Chapter 156

“Is Su Bai still not awake?”

The jeep convoy is advancing in the wilderness.

Liu Yonggui and the nine-member team were huddled in a car hood.

A straw mat was placed on the floor of the carriage,

Su Bai drunk lying on the straw mat, unconscious.

“Forget it, let me talk to you about the rules of genius warfare.”

Liu Yonggui chose to believe in Liu Wanlou and Ming Deng Luo Cheng.

An invincible, an invincible,

At the same time, they are optimistic about Su Bai, they definitely make sense.

“There are no rules for genius wars, and survival is the biggest rule!”

Liu Yonggui said seriously,

“If you are conspired to die on the battlefield,

Even if the strongest fight for you to get justice,

Killing the cave monsters ten times a hundred times is useless!

You are already dead, there is no way to come back to life. ”

Everyone heard these words,

They nodded one after another, indicating that they understood.

“Ensuring yourself to survive is the top priority for each of you!”

Liu Yonggui continued,

“Secondly, you all entered the crypt to fight for the first time.

No matter how many crypt monsters you kill during this period,

No upgrade, let alone transfer! ”

Liu Yonggui paused to let everyone digest the information.

“When you leave the crypt,

Out of the bronze door,

All crypt monsters killed before will be liquidated at that moment!

The more you kill, the higher the score and the better the job transfer effect! ”

Everyone knows it by heart.

The jeep drove more than two hundred kilometers and stopped at a place beside Daze.

“That’s it.”

Liu Yonggui led everyone out of the car,

At this time, the cave monsters have not arrived yet, they still have some time to repair.

“Remember, the food and water in the crypt are poisonous to us!

The air is actually a bit toxic,

But as warriors, we can resist.

You must not try anything here! ”

Liu Yonggui warned.

For the warriors who have just come to the cave.

Sometimes the casualties on the battlefield are not the greatest.

On the contrary, in daily life,

It is easy to be seriously injured or even killed suddenly because of some trivial matters!

After talking about the precautions,

Liu Yonggui’s conversation turned around.

Start talking about some relaxed topics.

“However, the output of the catacombs is also the most abundant.

The minerals, exotic fruits that can be purified, hardwood materials,

The quality is better than that of Earth or even timeless 〃‖! ”

The crypt puts a lot of manpower and material resources into defending the front every year.

If there is only investment,

Not enough output,

The Federation is already bankrupt!

In fact,

The Federation’s output in the crypt can not only make up for the deficit,

There is even a balance!

The crypt, under the toxic environment, also contains countless wealth!

Liu Yonggui did not wait too long,

A huge black cloud floated towards them.


Liu Yonggui returned to the car, wondering what was upside down in the cloak.

The familiar coercion spread from the cloak!

“Lao Liu is here?”

They dare not ask more, they can only speculate in their hearts.


Su Bai took a group of geniuses to the appointment.

The strongest of the guards is actually the fourth-rank pinnacle warrior.

Is this reasonable?(Read more @

This is unreasonable.

Mr. Liu followed in secret to protect Su Bai and his party.

This is the logical approach.

On the dark clouds,

Standing black and crushing a group of people.

An extremely powerful voice,

Ringing between heaven and earth,

“Liu Wanlou, who hides his head and shows his tail, what a hero!”

A familiar voice came from the hood,

Liu Wanlou said with disdain,

“I and Er wait for the chopsticks, there is nothing to say.”

The voice on the dark cloud is not to be outdone,

“Last time you were besieged by the three of us, you only killed one person and fled in a hurry. Have you forgotten that embarrassing appearance?”

Liu Wanlou sneered.

“Why do you need to say more, you can see the real chapter under your hand! Are you scared?”

“I’m afraid?”

There was a cold snort from the dark clouds,

“I know that your human race has evildoers coming to this world, and my holy race is not weak.

Today, with the blood of your human genius, open the way to heaven for my holy race! ”


Liu Wanlou’s cold snort came from the hood.

Quiet down,

He seemed unwilling to talk nonsense with the existence on the dark cloud.

On the dark clouds,

A Mediterranean that is more than 3 meters high, his face pale.

He withdrew his prying eyes downward.

“It seems that the grandmaster led by the opponent is the old immortal Liu Wanlou.”

Whether it is breath,

Still the tone of voice,

They are exactly the same as Liu Wanlou.

Don’t be fake!

“I’m staring at Liu Wanlou to death here,

Send a signal to the city.

Tell them to proceed as planned!

Two great masters led the team to raid the human line of defense! ”

The Mediterranean master of the crypt ordered.

After solving the city’s affairs,

It looked at hundreds of young monsters behind him.

“As you know,

Human race and my holy race genius fight,

More than half of the human race casualties, and the casualty rate of my holy race is much lower than that of the human race! ”

Upon hearing these words,

All the monsters in the crypt looked excited,

That being the case,

The probability that they will kill the human genius this time will be much greater!

Beautiful tomorrow,

Waiting for them.

After the Grand Master Mediterranean finished speaking, he recruited a few people to his side.


“Those idiots just let them die.

The six of you are the hope of tomorrow for my holy race! ”

Its voice can only be heard by people in the small circle,

“My holy race can win against the human race, it’s not that a genius is stronger!

Relying on wheel warfare, taking fate! ”

Just look at the two sides coming out.

Su Bai has a total of 9 people,

More than 160 monsters in the crypt came.

If Su Bai and the others died, the casualty rate would naturally be over half.

But 70 monsters in the cave were killed and injured, and the casualty rate was still below 50%!


Sometimes it deceives the eyes.

Many people will only use data that is beneficial to them to explain their views.

In past genius battles,

Human geniuses always want to kill a few more monsters,

This led to a high casualty rate.

This truth, the Mediterranean master, of course will not tell the cannon fodder.

If you let the cannon fodder know the truth,

Who will die?

To know,

The crypt monsters are called the most shameless and despicable existence,

It’s not the insult to them by the human race,

It’s just an exposition of their character.

“…” However, the genius of the Slashing Human Race in the first battle,

It is of great benefit to the morale of my holy race, and the promotion reward will be particularly high! ”

The Mediterranean Grandmaster named one person,


You are the second master in this line of geniuses.

Later, you will take the lead and choose the weakest enemy to challenge! ”

The monster called Mashira nodded slowly.

Just at this moment,

It has already selected its opponent.

Let it pick the weakest,

It’s not ashamed at all, it really chose the weakest one!

“Look at the nine people, one of them can’t even stand still!”

“It is said that before the human race goes out, what kind of wine will they drink?

He looked like he was drunk and looking for death! ”

Dark clouds landed slowly.

Mashiro took the lead,

Shouted loudly,

“I want to challenge you in the middle, the most handsome man!”

Its fingers,

Pointed to the person who hadn’t sobered up yet.

For fear that the other party would not dare to make a move,

It also deliberately speaks to anger the other party,

“Can you dare to fight and live?”

The man pushed away the supporting teammate,

He staggered forward and yawned.

“Why don’t you dare?”


(The fifth watch is sent, rushing! There are three more!).

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