Chapter 172

“So, these are the only things that I need to decide?”

Su Bai looked at three things in front of him:

1. Ask the master for a big price.

Mined the minerals in the core area in one go!

2. Sign a long-term development agreement with Wangucheng.

3. Establish the Palace of the Master and the crow souvenir shop in Misty Town.

the first thing,

Pi broke his leg and was worried that Tyrant would not agree.

Invincible Grandmaster shot before,

All the minerals in the ground surfaced above the ground,

Let the difficulty of mining drop countless.

According to common sense,

Most people will choose a long stream,

Minerals are wealth that cannot be eaten in a lifetime.

There is a mine at home,

It is a great recognition of wealth!

Tyrant does not have a mine at home, but a lot of mines at home!

It is recommended to mine it all at once.

Master Guang’s shot fee,

Will consume 30% of the value of minerals!

No matter how you count it, it seems to be fishing!

“Boss, this land is used to grow herbs, and the income is very high!

After the minerals are excavated, we can make the best use of them! ”

Pi broke his leg trying to convince Tyrant.

But Tyrant raised his hand to interrupt,

“Wansan, just do as you say.”

“There are some seeds of wisdom fruit here, you will plant them in time.”

Pi broke his leg for a moment,

He knew that Tyrant trusted himself.

did not expect,

Tyrant trusts himself so much!

Such a big thing, just after listening to my own talk for 2 minutes and 690 minutes, it was decided!

At this moment Shen Wansan,

I can’t wait to even stop Wansan’s dividend!

Scholars die for confidants! !

The status of merchants has not been high since ancient times!

The head of the Shen family,

His own strength is also at the master level!

But was underestimated by the name of the richest in the world,

The status is not as good as the ordinary master!

“The second one, is there a problem with the Wangucheng agreement?”

Su Bai is strange.

Brother Erno patted his chest to make sure,

They absolutely cooperate with 200%!

“No big problem, just…the conditions are so good, it’s a little hard to believe!”

Pi broke his leg and handed the contract to Su Bai,

Su Bai took a look.

I was shocked!

On the contract,

All the places where the broken leg needs the cooperation of Eternal City,

The other side cooperates perfectly.

As for remuneration settlement?

“.. Within 500 years after the completion of this project, Party A can pay.

Party B can reduce or exempt Party A’s fees based on actual conditions! ”


This is simply selling the Eternal City to Tyrant! !

Allowed by eternal rules,

They gave the most!

Eternal City really worked hard.

In the eyes of Pi’s broken leg,

This is not a dog licking,

This is Licking Saint!

I give you everything I have, and create conditions for you that I don’t have!

“What about their conditions?”

Su Bai was surprised, such an excessive contract,

Eternal rules will allow?

“They asked to build a town in the foggy forest,

To build Misty Town, the land must be under the name of the boss.

And the town requires all professional associations! ”

Su Bai suddenly realized.

If there is a Misty Town that is more closely related to Tyrant,

The town’s professional association,

I must be more affected by myself!

Su Bai can imagine,

Countless people have broken their heads and want to serve in the professional associations in Misty Town!

“Okay, I’m fine.”

Crow souvenir shop,

Su Bai did not immediately agree,(Read more @

Rather, it means asking the crow.

“You did a great job!”

Su Bai patted Pi’s broken leg on the shoulder,

“I will give you a big red envelope at the end of the year!”

As a boss,

Learn to draw cakes for your men.

The development of the foggy forest has come to an end.

When Su Bai went downstairs,

The book Xiaohu and Crown Treeman read has changed again.

As a master,

They can read a 430,000-word novel in one minute!

The happiness of the master,

That is really happy!

Now the two are reading a book called “Arrows”,

Telling the history of the growth of Baichuan crows,

The author’s name is impressively written: Zhao Zizhen!

Su Bai:…

He let Zongshi Zhao play at will,

Who knows, he is so casual! !

Also published a book!

Su Bai suddenly wanted to pretend to be a crow,

I came to Zhao Zi for copyright fees…

Would you really scare Zhao Zi to death?

“Tyrant, one more thing.”

The crown tree man asked,

“We are going to let Su Bai participate in the purification of the Dragon Canyon.

That dungeon was successfully contaminated by Cthulhu, and it needs to be purified regularly, otherwise there will be endless troubles! ”

“Are you interested in leading the team?”

Tyrant snorted.

“Not interested, let the little guys go and play by themselves.”

As expected of Tyrant.

After getting the expected answer,

The crown tree man went back to read the novel again.

Su Bai left the Tyrant reception,

All relaxed,

The feeling of removing the burden of idols,

that’s nice!

Back to Su Bai in Wangucheng,

Soon I learned a new piece of news:

The senior officials of the Federation took the crow, Tyrant, and Su Bai to the crypt,

The general framework is revealed to the outside, boosting the morale of the warrior army!

of course,

The Federation hides many details.

this matter,

It was also agreed by Su Bai and Tyrant before.


Eternal Tyrant, Baichuan Crow, Su Bai in the fifth!

These three people have a resounding combination name:

Terran Trident!


They are talking about three sharp blades,

Each has its own edge.

Together, the three are unstoppable!

Not pointed, halberd, halberd…

Don’t overassociate.

Seeing this news,

Su Bai could only helplessly smile.

Wait until the day when his identity is fully exposed,

You will find that

Terran does not have a trident,

Only one Fangtian painted halberd!

Back to Wangucheng,

Elno has completed his online help.

He chose [God Twilight] as a fusion skill to give to Tyrant.

For the respondent,

Elno is not stingy,

I shared my experience of becoming a Saint Magister:

“Find a Tyrant to be the younger brother.”

Chat box:

‘The other party is typing swear words’.

“The other party cancelled the swear word”

Answering the Lord: “How did a junior like Tyrant get it? Is it eternally sent?”

“Mine is posted, others are not sure”: Elno

Elno is not a demon after all.

He promised each other,

If you are willing to come to Eternal City, you can give the opponent a position in the Mage Palace.

Get it all done,

Elno waited for Tyrant.

“With these diamond-level skill books, after learning to merge, you can get the Twilight of the Gods!”

Elno introduced the skill effects.

Su Bai is very satisfied and learns and integrates on the spot!

“Get the fusion skill [Twilight of the Gods]!”

After the point is full:

Skills: Twilight of the Gods (LV.40)

Effect: Remove all control effects of oneself, and be immune to control skills within 60 seconds, gain 55% attack speed bonus, 100% movement speed bonus, and add (400,000+20%*strength attribute) when physical damage is caused

Consumes 12 million Mana and cools down for 2 minutes.

Su Bai’s present talent,

After strengthening, the CD of 120 seconds will become 48 seconds!

In other words,

Su Bai will turn into a melee madness when he turns on the Twilight of the Gods when he is full of Buffs for hundreds of battles!


In 12 seconds, Su Bai can stack 2 layers of Ragnarok! !

In these 12 seconds,

Su Bai will explode with super strong melee combat ability, not losing to the proud master! !

The existence of the gods at dusk,

While adding life-saving cards to Su Bai,

Greatly strengthened his original heaven-defying melee ability,

Anyone who tries to fight Su Bai in close quarters,

Will be torn to pieces! !

Today’s game time is approaching,

Su Bai simply quit the game.

“You are awake.”

The game compartment opens,

Outside is Luo Cheng’s old face.

it’s getting dark.

Luo Cheng threw a night gown on Su Bai.

“it’s dark.”

“Baichuan Crow should work!”

Su Bai:…

Also let people not rest!

Is this how the Federation treats gold medal workers? !

Su Bai suddenly felt tired.

I really want to destroy the identity of Baichuan Crow…

Forget it,

Today is another day to save the world with a faint vitality!


(The fifth one is sent, I swear by Master Falun Dao, and then boast that I am a dog!

Chong Chong Chong! There are three more! ).

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