Chapter 138

Keep the letter.

Su Bai pretended that nothing happened.

Look at 3 diamond skill books.

There are still many diamond skill books in the Mage Hall of Eternal City,

Erno could not be given to Su Bai due to permissions.

Even with gold coins and contribution-point buying, it won’t work!

Can only wait until the next task is generated,

Elno thinks of ways to use power for personal gain,

Get some diamond skill books for Su Bai,

The three books in Su Bai’s hands are not the property of the Master Palace.

It will not be Elno’s private possession.

If anything, he would have used it himself or given it to Su Bai.

A note fell into Su Bai’s palm:

“Little Junior Brother, these 3 skill books are a meeting ceremony for certain Magisters in order to join the Mage Palace, don’t worry, accept them!”

The 3 diamond skill books are:

[Holy Light], [Rain Dispelling], [A Song of Courage]

One treatment, one to reduce the debuff, and one to increase the buff.

Without Erno’s reminder, Su Bai also knows that these three skills can be integrated.

“Successful integration!”

Fusion Skills: Recovery Monsoon (LV.1), Level upper limit LV.40!

Su Bai still has more skill points,

Before seeing the effect, I just filled the recovery monsoon point.

Diamond level skills, you will never lose a point!

Skills: Recovery Monsoon (LV.40)

Effect: Knock the enemy back (100+5% spirit) distance, and provide (50W+60% intelligence) life recovery to the designated units around for 15 seconds in total.

Dispel all negative effects below the diamond level, and randomly add 5 positive Buffs for 10 minutes.

Skill cooldown for 7.5 seconds (after talent enhancement), Mana consumes 300W per second

Su Bai’s intelligence is nearly 400,000 today.


Under normal circumstances, Su Bai can milk 740,000 blood per second.

A recovery monsoon, 15 seconds can provide more than 10 million life recovery!

If Su Bai stacks up the Hundred Battles buff,

After the attributes skyrocket, the milk volume will also increase!

Of course, for Su Bai,

Battery life is more dependent on ravenous crows.

The crow’s blood sucking effect and the upper limit of life have been increased, ensuring Su Bai’s continuous combat ability.

After many fierce battles,

Su Bai’s life limit is close to 100 million!

The recovery of the monsoon has the greatest effect on Su Bai,

Not milk volume,

It’s the dispersal of the debuff!

Whether it’s to yourself or your teammates,

This dispelling effect is very powerful.

As for the 5 positive buffs randomly added,

It’s like an appetizer dessert, better than nothing!

“It makes up for a small shortcoming.”

Su Bai put away the skill introduction.

set off!

Goal: A copy of the world tree!

6 hours today plus 6 hours of game time tomorrow,

Strive for SSS level clearance for 12 hours in one breath!

The entrance to the upper-level copy of the world tree.

“Fortunately, Fireworm, you are rated by SS, you can take us to the upper level dungeon.”

The Overlord Team of Seven was assembled again.

The difficulty of the upper-level dungeon is much higher than that of the lower-level.


The income is also much higher.

In the same six hours, the lower-level dungeon may only be upgraded to level 40, and the upper-level copy can be upgraded to level 60!

“It’s a pity, Su Bai can’t be with us this time.”

Pi broke his leg and returned to the team.(Read more @

However, he was obviously thinking about other things in his heart.

Some are absent-minded.

“cheer up!”

Overlord finished the final inspection work,

Cheer up,

“After finishing the copy today, the interview for the summer camp will begin tomorrow!”

“I heard that there were a lot of fierce people in this summer camp!

Don’t lose to them, you lose Su Bai’s people! ”

The whole team,

Now they are half a student of Su Bai.

As soon as I heard the words of Bawang,

They are more vigorous than guarding the glory of S-class.

“Start to break through!”


One of the hidden Assassin Alliance headquarters.

A secret meeting is going on.

“This time, our second holy spirit to the twelfth holy spirit,

Except for the disappeared ninth holy god.

All the other vassals of the holy gods are united in rare cases!

It can be said that the alliance at this moment is unprecedentedly strong! ”

The person who presided over the meeting was a mysterious master.

His words aroused cynicism from many people.

“The ants hug each other in a group, just wanting to challenge the dragon?”

“If you call us to talk about this kind of nonsense, then it will be avoided!”

For the future of the alliance,

The vast majority of people are pessimistic!

Tyrant’s potential is terrifying.

In just a few days, he can kill the Grand Master.

In the not-too-distant future, the achievement of the strongest is sure to come true!

Tyrant is still a potential threat.

Two deadly threats were placed in front of everyone:

Assassinated Master-Crow!

God abandoned people, a group of bald lunatics.

Although the bald lunatic declared to the outside that he followed the thirteenth evil god, the crow evil god.

But no one has ever heard of this name.

No one knew the real name of the Crow God.

The people of the Assassin Alliance are still used to calling them the people abandoned by the gods.

Since last night,

The Forsaken Man makes a frantic attack on the Assassin League branch!

After they ignited themselves, they started to kill, and the mad dog fighting style was brought to the extreme!

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Being so troubled by them,

There are really a few branches that couldn’t stand the pressure and were defeated!

The people who are meeting here today are panicked.

Many people have packed their luggage and are ready to go to the cave to be a mouse for a lifetime!

The grandmaster host said loudly,

“Everyone, don’t worry!”

“The reason why we have fallen to the point where we are today is that we are inseparable from one person!”


After uttering the name, the atmosphere in the entire venue became a lot colder.

The host quickly said,

“Every time, our plan will hit Tyrant and be ruined by him!”

“So, we prayed to the Holy Spirit and paid the price of being seriously injured by a prophecy master!

Just three hours ago, an important piece of information was exchanged! ”

Everyone’s eyes focused fiercely.

What information?

…… ….. …….

“Tyrant’s weakness!”

The host also doesn’t sell off,

“As we all know, Tyrant’s continuous output, burst output, movement speed, and endurance are all at the top level!”

“But… Tyrant’s level of healing is not as good as a healer!”


You fucking listen to what you say, is this human?

Take a mage less than level 200,

Comparing the healing ability with the healing master,

Will your heart hurt?

Go out and turn left at the Psychiatric Department of the Ninth Hospital. Thank you!

Everyone yelled,

“I know it’s a fart!”

“Tyrant is a mage. Thank you. You don’t need milk teammates if you kill the enemy.”


“be quiet!”

The host raised a black square in his hand,

There seemed to be terrifying energy inside, making everyone tremble.

He said triumphantly,

“The Holy Spirit has lowered a part of the divine body!”

“You can distort the dungeon rules, contaminate the dungeon, and even drag the entire dungeon back to the kingdom of the holy god!”

He briefly introduced to everyone,

How the rules will be distorted.

Everyone suddenly realized.

if it is like this,

Even Tyrant can’t turn the tide.

They are very confident,

The twisted rules are set for Tyrant’s weaknesses!

If this can be overturned by Tyrant,

They would like to call Tyrant the strongest!

“This time, as long as you successfully pollute the copy of the World Tree!”

“My lord promised to lead us through the Forbidden Sea and return to the Kingdom of God without going to the crypt to escape.”

At last,

Everyone passed the plan unanimously,

They have seen a bright future!


(The third one is sent, rush rush!

Ask for a flower monthly evaluation ticket! Thank you! )corpse.

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