Chapter 122

“Schmidt, if you want to tell a joke.

You can go to the federal prison to talk! ”

The two grandmasters in black robes looked at Schmidt coldly.

As a master,

They are different from other running dogs, they are naturally bigger dogs!

So, even if abandoned by God,

Someone will soon be willing to accept it.

The two masters didn’t panic at all,

You can change the door at any time.

“What I say is true, that is, what my lord means!”

Schmidt transformed into a leader following the evil god Amon, the crow.

He was wearing a black robe, embroidered with red fire patterns, and he could vaguely see the head of a crow!

Another grandmaster spoke with a warm voice.

“How to prove your lord?”

They follow the evil god for power.

Although the ninth evil god has disappeared,

But he once demonstrated his power, allowing everyone to see hope.

Crow evil god Amon?

The things that exist in ancient books and legends are unconvincing.

“There are only two people in this world related to my lord.”

Schmidt was prepared,

“Baichuan Crow, and his apprentice Su Bai!”

The first proposal was rejected outright,

“Baichuan Crow can kill the fifth rank peak in seconds, who knows if he can kill the grandmaster?”

The Grand Master is very strong, but he is even more attentive!

“Then only Su Bai is the goal.

He has a lot to do with my lord, and there must be something extraordinary about being accepted as an apprentice by Baichuan Crow.

Although only a B-level talent, it should not be underestimated. ”

The two grandmasters finally decided to trust Schmidt for the time being.

If Su Bai passes their test, it means that what Schmidt said is true!

“Okay, let’s go to Baichuan City!”

After Su Bai finished the game, he was free from 643.

It’s impossible to go back to school, it’s impossible in this life.

Su Bai is now under the curse of Amon, lucky -1.

If you can do less, do less.

Do too many mistakes.

Pi broke his leg and called,

“Su Bai, that… I want to trouble you about something, although it would be presumptuous.”

Su Bai had a good impression of the broken leg.

After all, it was the man who hit him with a meteor.


This kid speaks very nicely and is proficient in 197 languages.

The broken leg was once shown to Su Bai,

How to say ‘TyrantNB! in 197 languages! ’

Su Bai is very satisfied.

The road widened for this young man.

“It’s okay, how troublesome! I like you to trouble me!”

Enthusiastic citizen Su goes online.

Pi’s broken leg was flattered,

“Well, I want to meet Tyrant in the trading secret!

There is something I want to discuss with him, no, report with him! ”

Su Bai almost blurted out: “Can you just tell me?”

After thinking about it, he still held back.

Su Bai gave a very careful answer,

“Okay, I will ask my teacher to help you spread the word.

If Tyrant agrees, we will let you know the time and place. ”

“Thank you, thank you so much!”

On the other side of the phone, after Pi broke his leg thanked him, he hung up the phone.

Stuck into a new problem.

“Fire worm 120,000 contribution points, Overlord 80,000, mine 250,000, little demon 200 contribution points.”

“The start-up capital is still short of 549,800 contribution points!”

“What should I do if the start-up funds are not enough, can I borrow from Tyrant… It’s difficult!”

Pi’s broken leg fell into entanglement again.

After Su Bai hung up the phone with Broken Leg, he walked towards the Wuzhe Cemetery.

Behind him, three pairs of eyes stared at his back.

“Schmidt, you may have guessed something by mistake.”

A grandmaster withdrew his eyes and said with certainty,

“Su Bai really has the breath of a devil!”

Devil gods and evil gods are actually beings at the same level of life.

The name is different.

“Everything is the guide of my lord,

It’s just using my mouth to say it. ”

Schmidt became more and more like a magic stick, his expression indifferent, neither sad nor happy.

Another master added,

“But it doesn’t explain much.”

“Let’s start the assessment.”(Read more @

A grandmaster is a prophecy department, able to track down things by skills.

He tried to determine the source of the devilish breath on Su Bai.


Dark blood dripped from both ears, and there was an answer in my heart.

“This is Amon’s curse!”

The two masters were shocked,

Is it really related to Amon? !

Schmidt was very indifferent, and casually explained,

“My lord’s blessing is a curse.”

In the area of ​​Cthulhu, this kind of wicked thing is very normal.

Maybe a Cthulhu takes care of you. He wants you to die soon and go to the kingdom of God to play with him.

Schmidt’s explanation is acceptable to the two masters.

Another grandmaster spoke,

“Since you said he is a believer of the thirteenth evil god.

And the disappearance of the ninth evil god is related to the thirteenth evil god.

In the kingdom of the dead belonging to Su Bai, there must be hidden secrets! ”


An undead curse magister fell in front of them.

This hapless one who was caught needs to do something for them.

“Use the curse to enter Su Bai’s kingdom of the dead,

Tell us everything you see when you come back! ”

“We will help you block your breath, don’t worry.”

The curse magister was in front of the two masters,

As cute as a chicken.


He entered the kingdom of the dead belonging to Su Bai as instructed.

Once there was a great magister of the undead who came, and then died.

The curse magister did not dare to go too far,

He is very cautious,

Only walked a little bit.


He saw 100 Cthulhu clones with a little weak momentum.

They were crowded on the periphery of the kingdom of the dead, very aggrieved.

It seems that there is something terrifying in the core that makes them afraid to approach!

Su Bai,

It turned out to be a godslayer!

Who can think of,

On the periphery of the Kingdom of the Dead, there will be such a terrifying existence as the Clone of the Cthulhu! !

These avatars were all when Su Bai changed jobs,

Killed by breaking through the 101-200 floors of the magic tower,

Stay here forever.

The evil gods from NO.2 to NO.12 are all gathered, neat and tidy.

Don’t look at God directly!

The soul fire of the Forbidden Magic Master began to extinguish,

The moment he looked directly at God,

Death will inevitably come!

He is stronger than the Grand Magister, and the process of death is even longer!

“how come…”

He exhausted all his strength and wanted to take a deep look.


Satisfy your curiosity before you die!

“A ooze monster…a crow-head monster…”

This was the last sight the Forbidden Magic Master saw before his death.

How terrible they are,

So many avatars were squeezed in the periphery, so I felt wronged and didn’t dare to approach!

Cthulhu is not a good man and a believer,

They only follow the law of the strong eating the weak!

in reality,

The curse magister who was casting the spell shook his body and quickly turned into a pool of black water!

Death is extremely miserable!

“how so?!”

“What’s in Su Bai’s Kingdom of the Dead?”

Needless to say Schmidt,

The two masters knew what had just happened.

“He looked at God directly!”

“I want to try, which evil god he saw!”

The master of the prophecy department slowly closed his eyes and exhorted,

“Protect my surroundings, if something is wrong, run away immediately!”


A drop of blood floated out of his eyes and slowly condensed in the air into the prototype of a name.

This is the culprit that caused the death of the person just now.

No, not a name!

The blood spreads,

Eleven names appeared at the same time!

Only half of the bloodstained name appeared, and it was shattered in mid-air.

God’s true name cannot be easily revealed in this world!

The master of the prophecy department shook his body,

The entire right arm turned into black mist with a bang!

The eyeballs of his eyes disappeared,

Opened his empty eyes, said in horror,

“The cause of his death was not to look directly at a god!”

“But… I looked directly at eleven different gods!!”

A B-level talented student, less than 6 days of play time.

Killed 11 clones of Cthulhu!

Just like the Pokémon Collector, it’s all done!

If such evildoers exist,

It has nothing to do with the thirteenth evil god.

Who is a believer of the thirteenth evil god?

Who deserves it?

In addition to Su Bai, Amon’s curse has strengthened everyone’s faith!

this moment,

Everyone believes that Su Bai is following the thirteenth evil god.

It’s the hermit, it’s the unsolvable, it’s… Amon! !

They lowered their heads and recited the name of the Lord silently,

That is to pray for following, but also to pray for God’s forgiveness!

God is speechless.

Schmidt said calmly,

“This is my lord forgiving you and waiting.”

The two masters looked at each other,

At the same time, he bowed to the 599-level Schmidt and said piously,

“May follow my lord until eternity.

The soul returns home, the kingdom of my lord! ”

Schmidt accepted it calmly without any anxiety.

His voice was somewhat hollow and indifferent, as if it were really a god,

“Tonight there is a conspiracy to hinder my lord’s awakening.

Frustrate it and offer loyalty to our Lord. ”

“Listen to the oracle!!”

Outside Baichuan City,

The 10 masters who participated in the siege of crows tonight, secret joints.

Of course, they will not come here, most of them are puppet clones, and some use laptop/mobile video directly.

It’s just that the latter is inferior to the master’s grade, which makes everyone contemptuous!

“Great news!”

“The two grandmasters of the forsaken,

In order to get the opportunity to join us and wait for the Holy Lord.

Volunteer for tonight’s action! ”

Everyone smiled upon hearing this,

“Good, good, good!”

“A total of twelve masters have taken action to encircle and suppress the crows!”

“I don’t believe that the crow can have the strongest wind just like Tyrant!”

“In this game, the crow must die!”


(3000+ words are sent to the fourth! Chong Chong Chong!).

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