Chapter 155

Through the heavily guarded tunnels,

A group of people came to a gate.

The door is a hundred meters high and tens of meters wide,

It is cast from bronze and is engraved with cumbersome patterns. The meaning is unknown.

Liu Wanlou knew,

Some people, especially Su Bai,

First visit to the catacombs.

He took the initiative to introduce it.

“The entrance to the crypt is generally 2,000 meters underground.

This is also an important place appointed by the Federation to guard heavily.

Once the monsters in the crypt break through the line of defense,

It is easy to cause huge casualties to cities on the ground! ”

in history,

There have been more than a hundred tragedies in which crypt monsters smashed out of the ground!

They come to the ground,

Will kill wildly,

Then quickly withdraw to the crypt!

The rapid increase in strength brought about by killing the human race,


Also avoid facing the anger of the strongest!

The monsters in the crypt do not lack land,

The reason they want to invade Earth is to slaughter the human race!

The contradiction between the two parties is sharp and unadjustable.

The nine people looked up at the huge bronze gate,

I just feel that I am extremely small in front of the door.

Liu Wanlou smiled.

“Let’s go, there is a link at the bottom of the box waiting for you.”

After verifying the identity,

The bronze door opened a gap,

Ten people entered in file.

Just walked into the bronze door,

A sound wave rushed to everyone,

“A warm welcome to the 49,188th genius match seed players!”

Before them,

Thousands of warriors in casual clothes stood on both sides, welcome!

“All the participants in the genius war are the heroes of the Federation.”

Old Liu explained.

As geniuses, but first-rank martial artists, they began to fight with the monsters in the cave!

The genius battles over the years,

The federal casualty rate remains high, with an average death rate of 40%, and serious injuries by 25%.

Only 35% of geniuses,

Able to walk off the ring alive and successfully get a high-level transfer score!

Such a terrible casualty rate,

Once made the top of the federation hesitate,

Do you need to persist in the genius war!

Itself is to train more strong people,

As a result, most of them were lost here!

The discerning person knew that it was not a bargain when he saw it!


The genius battle is still retained,

Because the Xeon Dark Realm only used one sentence to shut everyone up,

“Grandmaster, life and death are hard to come by!”

The meaning of genius wars,

Not to train large-scale fifth-rank and sixth-rank martial artists!

It is a cruel screening mechanism in itself!

The screening that exists for the master!

Someone has counted,

Those who survived the war of geniuses,

The probability of becoming a master is a hundred times higher than others!

Su Bai and others are about to go to the genius battle,

Among them, there may also be future masters.

Even the proud master, the ultimate master!

Thousands of warriors join the road to welcome

It is to encourage them and recognize their courage and strength!

“Su Bai, look!”

Follow the direction of the skin’s broken leg,

Su Bai saw,

A handful of heavily armed warriors are waiting for them in front!

There was a plate covered with red cloth in his hand!

“Which one of you is Su Bai?”

The leader, with only one arm, is carrying a huge spear behind his back.

The murderous aura made everyone around him afraid to approach!


Su Bai doesn’t know what the other party is looking for.

The one-armed man with a gun stepped forward and looked at Su Bai’s eyes.

then,(Read more @

Kneel down on one knee and sink into dantian,

“Liu Yonggui,

Fourth-rank pinnacle warrior, famous disciple of Ming Deng Luo Cheng, deputy commander of the crypt!

The parents were brutally attacked by the night lords, and years of seeking enemies and revenge failed!

Ye Xiao died at the hands of Master Crow,

This grace, I will never forget Liu Yongen! ”

Listening to Liu Yongen’s words,

Su Bai remembered.

Qin Lin once showed him a video,

In the video,

A one-armed spear king single-handedly singled out the Imperial Capital’s Chongshan Wuguan!


Su Bai thought it was a master Zhao Zizhen invited.

did not expect,

It turned out to be for the crow!

“Deputy Army Commander Liu, let’s stand and talk, and don’t build the feudal system.”

Su Bai helped Liu Yonggui with both hands,

Liu Yonggui also wanted to resist, who knew that a huge force came from Su Bai’s hands.

Raised him directly!

The scene was a bit awkward…

A dignified deputy head, still maintaining a posture on one knee,

Su Bai directly lifted it up!

The two of them looked at the same level, and there seemed to be a dubbing in their ears:



Liu Yonggui’s martial artist held a smile on his face,

This picture is really funny!

Many people took out their mobile phones,



Commemorate this beautiful moment.

Liu Yonggui hurriedly stood up straight, his feet returned to the ground, and his IQ returned to the high ground.


In order to cover up the embarrassment just now,

Liu Yonggui decided,

Skip to the next link,

“Shang Zhuang Xing Jiu!”

The awkward atmosphere was swept away,

The red cloth on the nine trays was uncovered,

In each tray, there is a bowl of spirits!

“This wine, on behalf of the Cavern Army Corps, I respect you all,

For you all! ”

The wine is in front of everyone,

Everyone looked at Su Bai.

He is the leader, and he drinks first if he wants to drink.

“I’m not yet eighteen, so I don’t usually drink alcohol…”

Liu Wanlou directly interrupted Su Bai’s spellcasting,

“speak English.”

“Finally got a chance to drink…”

Su Bai glanced over everyone present,

They are all like Qin Haijiang, fighting on the front line of the crypt,

This is the backbone that supports the Federation!

This is the guarantee of Earth’s stable life!

They toast themselves wine,

How can the small bowl contain this arrogance?

“Change a big bowl!”

Su Bai made a sound of three words.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment.

Then burst out loud cheers!

“Good! Shanghai bowl!”

The small bowl of wine was withdrawn,

The sea bowl bigger than Su Bai’s face was brought up!

A bowl of wine is an altar!

Su Bai raised the sea bowl and said nothing,

A bit stuffy!

“Boy! I like you!”

“Yes, you are the eldest man!”

Many warriors have been fighting in the crypt for many years,

It’s not the first time I’ve seen a genius to drink see-off wine.

So proud,

Su Bai is the first person!

Su Bai’s cheeks are reddish,

Spit out a breath of alcohol,



He wants to drink!


No one will refuse Su Bai’s 667 request.

“The second bowl, to all heroes, protect my homeland!”

The first bowl is strong, the second bowl is in return!


“This third bowl…”

Su Bai’s eyes are still a little blurred,

“For the day of my human triumph, congratulations!”

Everyone only felt their scalp numb, their bodies were boiling with blood, and they clenched their fists.

Can’t help but yell out with Su Bai.

“For the day of my human triumph, congratulations!”


He Caisheng penetrated the sky and echoed over the entire battlefield!

All the warriors of the Imperial Capital Cavern Army Corps,

Infected by this emotion, I am so excited!

This young man, with just three bowls of wine and three sentences, won the respect of everyone!

Dried three sea bowls of spirits,

Su Bai showed around the bottom of the bowl,

Not a drop left!


He fell headlong into the jeep and fell asleep.

Everyone: ….

“It seems that he really doesn’t drink alcohol…”

Liu Wanlou smiled bitterly.

“Proceed as planned.”

“Liu Yonggui, you take your subordinates to escort them to the location of Genius War!”

“Everything, listen to Su Bai’s command!”

Liu Yonggui looked at Su Bai who was asleep in the car,

There is a worried look on his face.

Liu Wanlou smiled.

“You can rest assured.”

“This kid, at a critical moment, never disappointed!”

“He is the one who asked your master Luo Cheng to take the initiative to protect the Tao!”

Upon hearing this, Liu Yonggui was completely relieved.

“All of them!”



(Fourth sent, rush! Ask for a fresh flower monthly evaluation ticket!).

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