Chapter 128

Ming Deng Luo Cheng, ended his invincible show.

After reading the lines left to him by Su Bai, the figure disappeared above the sky.

But the battle of the masters,

It’s not over yet!

Everyone’s attention,

All were attracted by Luo Cheng,

Tyrant has cleaned up the two seriously injured grandmasters.

Not only that,

He immediately rushed to the master who was ‘detained’-.

The opponent was destroyed by Ming Deng, and now only has the strength of the second rank pinnacle-Fengwu Zhe.


When the fist was scratched in the ear, the master’s keen fighting instinct made him subconsciously make a defensive action!


A punch directly smashed the master’s right arm!

“How could your power attribute be so high?!”

Su Bai is filled with Buffs

His basic power attribute is close to 130,000, and the Buff of all battles +740% of all attributes.

Su Bai’s power broke the million mark!

1.09 million!

The grandmaster was hit hard one after another, like a wounded wolf king, wailing miserably!

“You are less than level 200, how can you be so strong!!”

Until now,

All the people present remembered a terrible thing:

Tyrant, only completed one job transfer!

Tyrant up to level 200,

He has over a million powers and beats the master in close quarters!

The reason why the master is called the master,

It’s because they have almost no shortcomings!

Su Bai is against a master who is proficient in close combat!

At this time, he was stupid by Tyrant’s old punches!

“This, how is this possible?!”

“His punch was unremarkable, causing up to 100,000 points of damage!

Why did it hit me and directly hurt nearly a million? ! ”

Of course Su Bai would not tell the other party why.

The 14-layer God-killing effect is white?

With the blessing of killing gods,

Su Bai’s advantage over Cthulhu creatures is unlimited!

Less than a minute,

The grandmaster’s blood bar plummeted, and it was precarious!

He is going to be a mage less than 200,

Hammered me close!

“Tyrant, then die together!”

A black flame is burning on the Grand Master, and he wants to die with Tyrant!

If it can be done,

Cthulhu would definitely be willing to resurrect him in the kingdom of God! !

That’s Tyrant,

The man destined to be the strongest in the future!

Just when he was going to work hard,

But I heard two words fluttering into my ears,


Good Mandarin.


Tyrant’s figure appeared a few kilometers away,

At the same time ordered,

“Bai Chongshan, kill him!”

Bai Chongshan retreated his opponent with a punch, and climbed to the peak with all his momentum.



Bai Chongshan 730, among the extraordinary masters, is also the top existence!

He is also the most optimistic, breaking through to level 731 and becoming Ao Shi Grandmaster!

Such a genius,

Even the invincible master has to take care of his face!

Tyrant didn’t just call him by his first name,

It’s like a commanding subordinate, calling to him!

The character of a dignified master, has never been so humble?

Bai Chongshan was not annoyed at all,

On the contrary, he was willing to accept his orders!

It seems that there is nothing wrong with Tyrant’s approach.


It should be so domineering!

It is the glory of the master to be Tyrant’s men!

Grandmaster with a black fire on his body,(Read more @

The opponent instantly changed from Tyrant to Bai Chongshan!

“Do you like to burn your life?”

Bai Chongshan was full of power all over his body,

The life spring not only cured the injury, but also had more than half of the balance!

If you don’t use it in time,

Sooner or later, it will dissipate between heaven and earth!

“Then I will burn with you!”

In the eyes of the melee master with extreme fear, Bai Chongshan’s arms once again ignited the golden flames!

This time, it was countless times stronger than before!

The master running dog felt cold in his heart,

he knows.

I’m getting cold!

He can only curse out in his most vicious language,

“I curse you, Tyrant!

I curse you for being killed by a crow!

Crow, one day you will get out of control, kill Tyrant! ! ”

They know more or less that the seemingly evil crow is actually involved in Tyrant.

This is why,

The Federation is so indulgent.

Tyrant, is the life-saving talisman of the crow!

The most vicious curse the master running dog can think of,

Just let the crow out of control and kill Tyrant! !

“Ha ha.”

Su Bai laughed and said nothing.

The crow is out of control. What does it have to do with Tyrant?

Bai Chongshan burned his life and beat the stinky guru to death with three punches.

Standing in the dark,

He is like a god of war, and his voice is like Hong Zhong, resounding between heaven and earth,

“If a crow dared to kill anyone, I will kill it!”

As soon as this statement came out,

The golden flame of Bai Zhongshan’s arm was uncontrollable, and it turned out to be a bit bigger!

Something seems to be gestating in the flames!

The embryo of the glove floats in front of Bai Chongshan!

In the warrior cemetery,

Luo Cheng is planing his grave,

Suddenly raised his head and looked to the side.

“Bai Chongshan, this kid, is going to become proud of the world?”

“Dead a scum son, a scum grandson, and his strength will rise instead of falling. Is this a testimony of killing a son…”

“Su Bai, this kid, should have been trembling with fright!!”

“Hahaha, if he dares to punish the old man next time, I will throw him in front of Bai Chongshan!”

Today, it is still the day when Luo Cheng thinks about peaches.

Imperial capital,

Xiaohu is still calculating what gifts to give Zhao Zizhen.

The middle-aged man walked to the window and looked at Baichuan City.

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

“What’s the matter, the crow missed tonight?”

With the prosperous invincible master Ming Deng Luo Cheng, Xiaohu didn’t worry.

Even if this killing fails,

The crow can also retreat.

The middle-aged man shook his head, his eyes were a little confused, and then he was relieved.

Said easily,

“Today, my human race has added Ao Shi Grandmaster!”

Xiaohu froze in place, staring blankly at the phone.

There is a message just sent there:

Zhao Zizhen: Bai Chongshan was seriously injured by the dark lantern, and his heart fell. It was a pity that he could not break through the proud world within ten years.

Xiaohu’s hand holding the pen trembled slightly…

Taboo Sea, Yan Eclipse is in a good mood today.

His son got an SS grade in the lower-level instance of the World Tree!

“This kid is only in his early 100s, so he is so promising!”

“Before he was level 599, I taught him a secret technique.

Then there will be a chance to get a few drops of life spring water from the canopy! ”

…… …. …….

“Make the other two old guys jealous.

My son is invincible, hahaha! ”

Yan Eclipse subconsciously ignored Tyrant who cleared the SSS level that day.

His son Fireworm is invincible in the world.

Tyrant is a banal from the sky!

Extraordinary people are not the same! !


Yan Zhao’s eyes lit up, and his mood improved a bit.

“I have one more member of the human race!”

“Grandpa, grandpa is in a good mood today.

Reward you for a fight, and then! ”


The eclipse rushed into the mist.

“The flames are raging!”

In the mist,

The huge and incomparable figure of Cthulhu slapped everywhere frantically.

I’m in a bad mood, you beat the evil god.

When you are in a good mood, you beat the evil god.

Cthulhu planed your ancestral grave? ! !

Save the evil god! !

Above Baichuan City,

The appearance of the glove is completely formed, and it falls on Bai Chongshan’s arms, which fits perfectly.

The monstrous aura of his body soared again, extremely shocking!

The body trembled slightly, and the bottleneck that had trapped him for ten years, broke open all at once!


Cast the name of the proud master!

Reach level 731!

Bai Chongshan felt the evolution of life levels, and the extremely powerful force flowing in his body felt better than ever.

After the Ao Shi Grand Master broke through,

Did not spend too much time feeling this powerful force.

Restraining the strongest urge in my heart,


Bai Chongshan,

Kneel down to Tyrant, thump his right hand on his chest, and growl,

“From today, swear by Bai Zhongshan’s real name–”

“Follow Tyrant’s name in this life!”

“Tyrant’s order, I dare not fail!”

“The enemy of Tyrant, my enemy, will never die!!”


(Today’s condition is super good, I will say if you can count it: 9 more!

Chong Chong Chong! Thank you for your fresh flower monthly evaluation ticket! )corpse.

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