Chapter 137

Leaving the trading secret.

Su Bai rushed to the next place-Mage Hall, the office of Brother Erno.

He had cleared the lower-level copy of the World Tree before at the SSS level.

Eligible to challenge the upper-level copy of the world tree.

Due to the strength of the monsters in the dungeon, it changes with Su Bai Level.

So early and late are the same.

If there is a chance, Su Bai wants to try to capture a copy of the World Tree!

The water secret has helped Su Bai a lot,

When collecting life spring water, it has a miraculous effect.

This is still the weakest secret realm!

As a large copy of the World Tree, if it is compromised,

Not only Su Bai himself has benefited a lot!

Even with the Federation, there will be an increase in overall strength!


After a hundred years,

No one has yet been able to conquer a copy of the World Tree!


The three of the Xeons also shot,

Rarely came home from a feather.

Three conditions are required to conquer a copy of the world tree:

1. SSS level clearance upper and lower level copies.

2. Obtain the world tree shoots

3. Plant the sprouts of the World Tree to survive!

Among them, according to the SSS-level confidential information:

The Xeon Dark Zone has completed the first two items,

Stuck in the last item.

The sprouts of the world tree must be irrigated by the spring of life!

The dark field can’t plant it alive either,

In the end, I can only choose to make the buds into a staff! 657

This is also the strongest weapon in the dark domain!

Review the content of the strategy in the bottom of my heart,

Su Bai set a small goal for this dungeon trip,

“Clear the upper-level dungeon at the SSS level first.

If there is a chance to get the world tree shoots, it will be perfect! ”

For the Xeon,

Lifeless spring water,

The shoots cannot be planted, and the world tree copy is as difficult as reaching the sky.

But Su Bai has a whole pool of life spring water!

Over ten thousand drops!

If he is happy, it will be no problem to boil the spring of life and take a bath!

The hardest thing comes to Su Bai,

It’s the easiest.

of course,

The upper-level copy of the world tree wants to reach the SSS level,

With Su Bai’s current strength, there is a high probability to do it, but it is by no means easy!

“The Mage Hall is renovated?”

Su Bai looked at the renewed Mage Hall,

Dozens of embarrassing banners hung on it.

As for what is written on the banner,

Even if Su Bai doesn’t look at it, he knows it in his heart.

These shameful guys…

Ashamed of waiting for you! !

Can’t I be as low-key as Tyrant? !

The entire Wangu City,

Now they are all looking coldly at these upgraded wizards who show off crazily,

Jump up and down!

Like a monkey!

Today’s Eternal City, except for the Hall of the Master,

The unprecedented unity of all other professional NPCs,

Everyone reached two consensuses:

As long as you praise Tyrant, we are good friends!

As long as you scold the Master Palace, we are brothers!

Su Bai lowered his head and wanted to walk into the mage hall.

“Idlers don’t enter!”

A slightly familiar old man stopped Su Bai.

“Aren’t you the 399-level Magister Fred?”

Su Bai said strangely,

“The strength of the Mage Palace is so strong, the Magister is here to guard the gate?”

To know,

A few days ago, in the Mage Hall, 399-level Elno was firmly seated as the deputy head of the palace!(Read more @

“you are?”

Fred was taken aback.

Tyrant? !

He turned around and walked away.

I can’t afford to lose this person…..

When we first met, he showed off his level 399 status to Tyrant.

When we met for the second time, he stopped Tyrant from letting him into the mage hall.

Fred has already begun to think about it,

Should I change my career?

Su Bai was unimpeded all the way,

Came to Erno’s office,

“Brother, the luggage is packed, ready to go out?”

Su Bai asked, pointing to the luggage in the corner.

Erno’s expression froze, and he remembered his previous travel plans.

Must find a way to destroy the physical evidence!

If the truth is discovered, you will be embarrassed!

Elno pretended to be calm,


“Why forgot about this.”


He provokes flames casually,

Burn the luggage bag clean.

Su Bai:? ? ?

What is this operation?

Su Bai asked.

“Brother, it seems to be the treasures of your magister’s time.

Robe and Wand and Magister’s Diploma…”

Elno said seriously,

“Little Junior Brother, have you noticed any changes in the Mage Palace recently?”

“Isn’t it always like this?”


Elno said with a sorrow,

“The entire Mage Hall has fallen into an unprecedented impetuousness!”

“Everyone is showing off their break through, showing their power unscrupulously, but they don’t have the state of mind that is indifferent to fame and fortune!

Is this still the mage palace we are familiar with! ”

Elnor’s words were loud and loud.

The words are awe-inspiring!

Su Bai really wants to refute: You have always been so impetuous!

The whole world knows that you have been thinking about upgrading for a long time.

In order to upgrade, Fred can even condescend to help you guard the door!

But the other party is a senior after all,

Su Bai agrees against his heart,

“That’s what the brother said,

But what does this have to do with burning luggage, brother? ”

Su Bai noticed something wrong.

Brother, this is changing the subject!

Elno spoke eloquently,

“Burning the Magister’s luggage is to bid farewell to the past!

From today,

I’m waiting to concentrate on studying magic, don’t indulge in the enhancement of power! ”

He shouted loudly,


The 399-level magister reluctantly walked to the door,

“Call your grandpa what to do?”

“If you dare to talk to the deputy hall master like this, I will send you to the magic tower to dig black stones!”

Fred rolled his eyes.

The villain is determined!

Frantic, you are furious!

When Laozi becomes the curse magister, I will give you a hammer on the ground!

Elno ordered,

“Go and pick up all the banners on the Mage Hall!

And the 9713 advertisements placed in the city were replaced with Tyrant public service advertisements! ”

“Didn’t you let the banner hang?”

“If I let you go, you go! Hurry up!”

Drove away Fred,

Elno regained his indifferent expression.

“Little Junior Brother, I hope you will experience an increase in your strength.

Don’t show off everywhere like these negative examples! ”

Are you not the biggest negative example?

Su Bai is really powerless to complain.

After explaining his intention,

The two chatted briefly for a while.

In the development of the Misty Forest, Elno stated that Wangucheng will fully cooperate.

There is nothing to say about the Raiders of the World Tree dungeon.

Su Bai said goodbye.

Before leaving, Elno quietly gave him three diamond skill books.

Let Su Bai leave the mage hall before opening it.

Sent away the little brother Tyrant,

Elno breathed a sigh of relief.

“Finally didn’t show anything!”

“It’s a pity that my costume of the magister is still a limited edition!”

It’s a pity while talking,

Elno turned on the computer,

His eyes glistened,

He excitedly opened the Magister’s chat group,

Entering text….

“Friends, I haven’t told the story of my breakthrough to the 599-level curse magister for 3 minutes!”

“Speaking of that day…”

Su Bai walked out of the mage hall,

Take out the three diamond skill books given by Elno,

“It’s mysterious, hey, what is this?”

There was a letter between the skill books.

The envelope read:

[Little Junior Brother Tyrant_ Pro Qi].

“Senior brother, if you have something to say, it’s okay. Why do you have such trouble?”

Su Bai opened the letter and read it.

“Little Junior Brother, see the words as they are.

You see this letter…”

Su Bai’s face gradually became weird.

After reading the letter, he understood everything!


Brother’s luggage is for running away! !


(The second one is sent, Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!

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