Chapter 170

The Mage Hall of Eternal City,

It has never been so lively.

All NPCs above level 600,

They were all fooled over.


After Tyrant proposed that I want to fight 10,

The efficiency of queuing up quickly!

The time they persisted,

It also changed from a few seconds to more than a minute and a few seconds!

at least,

Progress in time units,

Let everyone be satisfied!

“Look, Laozi was also under Tyrant’s full output.

A real man who persisted for 1 minute! ”

The joyous air of Eternal City today,

Extraordinarily sweet.

at the same time,

Outside the copy of the world tree,

Two figures appeared.

“Elf quasi-emperor, please see the elves of the secret realm!”

The voice of the middle-aged man is mighty,

For the first time, the crown on the center of the eyebrows became real,

Condensed and formed, suspended above the head!

Xiaohu stood aside,

The atmosphere dare not come out.

Just this coercion made him want to kneel down!

The space slowly splashes and ripples,

The little tree walked out unhappy.

As if just being awakened,

“What are you doing?”

Her attitude is very bad,

It is totally incomparable to Su Bai.

Be treated so rudely,

The middle-aged man has no trace of anger, and his heart is still water.

As the elves of the world tree copy,

Xiaoshu’s strength was still a bit weaker than the invincible master.

But in terms of status, he does not lose the invincible master at all!

“My human race has a secret spirit…”

The middle-aged man explained his intentions.

Xiaoshu shook his head.

“No, they were taken away by Man 18.”

“What?! Wisdom fruit has been taken away!”

Middle-aged people are rarely shocked,


“Under the eternal rules, how can he take away so many fruits of wisdom!”

Middle-aged people are sure.

A copy of the world tree or an unowned copy,

If you want to take away the fruit of wisdom,

Enough price must be paid!

Su Bai can figure out these rules by himself,

The Federation naturally understands!


Middle-aged people are planning to take their own crown,

Change 3 Wisdom Fruits.

This is already the limit.

This is also the most valuable thing in him.

Hear the words of the little tree,

Middle-aged people are very curious, what is so valuable?

“I can only show you a look!”

The little tree took out a statue of an evil god,

Show off in front of the two people like a show off.

Said to have a look,

She kept holding,

It seems to be telling everyone:

“Look, I have a baby here, envy it!”

I saw the Cthulhu statue,

The body of the crown tree trembled slightly,

This this….

This is not killing the level 99 evil boss,

Is it a statue of evil thoughts that will only fall? !

In eternal history,

Only four people killed the level 99 evil boss,

Three of the evil thoughts statues were consumed.

only one,

It’s in Tyrant’s hands!

When I think of this,

The two suddenly realized!

“It’s Tyrant! Tyrant has replaced Wisdom Fruit!”

The middle-aged man and Xiaohu looked at each other,

I immediately understood what the other party meant.

Why does Tyrant take Wisdom Fruit?

That must be saving people!

In other words, everyone in the nursing home has regained their sanity!

Why do they pretend to be crazy and stupid,

Middle-aged people don’t know.

this moment,

He was immersed in joy and couldn’t help himself!

“Is it all planned by Tyrant?!”

All things are strung together in one line.

Tyrant is standing in the atmosphere! !

Knowing that everyone is safe and sound,

The middle-aged man clasped his fists and saluted, ready to say goodbye.

“and many more!”(Read more @

The little tree called to stop, a little twisted,

“That… I have a secret friend…”

“There may be a master recently, I would like to ask your secret spirits,

How to get along with the host, and what gifts to give when meeting…”

Xiaohu took a breath.

Even if he is a straight man of steel,

I also understood the implication of the World Tree Secret Realm Elf!

She, a copy of the entire world tree,

Are you going to be taken away by Tyrant? ! !

Two straight men,

I was asked by the little tree,

Frozen on the spot.

What gift to give?

They only let the girls drink more hot water.

And ask the girl, who is bullying you, I will kill him.

Xiaohu will ask one more question:

“Do you like ironing? I am super cool!”

He is a true steel straight man worthy of the name!


The two of them didn’t know anything about giving gifts!

The rare stuttering of middle-aged men,

“This, we actually…

I’m a little bit urgent now, can I talk to you in detail next time? ”

“Yes! Just tell me the answer within 5 days!”

For the little tree,

Contains a huge amount of information,

Let the two people fall into shock again.

Tyrant will be able to put the World Tree in his bag in five days?

Shocking! !

The two fled away from the scene,

I can’t calm down for a long time.

“Xiaohu, everything I heard today is not allowed to be revealed!”


“All are federal SSS-level secrets, understand?”



“Let’s go back and seal Lao Zhao’s mouth.”

The middle-aged person was silent, and finally said,

“it is good.”

In the Eternal City,

Su Bai is singles out 20 600-level NPCs.

The opponent formed a team,

Somewhat tricky.

It took Su Bai a full 2 ​​minutes to beat everyone down!


A hearty battle,

An unprecedented gaming experience.

Except for the ultimate move of Raging Crows, you can’t use it.

Su Bai was in battle,

Tried various methods of warfare!

Sometimes close combat, sometimes remote pulling,

Only he can’t think of, nothing he can’t do!

In high-frequency battles,

Su Bai also has a certain understanding of the combat level of high-grade warriors.

in fact,

The promotion time of NPC in Eternal City is too short.

For them,

10% of the strength, 5 or 60% of the strength, it’s not bad!

And TyrantPK,

They have control over their own strength,

It is also improving rapidly!

This is a battle to improve each other!


Su Bai’s speed of improvement is beyond everyone!

After discovering this benefit,

There are even people who have been swiped once by Tyrant,

Try to get the number and line up to fight Tyrant again!

Unfortunately, it was rejected.

He is not ashamed,

Eternal City is too disgusting!

Once defeated, you can still be hard-headed and make some excuses to justify yourself.

Back and forth, I was pressed on the ground and rubbed,

Everyone knows that you are a little spicy chicken!

Su Bai is in full swing here.

In the office,

Elno is also busy.

He opened the Forum of Eternal Magisters Story

Post for help:

“I have a friend, now at level 200, fusion of quasi-magisters, need to integrate several powerful skills, mana cost is not a problem…”

“…Hurry, wait online!”

Before Elno, he boasted about going to Haikou,

Said to help Tyrant raise his combat power to another level!

Now I see the true strength of Tyrant.

Elno felt,

Based on his own wisdom,

This can’t be done!

So the mode of asking for help off the court was opened!

After the post was sent,

Get an extraordinary response immediately!


“Hahaha, the quasi-magister you are talking about, isn’t it you!”

“The child is very ill, I miss peaches!”

“200 can be so strong, do you think you are Tyrant?”


Looking at the ridicule all over the sky,

Elno did one of the most important things in the forum in his life:


Poster: [Hot 701 Saint Elno the Magister]!

When Elno’s Level was actually displayed on the forum,

The post was quickly ranked as the most popular place on 687!

Countless people came in just to see the demeanor of the saint!

“666, we really have a holy magister in our forum!”

“No, no, no one is not a holy magister yet!”

“Since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you compassionately…I don’t know how to strengthen it!”


Elno looked at the explosive thread,


Slapped his forehead sharply,

“I’ve been patronizing the Shui Tie, and forgot about the business!”

Elno reopened a post,

Put my own question up,

Then attached a bounty:

“The accepted answer can be taught by the Saint Magister himself and impart the experience of breaking through the Saint Magister!”

This time,

The forum is directly paralyzed! !

Su Bai just ended the competition,

“Brother, the enhanced skills you mentioned before…”

“It’s editing… No, I mean the skill book is on the way!”

Elno said seriously,

“You have something else to do beforehand.

Wait for the forum to resume, no, I mean, wait until I receive the skill book in the forum.

Come find me again! ”

“it is good.”

Su Bai does not suspect him,

He hasn’t returned to Tyrant for a long time.

Some things happen to be looking for the Crown Shuren and Master Xiaohu.

After Tyrant left,

Elno breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s finally perfunctory.

The forum was rushed to repair,

The post has also returned to normal.

Countless people began to provide Erno with fusion experience!

He also screened one by one,

See which juniors are suitable for you.

“This seems good?”

Elno looked at a fused diamond skill,

The name is very domineering!

Very suitable for juniors who like close combat!

Elno clicked into the post,

See in detail:

“Fusion Diamond Skills: Twilight of the Gods, the effect…”


(The third one is sent! Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!

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