Chapter 124

“Everyone in the city was attacked by unidentified men in black, and they were all destroyed!”

Twelve shadows stood high in the sky.

Even if they heard this news, they did not have any fluctuations.

There are ants below the master.

They don’t care about the life and death of those ants.

“So the crow shot?”

“No, it’s four little guys, the strength is between the second and third ranks!”

“Then wait.”

The gazes of the masters fell into the distance.

There, there is Bai Chongshan!

If you can’t wait for the crow tonight, killing Bai Chongshan will be a great achievement!

Before the ice sculpture,

Bai Chongshan looked at his son’s body and whispered,

“He said you have also become a running dog of the evil god.”

“My Bai family, full of loyalty, and bloody fighting!

In the end, it was my grandson and grandson who took refuge in the evil god? ”

Baizhongshan was disheveled and distracted,

Where is the slightest appearance of a master!

“Father doesn’t believe you will take refuge in the evil god!”

Bai Chongshan roared,

“Ape, sorry!”

“Father, this is to prove your innocence!”

He punched out and beat the ice sculpture to powder.

Even the corpse of Bai Liu Yuan was turned into powder!

At last,

Only a heart with black arrogance is left in place!

Powerful people above Rank 5 will drop similar things after death.

The moment I saw the black heart,

Bai Zhongshan completely collapsed.


The roar echoed in the night sky, and no one answered.

“Su Bai, what are we doing now?”

The Crow Ruling Team cleaned up all potential threats in the city.

Su Bai was not in a hurry to say the next step,

But first comment on the battle of the three,

“Xiaoxi, you are a warrior, and your talent can play a stronger combat effectiveness when you drop blood.

But in reality, your excessive consumption of blood will only bring danger to yourself!

Injure one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, so let’s not do business that loses money. ”

Xiang Xichu, the overlord, lowered his head embarrassedly after being reprimanded by Su Bai.

Four people set off, four crows,

Only the crow on the shoulder of the overlord, in order to protect him, died with the enemy.

In other words,

Overlord was the worst of the three in this battle!

“Actually, you just have less experience in life and death fighting.

The battle in reality cannot be distinguished from the battle in the game. ”

In the words of Su Bai.

In the eternal game, even if you die, you only lose attributes and equipment.

No other losses.

As the overlord of the battle tank, he can naturally be unscrupulous,

In the exchange of some details, it was very rough.

After entering reality, this roughness has been magnified countless times in the life and death struggle!

Eventually trigger a chain reaction.

If Bawang has always been at this level,

The Ravens Judgment Team, there will be no place for him in the future!

After talking about Overlord, Su Bai looked at the fire worm again.

“You are the best, but there is a problem.”

“I deliberately pursued close combat, but I forgot my job!”

“What you should do is not take the initiative to pull in the distance from the enemy.

Instead, kite first, let the enemy pull in the distance, and send it to the door!

Then you exploded with amazing near standing ability…”

The fire bug kept nodding,

Learned, learned.

After talking about the fire bug, looking at Pi’s broken leg, Su Bai suddenly had nothing to say.

This guy, spent nearly tens of billions of federal currency tonight, right?

spendthrift! !

Can you do whatever you want if you have money?

Su Bai patted Pi’s broken leg on the shoulder,

Speaking of,

“Before you do it next time, you can discuss with the enemy.”

Pi broke his leg and was at a loss, “What are you discussing?”

“Let the opposite party make a price, you transfer to him, and he will come to see you.”

Broken leg: …..

“Trust me, in this case, your expenses will be much smaller!”

After reviewing three people,(Read more @

Su Bai handed over the detector to Bawang.

“The hidden dangers in the city have been solved, and the outside of the city should also be guarded!”

“The running dogs of Cthulhu, there is more than this.”

The three of them patrolled the outskirts of Baichuan City with detectors in accordance with Su Bai’s instructions.

Once a large-scale Cthulhu running dog is found approaching,

They immediately…

“Call the Ministry of City Defense???”

No matter how the Overlord thought, he didn’t expect it to be such a result!

“Nonsense, when it’s time to shake people, don’t hesitate!”

Su Bai taught the three of his own principles of survival.

If you can’t beat it, hit it, if you can’t beat it, you’ll shake it!

“Ming, understand!”

The overlord trio left,

Su Bai looked at Baichuan City in the other direction.

Bai Chongshan is waiting for him there!

“What the hell is this brat doing?”

Luo Cheng tilted his head and looked at the sky over the cemetery.

There are two huge jackdaw crystal arrows,

Is moving in a circle non-stop!

Su Bai asks him,

It blocked the power of these two crystal arrows, and was not noticed by the outside world.

“The maintenance of this skill requires a huge amount of Mana and mental attributes.

The crow kid has more secrets than I thought! ”

Luo Cheng thoughtfully,

Got nothing,

At last he could only laugh and scold,

“This kid, the cut is all black! It must be okay!”

“Anyway, it is the evil god running dog who suffers, the old man can just watch the fun!”

Farewell to the overlord trio.

Su Bai is preparing for the decisive battle.

Two jackdaw crystal arrows in the cemetery, no problem.

Win the flag, score twice, hat-trick full BUFF, no problem!

A total of 740% attribute bonuses can be provided by the Hundred Battle suits!

Su Bai’s original intelligence was 400,000 points,

After the bonus, there are 3.36 million intelligence!

In the crystal arrows, each jackdaw provides 500,000 + 10% intelligence explosion damage!

That is 50+33.6=836,000!

There is also 100% real damage in the killing field and 750% bonus to the god-killing effect!

83.6*950%=7.94 million damage!

Rough calculations, a jackdaw can cause nearly 8 million damage!

Among them are real damage and magic damage.

Even if it is weakened by the opponent’s defense, the remaining damage is extremely considerable!

For each crystal arrow, Su Bai arranged thousands of jackdaws! !

More than 8 billion damage!

If this doesn’t stop the opponent, Su Bai can only turn around and run away!

“It’s time to go to the appointment!”

Su Bai changed his black clothes and changed back to his own mask of mood and anger…

From the Ravens Judgment Team to the Ravens!

“Tonight, how many masters will sleep in Baichuan?”

Su Bai pursed her lips and became excited.

After tonight, he wants to let all the Assassins Alliance know a truth:

Baichuan City is not a place outside the law!

The Cthulhu Running Dog Grandmaster,

Come one, Luo Cheng kill one,

Here’s a pair, Luo Cheng kills a pair!

Someone behind it is so hard-spirited!

“set off!”

“It’s half past eight. Will the crow come?”

The figure of the 12 Dao masters was a little impatient.

Bai Chongshan sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed tightly.

He didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all.

“Not everyone, Baichuan Crow is a promise.

Why didn’t the agreed time follow? ”

A group of evil god running dogs here accused the crows of not keeping time.

It’s also funny.

Baizhongshan suddenly opened his eyes and roared.


To the southeast, a group of black crows flew up.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to the past.


“Isn’t this an ordinary crow?”

It’s just a distraction,

Bai Chongshan unexpectedly rose from the ground and rushed straight to one of them!

While he shot, he roared,

“Do it!”

“I don’t need you to tell me too!”

A black figure appeared in the northwest.

The crows are ecstasy, the real body is here! !

The 12 masters were deceived by such a simple trick!

The agreement between Crow and Bai Chongshan was not eight o’clock at all, but eight thirty!

They are not fighting for life and death,

They are teaming up,

Keep all the Cthulhu Running Dog Grandmasters here! !

The two did not have any extra communication, but they seemed so tacitly in agreement!

Between the electric light and flint, everyone wants to understand everything!

5.9 Unfortunately,

late! !

Bai Chongshan swiftly closes, clinging to a person!

The power of the master is activated to ensure that the opponent cannot move.

at the same time,

On the other side, the crow tore through a scroll of forbidden curse,

Set the figure of a grandmaster in place! !

The two can’t move! !

at this time,

The crow let out a foul breath and laughed low.


In the warrior cemetery, the two long-standing crystal arrows have accelerated to the extreme!

In an instant, it seemed to have crossed the limitations of time and space and came to the eyes of the two masters!

They frantically mobilized their master’s power, trying to increase the capital for confrontation!


Everything is in vain!

Over 8 billion damages, their extraordinary masters can’t resist!

The unbearable weight of life!



After two loud noises!

There are only two ice sculptures left on the spot, and the vitality is gone!

Hundred rivers of crows,

An arrow came today,

Master Lian Zhu! !


(Sixth update sent! Chong Chong Chong! Two more updates!).

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