Chapter 133

When Su Bai entered school,

I thought the college entrance examination was over today.

On the playground, in the corridors, there are running students everywhere.

In order to celebrate the results of last night,

Some of them scattered tutoring materials and cultural test papers to the sky.

The whole school building has become a sea of ​​joy.

No one stopped,

Teachers even joined it.

It’s fun.

of course,

This situation did not last long.

Broadcast announcement to the whole school:

Classmates of Grade One and Grade Two~, leave directly.

It is said that in order to celebrate-this big victory, the Federation

All Earth has a three-day holiday!

Except for senior high school students.

Su Bai:…

Co-author, he has been busy most of the night.

It’s the Ravens Judging Team again, it’s the Ravens again, and it’s Tyrant again.

One person does three jobs and contributes three jobs.

The result was a vacation for others,

But you want to continue to go to school?

How can there be such a reason!

Su Bai was very angry and decided to add an egg for lunch.

Back to the classroom,

Qin Lin was already in his seat, chatting with his classmates.

Everyone talked about Tyrant.

In front of us,

The topic they are discussing is;

Tyrant enlightened Bai Chongshan, did he use his left hand or his right hand?

Most people think it is right-handed.

Some people think it’s both hands, but they don’t feel weird and can’t get everyone’s support.

Su Bai raised objections very rigorously.

“The grandmaster is so strong, it will hurt to get close to him rashly.”

When Bai Zhongshan broke through,

The whole person is burning his life, and the surrounding aura is very terrifying.

If Su Bai approached rashly,

Even if you do nothing, you will continue to lose blood!

He is just a 140-level high-level mage,

He dared not approach the grandmaster who burned his life. What’s wrong with him?

“Cut, Su Bai, you just saw Tyrant news less!”

“Yes! How could Tyrant be inferior to the Grand Master?”

Su Bai:? ? ?

Me, Su Bai, Tyrant has seen less news?

Did you make a mistake!

Su Bai: Abba Abba…

Many people also echo this statement.

“Su Bai, you can’t indulge in fighting!”

Today’s Su Bai is labeled as a fighting frenzy.

According to rumors,

He once cried Nian Xiaoyao with three punches.

Some students saw it in the fighting arena,

Su Bai killed a classmate from another school alive!

of course,

Not many people believed the following gossip.

If it’s really beaten to death,

Su Bai should at least remember a big mistake!

There seems to be something wrong…

“Su Bai, you play eternally and watch the news more!

So you know how awesome Tyrant is! ”

“That’s it! That’s it!”

“You can’t talk about anything we talked about. How can we be friends?”


The whole class has become Tyrant understands the king, and always understands Tyrant.

Only Su Bai knew nothing about Tyrant.

Su Bai recovered,

According to reason,

“But Tyrant is less than level 200, how can I enlighten the Grandmaster?”

A primary school student,

How to coach scientists to make nuclear bombs?

The classmates were taken aback for a moment, but Su Bai stopped asking!

They can be ashamed,

Don’t lose Tyrant’s face!

This question must be addressed to Su Bai!(Read more @

“Su Bai, don’t you know?”

A classmate said solemnly,

“Tyrant is actually level 700.”

Su Bai was shocked.

What, I am already level 700?

I do not know how!

Su Bai bit his scalp, suffocated a smile, and continued to hold back.

“Then, why is there no system announcement for his transfer?”

“You don’t understand this, right?”

Classmates continue to fool Su Bai seriously,

“The three strongest players will help Tyrant!

One person, breaking the time limit, allowing Tyrant to play games 24 hours a day!

One person extended Tyrant’s time, giving him 48 hours a day!

There is one person left…”

The whole class got together and asked curiously.

“What is the last one?”

The classmate prolonged the ending, holding the pencil case, and slapped it fiercely, like a gavel.


Everyone lifted their spirits and waited for the following!

Just listen to him seriously,

“The last one, help Tyrant to block the system announcement!”

“In this way, Tyrant, unconsciously, became Level 700, the position of the Grand Master!”

The whole class suddenly realized,

That’s it, I get it! I get it too!

Su Bai speaks to the insider! !

It turns out that the Xeon can also be a tool man!

Give me one whole, no, three!

“I really want to be treated like Tyrant!”

Su Bai shed tears of envy.

The whole class,

Accompany him sour.

Just lemon.

“It would be great if you knew Tyrant!”

This is probably the wish of everyone in the Federation.


The whole class quarreled about another matter.

They argue,

Tyrant is an invincible master at level 799,

Still a 798-level great master!

Finally, they voted by a show of hands,

Decided to raise Tyrant’s Level to 799.

Su Bai:…

So happy, I went up to level 99 when I didn’t know it!

Su Bai did not continue to raise his head.

Let them go.

It’s numb.

Just a few words just now,

Five people have already told Su Bai:

“Check out Tyrant’s news!”

Su Bai was also speechless.

It’s not that he doesn’t watch Tyrant’s news,

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Today’s news is too outrageous, okay!

I don’t know who wrote it!


If you find the author, you must send him some flowers! Encourage and encourage!

Su Bai not only likes to watch Tyrant’s news, but also likes to go shopping and resist stress.


Resist the pressure and open Tyrant’s group.

It seems that I can do the same.

Tyrant, isn’t that more SSSS talent than everyone else,

What he does, doesn’t he have a hand?


Su Bai wants to resist stress, balance it, and see if he has his own group.

The result is [TyrantNB! 】

This has no internal taste!

Su Bai brushed the anti-stress all morning, then turned it off,

Make a sound like a scumbag,


After lunch, Su Bai contented himself with an egg.

A teacher came over,

“Is Su Bai here, come out.”

…… ….. 0

Su Bai walked out of the classroom,

Leaving Tyrant Kwakwaban.

“There is a healer who has been here before and said that he wants to see you.”

After the teacher said, he hesitated and asked,

“are you busy?”

Su Bai is the apprentice of Crow, and everyone knows this.

The status of the crow is infinitely elevated in the hearts of the citizens of Baichuan City!

Almost equal to Tyrant!

As the apprentice of the crow, Su Bai naturally has many special treatments.

The teacher’s implication,

If Su Bai doesn’t want to meet, he can even refuse a healer!


Su Bai knew that Zhao Zizhen should have come.

Su Bai was deeply impressed by the benevolent healer of the doctor.


When Su Bai met Master Xiaohu recently, Xiaohu kept talking about giving gifts to Zhao Zizhen.


Did Master Xiaohu fall in love with Master Zhao’s daughter?

Such crazy courtesy.

Su Bai followed the teacher and went outside the principal.

“Go ahead.”

The female teacher sent Su Bai to the door,

Did not forget to add a sentence,

“Your teacher Crow was great last night!”

Su Bai:…

Teacher, this is a bit ambiguous!

I didn’t do anything!

My crow is innocent! Prove your innocence with both hands!

Su Bai, who had nowhere to complain, opened the door and saw four familiar figures:

Zhao Zizhen, the overlord trio.

Their chat content also passed to Su Bai’s ears,

“It’s a coincidence, you also know the crow?”

Su Bai took a breath.

Just walked out of Tyrant Kwakwaban,

Came to the crows quagquan again?

This day….. It’s moisturizing too!



(If the readers like it a lot, please take a fresh flower monthly evaluation ticket to support the author’s younger brother who is updated 2 million 3+ a day, thank you! The seventh one will be sent!) Corpse.

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