Chapter 136

“Is this your billion-point idea?”

Su Bai looked at the pile of plans in front of him,

What is written in it is the specific operation of how to develop the foggy forest.

Even if you just flip through it casually,

Su Bai can also see,

This plan comes from the hands of a business expert!

Very professional and very grounded!

According to the implementation of the plan,

Su Bai only needs to spend 700,000 contribution points,

Within 3 years, the development of the foggy forest land can reach more than 60%!

In this way, the bet between him and the Federation and Wangu City would be completed.

These plots will belong to Su Bai forever!

have to say,

The emergence of this plan,

Solved a small trouble for Su Bai.

He originally planned to entrust this piece of land to Wangucheng to help develop it.

In that case, the income will naturally be divided among the Ten Thousand Ancient City.

right now,

Su Bai can be his own boss!

Pi Broken Leg comes from the Shen family, known as the richest family below Xeon.

This plan,

It is reasonable if the family members are helping to ghostwrite.

If Pi Broken leg wrote it himself,

Then his business achievements are immeasurable in the future!

“You wrote this yourself?”

Su Bai was too lazy to guess and asked directly.

Pi broke his leg and kept his head down, and heard Tyrant talking to himself.

He shivered and said hurriedly,

“Yes, time is in a hurry, and many places are not well written…”

Su Bai frowned slightly.

Why is this kid weird?

Isn’t it fun to skin?

How come here,

As honest as just castrated?

Does your own Tyrant go round and round,

Want to change its name to Tyrant Ouchi General Administration Office?

“When speaking, raise your head and look at each other.”

Su Bai corrected,

“It’s polite.”

Pi’s broken leg shuddered again, and his body subconsciously raised his head.

Tyrant’s image at this time is just a water element,

In the eyes of Pi’s broken leg,

But it is even more terrifying than the evil spirit boss! !

At the moment of looking at each other,

Pi’s broken leg was shaking like a stroke! !

He couldn’t bear it at all, looking straight at Tyrant’s psychological pressure!

Su Bai is not too good to force him,

“Well, keep your head down.”

“thanks, thanks!”

Pi’s broken leg breathed a long sigh of relief.

He can’t look at Tyrant directly!

The outside world is spreading,

Tyrant killed five grandmasters in a row.

Pi’s broken leg was the eldest son of the Shen family,

Naturally know more inside stories,

Tyrant actually killed 2 badly wounded grandmasters.

Luo Cheng of the Underworld killed 1 and Bai Chongshan killed 2 of them.

But these three heads are counted on Tyrant’s head.

Judging from the results,

It seems that Tyrant picked up 2 heads,

It’s not as shocking as the crow kills two grandmasters in seconds.


Tyrant is less than 200! !

Who is the crow?

People from the same age as Zhao Zizhen, the two of them have friendship in open crotch pants!

The Crow Level is probably above 700, which can kill the Grandmaster in seconds, which is reasonable!

Tyrant can kill a severely wounded grandmaster with less than 200 levels,

This is the more terrifying thing!

In the bottom of Pi Broken Leg’s heart, Tyrant has been infinitely elevated.

Like a god!

Su Bai tapped his finger on the tabletop and said,

“There is a little problem.”

Pi’s broken leg was terrified, and said hurriedly,

“Say! I change it!”

Su Bai looked at him in surprise,

What happened to this kid today?

It’s so abnormal, isn’t it good for a meteor to smash your head?

Su Bai prayed silently for him.

Hope people are okay.

If the broken leg continues like this,

Can be with Qin Lin,

The two made up a hundred rivers and silly.

Su Bai asked.

“Why is the start-up fund only a budget of 700,000 contribution points “”?”

I am a little embarrassed to have a broken leg

“Because I only got 700,000 contribution points.

If you give me two days, I can make up another 100,000 contribution points…”


Su Bai laughed directly.

The child is really confused, so it’s fine to send it to work.

Which crackers will bring their own beanbags?

Even the start-up funds are self-funded, this part-time job is too hard!

If the whole world hit workers, they would be like skin breaking their legs.

That must be a blessing for the bosses.

“wait a moment.”

Su Bai got up after confession and went to find Master Xiaohu.

After the lava hammer was given to Master Xiaohu,

It should have earned a lot of contribution points.

Su Bai has never used the money.

at the moment,

Since the broken leg can give a good development plan,

Su Bai has this money again, so he is naturally willing to invest it.

The money is not used there, and it will not give birth to babies.

Is it used to buy Jiangxiang technology stocks?(Read more @

Received Tyrant’s message,

Master Xiaohu and Crown Treemen quickly rushed to the Tyrant reception.

“This is the bill…”

Su Bai refused directly,

“Just give me the number, I believe in your justice!”

Xiaohu is not hypocritical,

“In the past two days, we have earned 9.71 million contribution points, which should give you 4.855 million contribution points.”

Xiaohu put 5 bearer cards on the table,

The maximum number of anonymous contribution points is 1 million, and these five are full!

Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, nearly 5 million contribution points, which is okay.

It was much higher than he expected.

It seems that Master Xiaohu not only speaks fair,

It’s fair to do business too!

A good brother!

If the two have nothing to do with each other,

Let Pi, who was sitting on the bench trembling, break his leg, and his heart trembled again.

“Earned nearly 10 million contribution points in 2 days?”

“Why did they rob the Commonwealth Bank? No, you can’t make so much from the bank robbery!”

Pi broke his leg suddenly felt that the plan he wrote was ridiculous!

In the plan, Pi Broken leg vowed to write,

Have confidence in earning 5 million contribution points every year!

How does one’s annual income compare to others’ daily income?

This foggy forest, no matter if it is not developed!

Su Bai pushed five cards in front of Pi’s broken leg,

“Money, I pay, there are 5 million contribution points here.”

Su Bai said seriously,

“You can do it boldly, I believe in your ability!”

Pi’s broken leg was stunned in place,

What did he hear?

Tyrant, believe in your own abilities? !

this moment!

The tears of Pi’s broken leg almost came out!

Only then did he understand that sentence in the book: A scholar dies for a confidant!

What an honor it is to get Tyrant’s ‘believe’!

Su Bai did not notice the abnormality of the broken leg,

Continue to say,

“As for the income, give Master Xiaohu 10% of the stock.

There are tools…cough cough, 10% of the stocks of the Crown Shuren brother. ”

These two people have taken great care of Su Bai all the way.

The mask of joy and anger, Su Bai has used it up to now.

He is also not a game Xiaobai,

Where is this equipment that can be bought with a few hundred contribution points?

When the Bai family shot the crow,

Hearing what Zhao Zizhen said, Xiaohu also carried his hammer south, staring at Bai Chongshan.

It is also the existence of two people,

Bai Chongshan agreed,

The crow and the white willow ape duel, and the rest is wiped out.

With emotion and reason, Su Bai can’t forget how good the two are to him.

Hearing what Tyrant said,

Little Tiger and Crown Tree Man also smiled at each other.

Both of them are very happy.

Are they short of money?

As the top existence of the Federation,

Except for the strong,

They are the richest!

Shen family?

What it is!

With a word from the crown tree, the Shen family may be gone tomorrow!

Strength is the guarantee of money bag!

Tyrant walked all the way, telling everyone with actions long ago.

This is a person who knows his gratitude and repays his favor, a proper and lawful camp of kindness.

Don’t want a crow that is lawful and chaotic.

The daily diss crow is lawful chaos (1/1).

The two are seniors,

It will neither deny Tyrant face,

Since Tyrant is going to give it, then they will accept it steadily!

How could it be possible to take Tyrant for nothing?

Xiaohu immediately took out 4 more unnamed cards.

“Since I have a 10% stake, I will allocate 4 million contribution points for development.

Isn’t it fair? ”

The crown tree man didn’t express it immediately, but took Xiaohu to leave the trading secret realm.

Only the shocked skin and broken leg left in place,

“This this….”

He originally planned to use 700,000 contribution points to develop,

who knows,

Tyrant’s energy is so great!

9 million contribution points are in front of you, even with broken legs and heavy breathing!

He rarely saw so much money in his life!

“The problem of money has been solved, and now it is time to solve the problem of people.”

Su Bai asked.

“How much salary do you plan to get and how about a five-tenthousand dividend?”

“.”no, I’m fine! ”

Pi’s broken leg quickly refused.

Working for Tyrant is his glory, how can he ask for money?

At last,

At Su Bai’s strong request,

Through difficult negotiations, the broken leg

Reduced his dividend from five ten thousandths to three ten thousandths,

At the same time, Tyrant can drink all the food in the roundabout.

As employee benefits,

It’s okay to include board and lodging!

Anyway, the Federation spends money, okay!

Su Bai has to go to brush the dungeon, taking a step first.

Sitting on the first floor with a broken leg, Pi kept breathing deeply to adjust his mentality.

I don’t know how long it took,

He calmed down.

Tyrant is not only willing to hand over the foggy forest to him for development,

Give him 9 million contribution points start-up capital,

Give him a three-thirds dividend! !

What can your husband do if you meet this boss?

There is a habit in the Shen family that after the children enter business, they have to give themselves a nickname.

this moment,

Pi broke his leg, Shen Xiu, before officially entering the mall,

I have determined my name:

In order to repay Tyrant’s three-thirds dividend,

His nickname is: Shen Wansan!

Use this to spur yourself, don’t forget your original intention!

at this time,

Shen Wansan, who is still immature, would never think of,

When he became the Federal God of Wealth, everyone in the Shen family felt so complicated!

They don’t understand,

Why did the domestically raised cabbage go to another vegetable garden with long legs?

It is also something later.

At this time, Shen Wansan is worrying about one thing:

“The minerals in the core area of ​​the mist forest are too difficult to develop.

This money must be used well, and a few more drillings will do…”

Eternal City,

At about the same time, all the strong in the city lifted off,

Looking in the direction of the foggy forest!

They can feel that a terrifying man has come here!

The 599-level Elno looked serious,

Just relying on the information returned by his insightful eyes,

The opponent wants to destroy the Eternal City, so it’s easy!

The invincible grandmaster is definitely the invincible master!

“Master Invincible, why are you here in the Misty Forest?”

Everyone was filled with doubts,

But no one dared to ask!

The power of invincibility is unpredictable!

Over the foggy forest,

A little tiger stood beside the middle-aged man,

Xiaohu asked,

“Why are you here, look at the cornucopia of the future?”

The middle-aged man laughed and said nothing.

The crown on the center of his eyebrows concealed a phantom,

A terrifying force centered on him,

Spread around!

Even if he was deliberately protected, Xiaohu, the grandmaster, felt it was difficult to breathe at this moment!

The middle-aged man takes a step forward,

Point down randomly, whisper,

“Cover the ground!”

The entire core area of ​​the foggy forest was shaking violently in an instant!

It’s like changing the world,

All the mineral veins in the ground, at this moment, abruptly ‘emerge’ from the ground! !


The quality is not compromised in any way!

If you want to mine afterwards, it only takes a very small amount of manpower and time!

Efficiency will also be greatly improved!

The crown phantom disappeared,

The middle-aged man regained his simplicity like a tool man.

“Let’s go.”

The little tiger, whose mouth could not be closed, followed the middle-aged man away.

Invincible Grandmaster, raise your hand, change the world for your own personalities!


(A small egg: Shen Wansan, also named Shen Xiu, a fortune in the Ming Dynasty.

The first one is sent, rush rush rush! ).

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