Chapter 139

Su Bai, the Overlord Team of Seven,

While entering the upper-level copy of the world tree.

A group of powerful men in black,

With the body of the evil god in his hand, he forcibly broke into the instance!

They skipped the previous leaf world,

Came directly to the final level,

“right here!”

A man in black is holding a black square in both hands,

Respectfully placed on the ground.

“If you want to awaken the gods, you must offer sacrifices!”

He just finished speaking,

Half of the people in the team broke out,

Suddenly attacked the other half.

The black blade easily pierces the opponent’s defense,

Leave a wound on the opponent!

“You guys, what are you doing?”

The injured man shouted in horror,

They didn’t expect the plot to be this way!

They are running dogs of evil gods,

Naturally know that the alliance between each other is very fragile.

But unexpectedly,

Fragile to this point!

At the beginning of the plan, half of the people were killed by themselves!

There was black blood flowing from all the wounds,

As soon as the blood appeared, it immediately flew towards the black square.

The black square started to squirm, and after absorbing the blood, it gradually awakened its activity!

The injured found,

The wound cut by the black blade cannot heal!

Even if you use diamond-level skills,

It can’t be treated!

I can only watch the life value go by a little bit,

What’s more terrifying is that they can clearly feel it,

The origin of my own life is also passing away!

this means,

Whether it is games or reality, they are all experiencing death!

An irreversible death!

Locked by the body of Cthulhu, there is no possibility of escape!

The strongest can save people,

Are they worthy?

Under the shadow of death,

All the people who were regarded as sacrifices issued the most vicious curse!

“You will die under the crow! Die under the crow evil god!”

“That flame burns every one of you! Until it burns your soul to ashes!!”


In the end, in the wailing, everyone died in pain.

The faces of the living are not pretty.

It was originally a successful plan,

When the other party is dying,

But it made their hearts stained with haze.


For the Cthulhu running dog, it is synonymous with the god of death in the night!

The leader of the leader shouted in a low voice with dark eyes,

“Keep moving!”

The sacrifice has been offered,

Cthulhu’s physical activity was gradually awakened.

Half of the people alive turned their backs, waiting for the world tree rules to be distorted!

Don’t look at God directly!

This is not a clone of God, but a real body!


Was interrupted by someone with the strongest surname Yan,

But after all, it is the body, possessing power and strength beyond the imagination of mortals!


It is impossible to distort such powerful rules of the World Tree!

The black square expands into a huge irregular sponge bubble,

A little bit into the ground!

At last,

The entire leaf space becomes black,

And with the terminal leaf space as the center of the circle, the pollution spreads around!

When his power spread throughout the world tree leaf space,

Cthulhu can be separated by thousands of miles, breaking the space restrictions,

Take away the entire world tree!

“The rules have been twisted!”(Read more @

The leader ordered,

“Don’t remember it wrong,

In the twisted rules:

Skills that cause damage are twisted to increase the upper limit of the enemy’s HP!

The upper limit of HP increase is 1% to 5% of the damage value!

1 million damage is hit, and the upper limit of HP increases from 10,000 to 50,000!

The skills that cause healing are twisted to cause 200% damage!

1 million treatments, 2 million injuries caused!

Buff becomes debuff, and vice versa.

Everything is reversed in two levels,

All the effects added by leaving the copy disappeared.

Did you remember it clearly? ”


“Do it!”

The leader gave an order,

Everyone started.

Bombard the BOSS in front of you!

Give the BOSS crazy debuffs.

Their damage fell on the BOSS, which became the upper limit of HP!

The debuff became Buff!


In the end, the upper limit of the boss’s HP will continue to grow, and the Buff on his body will also increase!

“Even if there is no way to pollute the entire world tree leaf space.

As long as you keep the last boss from being killed, after 6 hours,

The Holy Spirit can also take away the core of the World Tree!

Completely abolish the copy of the world tree! ”

With the blessing of the body of the evil god,

In the end, the BOSS will not launch an attack on them,

And they can strengthen the final BOSS infinitely in the next 6 hours!

Watching the black spread out a little bit,

The leader is full of confidence,

“The most powerful part of this plan is:

It will never be disturbed by Tyrant! ! ”


“He is a mage, can he still milk 1 million blood per second?”

“Brothers, work harder now, Tyrant will be so desperate to see the boss, hahaha!”

When I heard this, everyone was full of energy!

Tyrant seemed to be deflated!

The whole leaf space is filled with cheerful air.

The release speed of everyone’s skills,

It’s a bit faster!

BOSS, also becomes stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye! !

They even chanted,

“Come on and work hard, laugh Tyrant and stop!”

“Something is wrong!”

Fire worms solved a plant in front of them,

In the body of the plant, dark blood is flowing!

Fireworm smelled of conspiracy, no, the smell of evil god!

“Indeed, it seems to be back in Slaughter City!”

The terrifying memories of the Overlord Seven Squad came to my heart again…

The endless crows will be the nightmare of their lives!

“It must be the Cthulhu that polluted the world tree space!”

“Everyone pay attention to your surroundings and stay vigilant!”

“Tyrant is coming to the World Tree copy today, don’t be afraid!”

The last sentence gave the seven people countless confidence.

Tyrant is there, don’t worry, he is the most reliable existence!

Only Nian Xiaoyao whispered,

“It would be great if Su Bai was here!”


Su Bai looked at the black plant in front of him, lost in thought.

He just blasted three fatal natural disasters.

The other party not only eats it all, but even has some thoughts?

The attack of the crow is like tickling.

Are the current dungeon mobs so brave?

Su Bai all means,

The mobs remained motionless, and their blood volume even increased!

Su Bai thoughtfully.

The mobs were obviously contaminated by Cthulhu.

Harmful skills are invalid, light skills?

After using a few magic scrolls, it still doesn’t work!

Ping A? Still invalid!

Su Bai tried to throw out various potions and sum up the pattern.

Soon, he realized,

Under the distortion of Cthulhu, everything is reversed!

He first blasted a death disaster at himself.

Has the HP limit increased? !

“According to this line of thinking, if you want to cause harm.”

Su Bai did not directly use the recovery monsoon.

In case the treatment will also make the monster stronger, the situation will be terrible!

He threw out a small bottle of blood medicine first.

The blood medicine smashed on the black plant, sizzling, and a black smoke appeared.

-200! -200!

“There is a play!”

Su Bai directly released the recovery monsoon,

The skill with a large casting range instantly purifies the entire 5.9 leaf space!

Under the treatment of the black plant, the blood volume quickly bottomed out!

The leaf space that originally took a few minutes to solve,

Now it will be cleared in less than 10 seconds,

Su Bai’s monster spawning efficiency has been increased strangely! !

“Do these evil gods specialize in charity?”

In Slaughter City, a ooze monster helped himself to acquire attributes.

In the world tree, another unknown evil god, help himself improve the efficiency of spawning monsters!

“We must repay this kindness in the future!”

Tyrant’s knowledge and gratitude report is known to the world!

Clean up the entire leaf space,

Su Bai is going to the next leaf space,

Before him, the void oscillated.

A reduced version of the green wizard appeared in front of Su Bai.


Before it could speak, Su Bai threw it directly over the recovery monsoon!

Caused massive damage to it,

The entire copy of the world tree shakes violently! !

“It seems… the wrong person?”


(Fourth sent, thank you everyone, rush! Come back after dinner to continue the code word!).

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