural,

I’m afraid it’s the author whose pen name is “Xu Wo Yi Mingyue”.

It is said that

The press release of the last time the Great Master Baichuan had cut 11 people,

It was from him.

Many of them,

Su Bai blushed when he saw it.

It is different for cultural people to praise people!

Su Bai took a small book and wrote it down.

Learn the new by reviewing the past.

“I have something upstairs, you are free.”

Su Bai got upstairs.

The crown tree man and Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief.

Watching Tyrant disappear at the corner of the stairs,

The two of them hid the book they had previously hidden,

Take it out again.

Under the book cover, there is another mystery.

They are not reading those two books at all,


“Domineering Tyrant Loves Me”, “Tyrant Loves Me Again”,

These two romance novels with Tyrant as the protagonist,

Very popular among young people.

The two flipped through it casually and found that it looked pretty!

Occasionally, I will exchange my reading experience.

“.” This is wrong! ”

Xiaohu pointed to the mistake in the book and said,

“Tyrant is clearly a fusion mage, why did he write that Tyrant has a hidden dual professional warrior?”

“It’s really wrong, call him to change it!”

It’s rare for the two of them to do their jobs.

Entrust Tyrant and the crows to make trouble in the crypt,

The Assassin Alliance has disappeared,

The entire Federation has gained an extremely precious breathing opportunity!

As the top combat power,

Instead, they relaxed.

It’s just that everyone knows in their hearts,

Under the calm appearance,

A new storm is about to appear!

Su Bai came to the second floor,

Pi’s broken leg finally learned to sit in a chair.

Su Bai is very satisfied.

“Mansan, are you busy?”

Here in Tyrant,

Pi broke his leg and named himself Shen Wansan,

Although Su Bai wanted to laugh,

But still chose to support him.


After the broken leg is his own cornucopia!

“Well, boss, there are a few things that I need to report to you.”

Pile of papers in front of Broken Leg,

Su Bai let him take care of it,

But there are some things,

It’s hard to make up your own mind when he breaks his leg.

It can only be determined after the boss shows up.

“Tell me.”

“First of all, it is the core area of ​​the foggy forest. The development progress is beyond imagination…”

In the private room on the second floor,

Shen Wansan explained the development status of the foggy forest,

If it is too esoteric,

What Su Bai didn’t understand,

His nodding will be more frequent,

Pretend that you understand it.

Pi’s broken leg was surprised and surprised.

As expected of Tyrant, such a rare business knowledge, you can understand it immediately!

Su Bai doesn’t care so much,

Anyway, to the last madness,

He always said: “I believe your judgment, let go and do it!”


It’s so happy to be a boss!


You have a gold medalist like Shen Wansan!


(Fourth watch is sent! There are four more! Chong Chong Chong!).

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