Chapter 129

Grandmaster Bai Chongshan.

Baichuan City’s World War I has achieved a proud reputation!

after that,

Go far away from the Devil’s crypt and guard one side.

“On Tyrant’s order, suppress this place!”

“Not invincible, not out of the crypt!”

All he left to the world is a legend and a myth that belongs to Tyrant.

Before leaving,

Bai Chongshan asked Tyrant one thing:

After becoming Xeon, help him turn the tide of time and resurrect his son Bai Liu Yuan!

He wanted to ask Bai Liuyuan himself, why he took refuge in Cthulhu!

As for Bai Shouhe, he is more than guilty!

In the past two days, the evil things Bai Shouhe has done have been exposed continuously.

Even if Bai Shouhe comes back to life now,

Standing in front of Bai Chongshan.

Bai Chongshan would also beat him to death with a single punch and clear the door!

For Bai Chongshan’s slightly excessive request,

Tyrant responded.


A word,

The name of the strongest is like something in his bag!

But of course, as it should be!

The two of them are gone.

When they met again, the strength of the two had changed drastically!

Bai Chongshan will never forget the day of reunion,

Until that day,

He just understood,

What is truly invincible!

What is the strong wind!

All is something later.

At the same time that the Grand Master War came to an end.

Outside the city,

Another battle has officially started,


Unfold in an absurd way.

“Captain, there are hundreds of evil god running dogs ahead.

The weakest third-rank, the strongest fifth-rank! ”

Pi’s broken leg is holding the scroll of forbidden curse magic,

This is his strongest means of life-saving,

The grandmaster will be seriously injured if he eats up the damage!

If his dad knows, Pi Broken is going to use this thing to deal with the five-tier powerhouse!

I’m afraid it will break his leg directly!

The Shen family is rich, but can’t be so prodigal!

“We listen to Su Bai, shake people!”

Overlord dialed the number of the Ministry of Urban Defense,

“You, hello…”

The first time I called, Ba Wang was a little nervous.

It’s stuck.

He didn’t know how to continue.


The personnel business of the Ministry of Urban Defense is still a little more proficient.

Asked actively:

“You are an enthusiastic citizen, right?”

Overlord nodded, “Yes!”

“You have a group of Assassins Alliance killers to report, right?”

“Yes, that’s right!”

Overlord burst into tears, what kind of fairy services are this!

Unexpectedly, the report hotline in Baichuan City is so smart.

Will answer!

After asking the time and place, hang up the phone.

The operator yelled in the channel,

“Brothers, help the crow clean up!”

“This time there are a lot of people, so get more corpses!”

“The crow is getting more and more powerful, and the fifth rank martial artist has killed so many.”

The channel immediately became lively,

“Okay!” “Crow Race High!”


After the overlord finished the call,

The three of them stared at the evil god running dogs that kept gathering in front of them.

The enemy is ready to go, and will soon rush into Baichuan City!


It’s on the verge!

“War is about to start!”

Schmidt held an ancient book in his hand and wore a black robe, surrounded by 81 people.

Listen to the teachings of the envoy!

Even the two masters believed Schmidt’s statement.

They are not even as good as the master, what can be wrong with following the master?

“This is a great battle!”

Schmidt’s hollow voice echoed in everyone’s ears,

“The grandmaster has reported to me that they got the approval of the divine envoy tonight.

Even the gaze of God! “(Read more @

“Two of them, from the siege of seven masters.

Retreat unscathed! ”

Everyone’s breathing was stagnant.

2 masters sneak attack and 1 succeed, can they still retreat? !

If this is not a miracle!

What’s that again?

Not everyone has the ability to assassinate crows! !

God’s blessing appeared in front of everyone, and they couldn’t allow them to question!

Schmidt continued,

“The grandmaster who participated in preventing my lord’s awakening tonight will be condemned by God!”

This sentence is almost a prophecy!

Everyone remembers it in the bottom of my heart,

If all 10 masters suffer from accidents,

That, that…

The power of the thirteenth evil god is too terrifying! !

Haven’t awakened yet,

Only a divine emissary can act so powerfully outside.

It is countless times stronger than the second evil god to the twelfth evil god!

It is recorded in ancient books: When He wakes up, it is the moment when everything is destroyed!

Everyone was apprehensive, uneasy, fearful, timid…

“Grandmaster has been accepted by our lord.

Wait, when will you offer your loyalty? ”

Schmidt swept away all the negative emotions in one sentence.

They bow their heads,

Shouted in unison,

“This is the moment!”

Cthulhu Supervisor Team,

499-level magic killer,

He also participated in this Baichuan City operation.

at this time,

He is organizing manpower and preparing for the final attack!

Since the last time I was defeated by Tyrant at level 99,

Those who destroy the Dharma are helpless, often in a trance.

Occasionally, I will be ababa.

[Death is like wind] The tragic scene of death seems to be vivid!

“Dharma-killer, who do you think it is?”

A group of people are approaching them.

The opponent is also wearing a black robe,

A lot of figure-killers are also very familiar.

“Abandoned by God?”

The Dharma-killers have heard of a bunch of unlucky people who have been abandoned by the evil gods.

“Why do they have patterns on their clothes again?”

The Dharma Exterminator looked at each other’s clothes in surprise.

The red pattern is not cumbersome and looks pretty.

From a distance, it looks like a crow’s head? !

The Dharma Exterminator turned around and ran away subconsciously!

This action saved his life.

Because the people of God abandoned near the supervising team brazenly launched a sneak attack!

Suddenly flames burned on them, rushing into the crowd, and killing them!

The leader, bathed in flames, holding ancient books,

Like a missionary, whispering on the battlefield,

“My lord awakens from the flames…”

“I am waiting to be bathed in the holy flame and be reborn!”

“From then on, follow my lord, accompany him, and often recite his name!”

On the entire battlefield, all the burning people who are killing,

Drink in unison,

“Hermit, the unsolvable, the thirteenth evil god!”

No one shouted the last name…

Praise respectfully from the bottom of my heart,


“Crazy, you are all crazy!”

The lawbreakers fled in a hurry.

The number of people abandoned by God is not many, although the Level is higher.

If the supervising team organizes an effective counterattack,

It is not yet known who will die.

But the people who are abandoned by God are too fierce!

With the determination to die, they rushed into the crowd, trading injuries for injuries, and even life for injuries!

More importantly,

All of them ignited themselves before they did it!

This weird mad dog fighting style,

From the momentum, it has the upper hand!

The Superintendent team has experienced a lot of battles, but has never had a fight with a mad dog!

No matter who sees this scene in battle, he will be stunned, right?

Hasn’t opened yet,

The enemy first chopped his own aorta,

Then wailing carrying a knife to kill you!

It is this stupefying effort,

Determine the outcome of the battle!

The weird behavior of the abandoned by God,

Schmidt taught them.

Want to follow Amon, the evil god Crow,

Must experience the washing of the sacred fire! !

Schmidt burned his head after being burned by the sacred fire all night… Bah, the oracle appeared in his mind! !

Everyone did what he said.

In the dark night, burning people, killing!

The supervising team was timid before the battle, the formation was in chaos, and the army was defeated!

Everyone panicked and started to run for their lives!

The battle that should have been stalemate,

Turned into a slaughter!

God abandoned people, the more they fight, the more courageous they are, they are unstoppable!

They became more convinced that what Schmidt said was true! !

Amon watched them,


If they are of great help! !

Schmidt predicted again,

“My lord will definitely hit the evil god today!”

In the depths of the Forbidden Sea, the evil gods who were beaten by the scorching fat silently stepped on them.

Outside the battlefield,

5.9 The overlord trio stared at the scene in front of them blankly,

They don’t understand what happened.

Cthulhu running dog infight?

Why ignite yourself before the battle?

What is this, mad dog disease is spreading from person to person? ?

The mouths of the three of them were bigger than one!

They really haven’t seen this scene!

Pi broke his leg and found Huadian,

“Captain! They have a crow pattern on them!”

at this time,

A jackdaw fell in front of the three of them.

The three looked back,

Saw a dark figure with a mask.

Pi Broken leg subconsciously shouted, “Su…”

“Do not!”

The overlord quickly interrupted him, and Shao’s Pi broke his leg and made a big mistake.

The overlord reminded tremblingly,

“Yes… Crow!”

Not Su Bai, but the deity of the crow!

Look at the jackdaws, look at the crows that suddenly appear, look at the chaos in the evil god running dogs!

The trio of Bawang understood everything instantly!

Look at the crow, full of fear!


Is it also in the calculations of the crow? !

The weirdness of the crow is incredible! !


(The third update is sent, is it the devil who wants a hundred changes…

After a meal, come back to the code word, rush rush! ).

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