Chapter 127

In the mist, the tall figure.

The deep voice echoed in everyone’s ears!

Tyrant! !

The brightest person in eternity today,

He is said to have the strongest wind, even the light surpasses the strongest!

What SS-level talent, Xeon descendants, Su Bai, Baichuan Crow…

These enchanting geniuses, when they encounter Tyrant, all have to stand aside!

They can’t even keep up with Tyrant’s back!

SSS-level novice dungeon, captured the water element dungeon, slaughtered the city horizontally, slayed the evil spirits of evil spirits, and transferred the job perfectly….

Everything Tyrant takes is earth-shattering!

No one has seen him make a move, no one has seen his true strength!

Only one can be determined,

Tyrant, super! !


The moment Tyrant appeared, the three intact masters turned around and ran away!

To them,

It is definitely an accident to meet Tyrant in reality!

They realized that

This accident may cost them their lives!

The name of Tyrant, Grand Master Megatron! !

A mere crow can kill two masters.

What about Tyrant?

What hole cards does he have?

Tyrant showed his hole card-there was someone behind him.

“Want to run?!”

“Have you ever asked your grandfather!!”

In the gunpowder smoke, a figure full of muscles resembling a horned python rushed out.

It is Bai Chongshan! !

The Bai Chongshan, which had run out of oil just now, became alive and well in a blink of an eye!

Bai Chongshan’s 647 strength is the absolute top among transcendent masters.

“Why are you asking me to write this document?

Why do you keep laughing. ”

Little Tiger waved his hand,

“No, we plan to send this document to the evil god running dog, hahaha!”

“You are clearly laughing at me, you never stopped!”

This document easily fell into the hands of the Cthulhu Running Dog Grandmaster.

They were not suspicious at all.


What Zhao Zizhen said is all true! !

He said what he believed in every stage of his life

What do you want him to do?

The thoughts of the three masters pulled back.

This document gave them great courage:

The courage to escape from Baichuan City!


As long as the power of Hades does not return to its peak,

You can’t seriously injure three people in the air!

There is a dark lantern in front, and a white mountain behind,

There is another Tyrant eyeing!

They have no choice but to escape!

Seeing that he is about to escape from Baichuan City, from now on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, let the king soar.

next moment,

Over Baichuan City,

A huge phantom appeared, holding a kerosene lamp!

Bai Chongshan is chasing the enemy,

The moment I saw the ghost appearing, my whole body couldn’t help trembling.

I was seriously injured by the dark lantern yesterday!

He knows the strength of this phantom too!

One move seriously injured the extraordinary master! !

Today this phantom is more than ten times more solid than yesterday!

Bai Chongshan, rescued by the spring of life,

I immediately understood.

I am no more than an extraordinary master,

It can be rescued by Tyrant with the invaluable healing fetish of life spring water.

Where is the underworld?

I am afraid that the opponent’s true strength has already been restored to its peak!

When I think of this,

Bai Chongshan took the initiative to slow down the pace of the pursuit!

Leave the stage to the elders of Ming Deng Luo Cheng,

Please start your invincible show! !

“If this makes you run away, wouldn’t my name of the Dark Light be called in vain?”




Luo Cheng shot, the kerosene lamp flashed three times!

A grandmaster instantly disappeared, and his body died away!

A grandmaster burst into blood vessels all over his body, turned into a bloody man, and fell from a high altitude.

There is one grandmaster left, who is fixed on the spot, unable to move!

He was horrified to find that his strength was declining rapidly.

He was originally a master, and soon he was not as good as a third-rank martial artist!

From a giant elephant to an ant! !

Three tricks in the air,

Cut one person, hurt one person, and destroy one person!

The invincible master, terrible!

Accompanied by hearty laughter,

The huge shadow slowly disappeared over Baichuan City.

Bai Chongshan salutes with both hands respectfully,

This is the admiration of the invincible master!

Have really seen the style of the invincible master,

Bai Chongshan knew,

The strength gap between level 799 and level 700,


There is still a big gap in strength from level 798 to level 1! !

This is invincible!

Bai Chongshan finished his salute and was about to get up.

The phantom went and returned.

Bai Zhongshan’s heart sank, is there an enemy?

I only heard the phantom muttering in a low voice,

“Almost forgot what the bad boy told me. Where’s the lines? Where’s the lines?”

Ming Deng Luo Cheng seemed to be looking for a note, and Xu Ying looked down and looked for it.

He found it,


The phantom above Baichuan City,

Suddenly a mouthful of blood mist came out, and the kerosene lamp in his hand was shaking.

His voice is full of weakness and full of emotions, and it doesn’t look like acting at all.

The sound is transmitted in the sky,

“Ah! Killing so many masters, the old man’s old wounds have been implicated and recurred again!”

“It’s going to die, it’s going to die!”

“Zhao Zizhen, you quack doctor, the old man will never let you go!”

“My strength fell to the peak of 50%, no, only 30% left!”

“You must not come to Baichuan City to kill my dying invincible grandmaster! Let the old man die quietly!”


The phantom dissipated between heaven and earth.

Leaving a dumbfounded Bai Chongshan in place,

A huge yellow question mark appeared on his head!


What kind of show operation is this! !


(The first update is sent, today is the eighth update, rushing!).

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