Chapter 135

Zhao Zizhen,

Don’t pretend,

He had a showdown,

He is really unfamiliar with the crow!

Zhao Zi is really like a captured prisoner, confessing to be lenient,

Speaking the truth in one mind,

“Su Bai, Uncle Zhao, me, I’m really driven crazy by these things!”

“I have only one fate with your teacher. I did him a small favor.”

“I said that I knew your teacher before to help your teacher bear the anger of Bai Chongshan!”

“I, I don’t know it will be like this now!”


The cause and effect are briefly said again.

At last,

Zhao Zi said seriously,

“Su Bai, you are the only one who can save Uncle Zhao now!”

Su Bai sneered inwardly.

“You have today too!!”

For the sake of face, he can only take over the stubbornness.

“How can I help you?”

“Fill in these forms, I have a general understanding of your teacher anyway, don’t I?!”

“So, I have to fill in all these forms?”

Su Bai looked at the large stack of watches in front of him,

It’s all about the crow’s questions:

“What time does the crow sleep at night?”, “How high is the crow level?”…

Su Bai just rolled his eyes,

Just put it aside, don’t want to write.

“Master Zhao, why don’t you fill it out yourself!”

Su Bai added,

“My 18th teacher said that Master Zhao is a benevolent doctor and should be a confidant.”

When Zhao Zizhen heard this,

The moving tears flowed down with just one brush!

Just in the past few hours,

The old guys of the Great Master are almost driving Zhao Zi crazy!

There are so many great masters,

I’ve learned countless times with each other, and there is no way to continue to improve.

At their level, if you want to upgrade, you must keep fighting and understanding!

The existence of the crow gave them hope of upgrading.

Just like a wolf sees meat,

With green light in his eyes, Aoao rushed over.

‘Be a confidant! ’

There is the saying of crow,

Zhao Zizhen is like a pair of fake PT shoes, but has been certified as real shoes by the official authority!

Really can’t be real!

He murmured,

“Finally don’t worry about the death of the club!”

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

Seeing to force the master,

What I said in my heart!

“Master Zhao, if there is nothing else, I will leave first.

I haven’t played the game today, I plan to go to the intermediate copy of the World Tree. ”

“Playing games is important. Go ahead.”

Zhao Zizhen suddenly thought of something and asked,

“If you let me fill in and write indiscriminately, your teacher won’t be angry, will you?”

Su Bai gave a smile of “Don’t worry”,

“Sometimes, give the enemy some false information,

It’s also the assassin’s assassination preparation! ”

A simple sentence,

Zhao Zizhen wakes up instantly!

Crow, worthy of the assassination master!

Even the direct disciple Su Bai has such a deep understanding of assassination!

Sometimes, Zhao Zizhen even thinks,

Su Bai’s understanding is also at the level of the assassinated master!(Read more @

“I’m really confused, what am I thinking about, Su Bai is just a mage with more than 100 levels…”

With Su Bai’s guarantee,

Zhao Zizhen let go and once again told Su Bai to play the game.

“Tomorrow, the summer camp recruitment interviews of the imperial capital Wuhan University and the magic capital Wuhan University are about to begin.

I have a few old friends over there, and I have hung up the name myself.

Su Bai, you did such a big favor to Uncle Zhao, and I must return it to you! ”

As for how Zhao Zizhen plans to return.

He didn’t say anything for the time being.

Sent away Su Bai,

Zhao Zizhen returned to the table and took out paper and pen.

He encountered a new problem:

“I don’t know how to make it up!”

He is a healer, and he is not weak in combat, so he can make up stories?

Then he is a smelly brother!

I had to take out my phone and start Baidu.


He found a door called:

The online course of “Let me teach you how to write online articles with the bright moon”,

Limited time offer, as long as 9888.

At first glance, it is not an IQ tax.


Zhao Zizhen read it carefully.

Half an hour later,

Zhao Zizhen suddenly realized.

Brain: I get it!

Hand: No, you don’t understand!

After an hour, the paper was still blank.

There were dozens of phone calls from the Great Master, desperately urging Zhao Zizhen.

They are urging for crow information!

If it doesn’t work, let the crow come to the door to assassinate it!

Zhao Zizhen can only show his housekeeping skills!

Facing a mirror, he took out a pocket watch and began to hypnotize himself:

“I promise me a bright moon, I can write web articles, I want to make up a story of a crow, there is no real word…”

Zhao Zi really succeeded in hypnotizing himself!

He sat at the table, struggling to write:

“My tablemate, the crow, is unremarkable, and he is a bit handsome.

At the age of 18, when the talent for awakening was only B-level, he chose the mage as his profession…

…That year the crow was 18, and I was also 18….

…Years later, maybe he saw his shadow in Su Bai, he decided to accept Su Bai as his apprentice…

Another hour passed,

Zhao Zi really woke up suddenly and saw that the paper in front of him was full of things!

“This author is amazing, he can write so much in an hour!”

“When I hinted to myself, I didn’t even ask for a true word in particular!”

Looking at the full manuscript,

Zhao Zi is really confident!

If anyone takes this material to study crows,

Just wash your neck and wait for death!

It won’t help the battle, because they are all fake!

Zhao Zizhen read what he wrote,

Can’t help but be a little strange,

“Why do I write Crow so much like Su Bai?”

“The two of them are from the same line as the master and apprentice, which is very reasonable!”

“It’s just made up anyway!”

Zhao Zizhen doesn’t care, and hand over the things to the Great Master, let’s talk about it if you can!

When he sent out this manuscript,

The supreme masters who received the manuscript fell into silence collectively.

They read between the lines,

Infer a horrible fact!

A fact that Zhao Zizhen didn’t even realize:

After so many years,

The crow may have become the ultimate master!

of course,

The premise of everything is that Zhao Zi really didn’t lie!

All the great masters have done 653 gender reassignment surgery,

Send text messages to Zhao Zizhen one by one.

“Recently, don’t disturb.”

“I have no interest in crows, I have never touched crows!”

“The crypt has been very noisy recently. If the crow is free, the assassination will be a little later. The crypt is big, and the crypt is big…”


There are even many great masters,

Thinking left and right thought that something was wrong.

Crow, he doesn’t speak martial ethics!

They ran all night, rushed to the crypt, guarding one side!

Shocked to the dreadful caverns, thinking that the Terran had some big move, they immediately contracted the line of defense, and the previous offensive also slowed down!

Su Bai, did nothing, know nothing,

Just by the name of the crow,

It succeeded in increasing the attendance rate of the Great Master!

Scared away the monsters in the crypt!

Make outstanding contributions to the peace of the cave!

Here, there should be applause.

Zhao Zi was really busy hypnotizing himself at the same time.

Su Bai came to the trading secret,

[Tyrant reception],

One person waited for a long time,

“Listen to Su Bai saying you are looking for me?”

Opposite Su Bai,

The body of the broken leg trembled slightly,

Obviously scared,

But still mustered the courage, nodded!

“I want to report to you…”

“A little thought about the development of the foggy forest!”


(In the end, I had a headache, but fortunately, the ninth change is over and the task is completed!

Good night, brethren, and see you tomorrow! ).

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