Chapter 157

“What did you just say your name?”

“say something!”

Su Bai held Msharo’s head.

Shaking left and right, the other party said nothing.

“Why do not you speak?”

Su Bai was annoyed, and threw Moshaluo’s head a hundred meters away.


Like a ripe watermelon, his head burst open in mid-air.

Mishaluo was already cold.

I only fought with Su Bai,

He was taken the knife by Su Bai, and his head was divided.

“come here!”

Su Bai casually selected an enemy on the dark cloud.

The face of the monster turns white after a single brush.

Keep hiding behind.

“Since the call is made, then you go!”

The Mediterranean Grandmaster waved his hand,

The monster was moved in front of Su Bai.

“Spare, spare…”

It hurriedly begged for mercy, leaned down on the ground and begged for mercy.

It kowtowed and crawled towards Su Bai’s feet.

After climbing to a safe distance,

It holds a sharp blade in both hands,

Go straight to 18CM.

“Go to hell!”

Su Bai slammed on it.

The monster has no time to avoid it!


Su Bai is like trampling on an ant,

Kill it easily.

“What about people?”

Su Bai looked around with drunk eyes and dim eyes.

“Where is the person I ordered?”

Once again no enemy was found,

Su Bai is even more popular,

Shouted at the dark clouds,

“I want to hit ten!”

“Twenty of you, go down!”

Since Su Bai shouted like this,

The Mediterranean master of the catacombs dare to send someone to fight!

It doesn’t believe it,

Facing the siege of 20 elite monsters of the same level,

The drunk human genius can still be unscathed!

It came with hundreds of cannon fodder,

It was meant to be sent to death!

What these cannon fodder need to do is to help the geniuses of the demons,

Find the enemy’s way of fighting and collect more information!

670 If you can,

More consumption of human geniuses!

Su Bai’s first two shots were all kills by one move.

Can’t see the depth at all!

“Twenty, should I see something?”

20 crypt monsters fell to the ground,

Pounce directly on Su Bai.

They have no choice,

The soul imprint is in the hands of the Mediterranean master,

If you don’t go, you will die!

Go, there is still a chance!

Su Bai’s shadows overlapped,


“I’m talking about hitting ten, how come you have hundreds of them?”

“Don’t talk about martial ethics!”

The overlord and others onlookers turned black,

Yes, I haven’t sobered up yet!

Su Bai took a deep breath.

The eyes were round, and the chest was lifted.

next moment,

The figure looked like an arrow, and he shot it out suddenly!


He blasted hundreds of punches in an instant!

Shatter all the shadows you see in your eyes!

Bang, bang, bang!

Like fireworks,

At about the same time, the heads of twenty monsters burst open!

No green blood splashed on Su Bai,

He easily avoided it.

Throw a fist to kill another twenty flies!

On the dark clouds,

The heart of the Mediterranean master sank,

Asked loudly,

“The one below, but Tyrant of Human Race?!”

These words,

All at once amused everyone present!

They even mistaken Su Bai for Tyrant!

Pi broke his leg and rolled on the ground with a smile,

“I’m so ridiculous, they probably don’t know.

Su Bai is just a weakened version of Tyrant,

How horrible the real Tyrant is, they absolutely don’t want to see it! ”

Su Bai said loudly,

“So what! What if not!”

Overlord and others nodded one after another.

Su Bai answered well!

If you say no,

In fact, it’s a bit horrible, and degenerates himself.

But if you admit it is…

Su Bai was too shameless again.

Reminiscent of Su Bai’s usual style,

Everyone suddenly found out,

Seems to admit that he is Tyrant,

This is what Su Bai can do!

In battle,

Su Bai never gives up any opportunity to increase his advantage!

Especially the advantages brought by words!

Put a false name of Tyrant,(Read more @

Can make the enemy cowardly before fighting!

Anyway, on the human side,

Just know that [Su Bai is not Tyrant] from the bottom of my heart!

Why explain so much to monsters?

“That’s Tyrant…”

The Mediterranean Grandmaster’s heart was burning, and he unexpectedly met Tyrant here!

If you can kill it,

How much credit should that be? !

Think about it again,

Now that Tyrant is here,

The Liu Wanlou in the car hood will definitely protect Tyrant!

Even if all the geniuses are dead,

Liu Wanlou will also give priority to ensuring Tyrant’s safety!

“I’m going to die if I take it rashly!”

For my own life,

Plus Tyrant is already drunk and obviously delirious.

It waved a big hand and provocatively said,

“Tyrant, do you dare to single out everyone here?”

“Just let the horse come here!”

On the dark clouds,

All the monsters were thrown down!

Whether it’s cannon fodder or genius,

this moment,

They are all cannon fodder!

No one can live without killing Tyrant!

As soon as they land, no, they haven’t even landed yet,

He has already started attacking Su Bai!

“Fuck, don’t you can’t afford it?”

Su Bai looked at the thousands of extra figures in front of her,

Everyone was regarded by him as a dozen or more!

This is called heads-up? !

Su Bai was angry,

The monsters in the crypt really don’t talk about martial arts!

In the past, I was the only one who didn’t teach martial arts, Su Bai,

Why don’t you talk about martial ethics? !


Su Bai swayed his left leg back, lifting a fist to his waist,

Suddenly a heavy fist blasted out!

Hundreds of figures in front of him were blown by a hurricane, and they were instantly torn apart! !

Kill more than ten people with one punch!

The killing did not stop!

Hundred Battles Buff!


Strong hand cracked skull!

Su Bai is drunk,

Doesn’t mean that he lost his fighting instinct!

In front of him, there is no difference between the genius of the demons and the cannon fodder!

It’s all a punch!

After a few breaths,

Wreckage everywhere!

There is only one Mediterranean master left on the dark clouds,

The eyes were dark, staring at Su Bai.

“Tyrant is really a genius!”

It said again,

“Tyrant, I have dozens of outstanding talents in Zhilan City,

No one loses to you, can you dare to fight? ”

“Just let the horse come here, what are you talking about!”

Su Bai swayed back to the jeep,

Waiting for the demon genius.

And the Mediterranean Grandmaster began to send messages to the city,

“Immediately gather all the geniuses in the city and send them!

Tyrant is here, killing him can break the general trend of the human race! ”

“Tell the front line,

Liu Wanlou must be guarding the way beside Tyrant.

They are very sure to break through the human line of defense in this raid! ”

The subpoena is complete,

There was a hint of cunning in its eyes.

“Human idiots,

Take a Tyrant who doesn’t know the truth or not.

Just want to lie to my holy race?

The ultimate master of the human race must be in ambush nearby! ”

“Unfortunately, the wit of my holy race,

You stupid human race can’t imagine it!

I just have to hold Liu Wanlou, and the two will attack the human line of defense.

Even if the two terrible humans stay on the line of defense,

My holy race will not suffer! ”

The wishful thinking played loudly.

If the human race is at the top, ambush near the war of geniuses,

The two best of the demons,

You can easily break through the human line of defense!

If the human race is on the line of defense,

The two demon clan’s outstanding talents immediately returned to help the genius fight,

3 packs 1,

Even if Liu Wanlou escapes,

You can also kill Tyrant, who doesn’t know the truth or not, here!

This account,

No matter how you count it, you will make a profit without losing it!

Demons and humans,

The see-saw of the battlefield of the crypt,

In fact, it is the problem of the distribution of battle power of the Great Master.

There can only be 3 outstanding players on both sides,

And the ultimate master has a final say on the battlefield!


Victory is at your fingertips!

The Mediterranean Master is very confident,

“There is no surprise at all!”

Near the jeep,

Liu Yonggui whispered,

“Something is wrong!”

Even he can detect the abnormality of the demon master!

The conductor of this trip is Su Bai,

Everyone looked at Su Bai subconsciously.

He was leaning on the jeep at this time, looking drunk.

Seems to feel the eyes of everyone,

Su Bai opened his eyes.


He closed his eyes again and fell into a drowsiness.

A meaningful smile appeared on his face!

Pi broke his leg with joy,

Could it be…. This is also in your calculations?

Outside the line of defense in the Terran Cavern,

Two great masters of the demon race, with monsters that cover the sky and the sun, come in mighty!

“Children, the human race is here!”

“Break the line of defense and kill with me!”


A magical tide like a tide,

Rush to the human defense line instantly!

Between heaven and earth,

A shadow of a willow leaf suddenly appeared.

“Waiting here for a long time!”

Liu Wanlou’s figure stepped out of the void,

Let out a hearty laugh.

The demons were shocked and pale,

“No! Why are you here?”

“You are here,

Who was defending the way just that day? ! ”

Liu Wanlou smiled without saying a word.

The Great Master of the Demon Race immediately understood,

This is a trap!

A trap with genius battles as bait!

Lure two great masters out of the city!

They have been counted! ! !

The master of the Demon Race’s heart sank,

Thought of a more terrifying question!

On the battlefield,

Each side can only have 3 great masters.

Liu Wanlou is here,

Where are the other two great masters of the human race…? !

Where is it worthwhile for two outstanding players to shoot at the same time?

There is only one answer-their hometown!

Zhilan City! !

Outside Zhilan City,

Two outstanding human figures appeared,

Hundreds of well-equipped high-grade warriors appeared at the same time below!

The lowest is also the third rank, the highest is the sixth rank!

“We have a stick of incense time,

Enter Zhilan City and blow up the strategic location of the Mozu! ”

“This is Su Bai and they use their lives as bait,

Give us the precious time to win! ”

“Only success, no failure!”

“Charge with me!”



(The sixth watch is sent, and there are two more changes, rushing!).

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