Chapter 123

“Old man, you are all clear about the plan, right?”

Su Bai stood in the martial arts cemetery, flexing his muscles and bones.

“Clear fart, you just said something.

Let me kill all the masters who came to the cemetery!

This is also called a plan? ”

Luo Cheng rolled his eyes.

Su Bai was surprised,

“Can’t you do it?”

“If you feel too embarrassed, don’t force it.

I’ll shake people again. ”

It’s not very lethal, and it’s very insulting.

“Are you teaching me to do things?”

Luo Cheng looked like a torch.

Su Bai calmly said,

“Don’t worry, Baichuan Crow is not that big-face.

A total of ten masters shot tonight! ”

Ten masters,

The weight is added up, and even the strongest family dare not despise it.

In Su Bai’s mouth,

I actually used ‘just’.

The real master is the carrot and cabbage on the side of the road, running all over the floor?

Luo Cheng didn’t know where Su Bai’s confidence in dealing with the master came from.

But he is certain,

Baichuan City tonight is destined to be a bloody storm.

The structure of the entire federation may change as a result!

I used to think that the crow was weak,

He has the ability to influence the situation of the Federation!

The Crow’s strength and potential are above Luo Cheng’s estimation.

The more so, the more excited Luo Cheng is.

He is looking forward to seeing Su Bai beating the sky!

“Well, it’s getting late, I’m going to leave.”

It was already dark.

This afternoon,

Bai Chongshan called Su Bai.

He asked Su Bai to convey a word to the crow,

“Are you interested in killing the Evil God Grandmaster? Ten! The kind that might die!”

Su Bai did not answer.

The uncontrollable excitement in the blood,

It has already said everything.

Bai Chongshan only gave Su Bai an address and asked to be there at 8 o’clock in the evening.

I didn’t say one more sentence.

the truth,

Su Bai can also guess seven or eight:

It’s nothing more than Cthulhu’s running dog grandmaster approaching Bai Chongshan, and both sides want to kill with a knife!

Everyone is a fox for thousands of years, don’t play any chattering.

Bai Chongshan’s position is simple:

He wants the evil god running dog to die, but also wants the crow to die!

If both sides die, he wins twice!

No matter what the calculation is, Bai Chongshan will not lose.

He has his life left, and it doesn’t hurt to throw it away.

The calculation of Cthulhu’s running dog is simpler:

The crow is a confidant, and so is Bai Chongshan,

Evil God’s lackeys are happy if either of them die.

This game,

From the very beginning, the three parties were played in open cards!

Cthulhu running dog and Bai Chongshan do not trust each other and use each other.

The only thing they agreed on:

Lead the crow out!

to this end,

Bai Chongshan called Su Bai,

Meet the crows.

The Cthulhu running dog also intends to create chaos inside and outside the city, forcing the crow to show up!

“I’m going to move my muscles and bones first.”

After speaking, Su Bai left the warrior cemetery.

In a hotel, he found the Overlord trio.

He arranged the action tonight. If he wants to try, are the Overlords qualified to serve as the Ravens Judgment team?(Read more @

He crows to accept the younger brother, not casually.

In order to draw the crow out,

Cthulhu’s running dog arranged a lot of chess pieces inside and outside Baichuan City.

When the time comes, do it and force the crow to show up!

Su Bai intends, before the grand master’s decisive battle,

Just pull out these chess pieces.

So as not to cause them to cause loss of life and property of citizens.

“Okay, have you brought all your clothes and masks?”

“Take it.”

The four changed their bodies and put on windbreaker masks.

A crow badge is worn on the chest,

Ravens Judgment Team, let’s go!

“This detector was lent to my teacher by Tyrant!”

Su Bai held the detector built by Master Xiaohu in his hand and explained the origin.

He has always been very thorough in his work, and he doesn’t leak, so that people can’t fault him.

Su Bai began to summarize the evil spirit running dogs around.

“Pi Broken Leg, Fire Worm, Overlord, you go here.

One second-rank martial artist, six first-rank martial artists, the information is here.

Be sure to end the battle within 15 minutes, rush to gather here! ”


The four soldiers were divided into two groups.

Before leaving, Su Bai summoned five crows and landed on everyone’s shoulders.

“This is my teacher’s crow. You can save your life at critical moments and call for help from my teacher!”

The crow fell on the shoulders of three people,

Their bodies trembled slightly, their faces were weird, and they were a little uneasy with each other.

The fear of crows in the past came to mind again.

Starting from the killing city,

The team of seven has always been afraid of crows.

In the worst case, you will faint when you see a photo of a crow.

Even if it is better now, when the crow is standing on his shoulders, he still can’t help being afraid!

This kind of performance fell into Su Bai’s eyes, naturally very strange.

“Is there a problem?”

The three dared not show their timidity,



The four moved separately.

The reason why Su Bai wanted to get started first.

The first opportunity to pull is on the one hand,

On the other hand, Su Bai wants to accumulate his own skill BUFF!

This evening is not a fifth-rank or sixth-rank martial artist.

It’s the Seventh Stage Grandmaster!

Su Bai has never had the top combat power of head-on rivalry!

Even with 14 levels of God Killing BUFF,

Su Bai can cause 750% extra damage to Cthulhu,


This is definitely not the reason he treats the grandmaster’s entrustment! !

Grandmaster, top combat power, no matter how cautious it is!

“First stack up the BUFF, and then find a way to sneak attack on a grandmaster…”

Although Bai Chongshan told Su Bai,

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Only 10 grandmasters will take action.

But Su Bai’s budget is calculated based on 14 masters!

It’s best to make a second appearance, and Bai Chongshan can trap 1 or 2 people.

Finding a way to bring the rest to the warrior cemetery made Luo Cheng a headache.

Among them, the most dangerous part,

It is to bring all the masters to the warrior cemetery!

A little carelessness, Su Bai may die at the hands of the master!

Su Bai rushed to the first stronghold of the evil god running dog,

Solved the other party easily.

The BUFF of Hundred Battles began to stack, and Su Bai rushed to the next stronghold!

On the way, he even had a leisurely mind, watching the battle of the overlord trio.

Through the crow’s vision, Su Bai saw an extraordinary battle.

Pi’s broken leg held a shield in one hand, and put it on the front.

With the other hand, start tearing the magic scroll!

This guy didn’t intend to talk nonsense with the first- and second-rank martial artists.

…… …. …

Take the money directly to kill the opponent!

Su Bai even saw the magic scroll of Forbidden Curse in Pi Broken Leg’s hands!

If it wasn’t for the Overlord to stop him, Pi’s broken leg would have been thrown out!

This warrior is obviously super strong but loves Krypton too much!

Pi Broken Leg’s fighting style is to go to the extreme, and opponents who can be solved with money use money to solve it.

A certain first-class martial artist,

Smashed to death by the diamond-level magic scroll made by the Forbidden Curse Magister!

To death, he didn’t even want to understand.

A magic scroll is worth tens of millions, nearly a billion!

In exchange for one’s own life, did one make a profit or lose it?

Pi broke his leg and felt that he had made a profit.

Different from the broken leg, the overlord’s style is wide open and close, repeatedly rushing into the battle.

As for the fire bug…

The mage’s fighting ideas have been completely crooked.

He also started pursuing close combat, and he still looked good.

The enemy was even forced to distance himself from him!

But when the distance was opened, the enemy reacted. This guy is a mage!

Then he was taken away by the fire worm’s skill set.

The more the fire worms fight, the more excited they are,

He even took the initiative to speak,

“Su Bai’s happiness, you can’t imagine it!”

This kind of close combat forces the opponent to retreat and then takes them away in a wave.

Hearty, one word: cool!

The three resolved the battle cleanly.

The broken leg cost nearly 1 billion federal dollars in a few minutes.

The Overlord’s bloodline was halfway down, and the fire worm was the most calm, with little injury.

“Go, and Su Bai will go together!”

At this time, Su Bai has already eliminated the fifth group of enemies.

When the Cthulhu running dog stronghold in Baichuan City was cleaned up,

He should start,

Go to meet the masters!


(The fifth one is sent, and it gets stuck, rushing!

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