Chapter 134

“It’s a coincidence, you also know the crow?”

Before Su Bai came in, Zhao Zizhen was already chatting with the Bawang trio.

See Su Bai come in,

Zhao Zizhen actually got up to greet him,

“Xiao Su, your teacher is far more brave than before!

It seems that these years have disappeared and their strength has improved a lot! ”

Su Bai:…


He carried an expression of ‘I know the crow very well’,

Coming to Su Bai!

You are endless! !

I will really laugh out loud!


The first time Zhao Zizhen lied, it was to protect the crow.

Save the crow from the wrath of the master!

After this incident,

Zhao Zizhen continued to maintain this lie,

It’s really hard to ride a tiger!

The scope of this lie is too wide!

Today, the crow killed two grandmasters in a row, and the news that they became assassinated grandmasters was announced.

Zhao Zizhen’s QQ, SMS box, and WeChat group exploded in an instant!

Countless 99+ are placed there, very brightly colored,

It makes patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder very uncomfortable.

Even a few great masters who have been diving for many years have sent cordial greetings:

“Are you there, talk about the crow for two minutes?”

Everyone is very curious,

To Zhao Zizhen, the crow’s closest comrade-in-arms,

Ask about the crow.

no way,

The crow is so mysterious!

Even the little information about him will attract countless discussions!


Has become the most discussed master besides Tyrant!

Tyrant is naturally the well-deserved NO.1.


People known to be related to crows:

Tyrant, Su Bai, Zhao Zizhen.

First exclude one option: Tyrant.

If you have a chance to meet Tyrant,

Even if you ask a question, you are definitely asking a question related to Tyrant!

Is Tyrant not fragrant?

Ask the crow why!

Tyrant was in front of him, and the crow could only stand aside.

Exclude one more option: Su Bai.

Everyone couldn’t help but ask a grade B talented student in senior high school.


Su Bai is a crow apprentice!

If Su Bai is forced to ask questions, will it anger the crow?

Even if it is a grandmaster, you have to weigh it!

The crow has once killed the master!

Although it was a sneak attack,

But they were originally assassins,

Take the road of sneak attack in an upright manner!

Who can blame it?

Letting the crows not sneak attacks is as ridiculous as asking the mage to fight melee!


There is only one choice left.

Everyone came to ask Zhao Zizhen.

Zhao Zizhen was awkward all of a sudden!

He doesn’t know crows!

He has a relationship with the crow,

The other party asked him to rescue Qin Haijiang.

That’s it!

Zhao Zizhen remembered clearly,

Myself and the crow back and forth,

In less than three minutes,

Zhao Zizhen said a total of 176 words without punctuation.

Not many words, but not many words.

The two are friendships of less than 200 words.

Where’s the passionate brotherhood? !

it’s good now,

The whole master circle knows:

Zhao Zizhen and Crow are close friends who grew up playing in the mud!

Zhao Zizhen OS: “What should I do if the Grand Master Society dies, urgently, wait online!”

Zhao Zi is really clear,

He has come to the brink of social death!

I can’t let him be the master healer,

To tell everyone,(Read more @

“I lied to you before. I don’t know any crows at all, please forgive me!”

What a shame!

It’s better to hack him to death!

For the sake of fame, in order to live decently in this world, in order not to be the laughing stock of the master circle…

Zhao Zizhen can only bite the bullet and tell everyone,

“The crow doesn’t like people talking about him!”

In a word, 99% of the inquiries were dismissed!


Crows can kill grandmasters, and most grandmasters are extraordinary grandmasters.

For a little curiosity,

Being stared at by a crow, I lost my life!

Obviously it is not cost-effective!

after all,

The problem of the crow’s lawful chaos camp is still there.

In case the crow someday remove the word lawful order,

Only endless chaos is left!

That is the nightmare of all masters!

Even the running dog of the evil god knows,

Curse before dying,

“When the crow gets out of control, it will definitely backfire Tyrant!”

Bai Chongshan will also threaten,

“If a crow kills a person in vain, it will be punishable!”

For the crow, most people are still a little scared.

This weird assassination master is the darling of the dark night, the strength of the best.


There are also people who are not afraid of crows,

For example, the Great Master from level 760 to 798.

As soon as they heard that ‘crows don’t like others talking about him’,

I got even more excited immediately!

The face is full of: Is there such a good thing? !


The Great Master madly asked Zhao Zizhen,

“If I keep discussing the crow, will there be a chance that he will assassinate me?”

“Do I need time to let the crow assassinate?”

“I’ve been stuck at level 765 for a long time, maybe I can learn something from playing against the crows and break through the bottleneck!

Old Zhao, you must do me this favor! ”

“I heard that Bai Chongshan’s breakthrough is also related to the crows, so give me the whole set!

Lao Zhao, if you don’t help, you won’t give me face! ”


When others heard that they would be assassinated by crows, they all looked terrified.

This group of great masters would be good, and they immediately became excited!

Just stood on the top of the building and shouted:

“Master Crow, come and play!”

They are not afraid of being seriously injured by crows, or even of death!

They just want to become stronger through the crow!

In the middle, Zhao Zizhen was on the verge of collapse.


He had to go to Baichuan City again!

He wanted to try, from Su Bai, can he get some information about the crow.

At least fool those great masters first!

TMD, I’m so annoying, I can’t beat it!

Can only be bullied by the absolute top,

Reluctantly to live like this.

Zhao Zi really didn’t expect that his luck would be so good!

In a small five,

You can have “Overlord, Fireworm, and Broken Leg” at the same time,

Such a crouching dragon and phoenix!

They are all related to crows!

Zhao Zi really seems to have found a life-saving straw.

Holding on to them and refusing to let go,

Trying to get a little bit of crow information from them…

But the overlord three are also dumbfounded!

Zhao Zi really talked with Crow for 176 words! Really over a hundred words!

Overlord trio, only heard 9 words spoken by the crow!

Not even 10 words!

Both parties have no confidence in their hearts,

Actually they are not familiar with crows,

It just wants to put on a look familiar to crows,

I want to get some dry goods from the other party.

So they started talking awkwardly,

Zhao Zizhen: “Think of how beautiful the crow was back then!”

Pi broke his leg: “Looking at the present, the crow’s demeanor remains the same as before!”

You praise a crow on both sides, and I praise a crow.

However, neither side has any dry goods,

I can only talk about things that are empty-headed and perfunctory!

Zhao Zi really wanted to set some dry goods,

Used to deal with the old guys of the Great Master.

Bawang and others want to set some dry goods,

I know how to get along with the crows, and whether the crow ruling team can continue to exist depends on whether the crows allow it!

Half an hour later,

Both sides returned without success,

Suspicious at the same time in my heart:

“The three boys on the opposite side,

Do you not know the crow? ”

To prove yourself,

Zongshi Zhao took out the dry goods he pressed at the bottom of the box,

Tell everyone the story of his conversation with the crow in 176 words!

The overlord is not to be outdone,

I talked to Master Zhao about the crow’s ‘you have my shadow’, and the scene appeared in front of you as if it were yesterday.

Uh, it just happened today? excuse me.

After both parties took out the dry goods,

Misunderstanding resolved!

Are very sure of each other,

5.9 Everyone has seen crows!


Zongshi Zhao started a new round of torture,

“That year, Crow was 18, and I was 18…”


Chat for an hour,

The only MVP in the audience: Su Bai!

Sitting by the side after listening to the nonsense of both sides, Su Bai,

I didn’t give them four, each of them died of natural disasters,

Su Bai has a good temper!

“Enough of these guys!”

The crows exaggerated, obviously not as beautiful as Su Bai imagined.

“Well, it’s getting late, the three of you go back first.”

Zhao Zizhen began to see off the guests,

“I have something to discuss with Su Bai.”

The three retired.

Close the door,

Make sure no one is listening,

Zhao Zizhen walked up to Su Bai with a bitter melon expression.

“Su Bai, only you can save me now!”

“I’m almost driven crazy by those old guys!”

Save the master! He is still more than eighty years old!

He just met the crow. What’s wrong with him? !


(The eighth update is sent, rushing! There is one more!).

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