Chapter 118

“I’m going back.”

Su Bai ended the dungeon trial and quit the game after Firebug and Wushuang came out.

Among the seven, except for Su Bai, the Firebug scored the best.

Get the SS rating!

Wushuang only has an S grade, which surprised many people.

After the dungeon was brushed down, Su Bai reached level 1-36.

In the path of high-level mage enhancement,

He collected 3 more key fragments.

Collect 1 more fragment to open that mysterious copy!

After finishing the harvest, there is no dispute about the right to develop the foggy forest.

After all, others have already given a lot,

Su Bai was embarrassed to refuse,

He has always been an introvert and shy person,

Well, that’s it.

I haven’t finished playing for 6 hours today,

Su Bai came out in a hurry and wanted to try the effects of the fountain of life.

Luo Cheng, the former invincible master,

In order to help Su Bai stop Bai Chongshan, he affected the old disease after the shot.

Su Bai has always been a person with distinct loves and hates:

The grace of dripping, when dripping is reported!

Su Bai came outside the Baichuan Warrior Cemetery,

Here is a guard against Sen Yan, the Ministry of City Defense has deployed the highest-level guards!

of course,

It’s just a display of fancy.

Lying in it was the former invincible grandmaster, who could wipe out this group of people with a single breath.

The reason for alert,

It’s to show your attitude!

This is polite.

Su Bai passed the checkpoint of the Ministry of City Defense without obstacles.

Some of the uncles inside knew him, and the others knew that this was Crow’s apprentice.

Baichuan City will always be assured of crows!

Into the depths of the cemetery,

Su Bai saw a strange scene,

A speaker was placed next to the tombstone, and there was lively music:

“The second set of federal high school students broadcast gymnastics, the times are calling…”

“Get ready, get up!”

With music,

Luo Chengzheng is doing radio gymnastics stubbornly.

A once invincible master, doing radio gymnastics? !

“I shouldn’t be here, I should be under the car…”

Su Bai wanted to turn around and left, but the scene before him was really unseen!

Spicy eyes!

What if Luo Cheng feels ashamed and kills himself?

Su Bai chose to stay.

After 4 minutes and 10 seconds,

“…Five six seven, stop!”

Luo Cheng paused the broadcast and said with a smile,

“See if the old man died so early?”

“Respect the old and love the young.”

“You are afraid that I will leak your secrets out!”

“The heart of a villain! How can this person become younger and younger as he grows older?”

Through the previous brief contact,

Su Bai knows that Luo Cheng has a personality similar to an old naughty boy.

There is nothing wrong with laughing with him.

“Come on, just accompany me to do radio gymnastics.”

Su Bai:…

I should have left just now! !

Su Bai tried to do the last struggle,

“Luo Lao, I won’t be the second set, we jumped the young eagle to take off.”

“I have the fourth set of music here too, it’s all together!”

In the familiar sound of music,

Under the moonlight,

The old and the young danced.

Su Bai suspects that this incident will become the biggest stain in his life!

A hearty and hearty fourth set of broadcast gymnastics is finished.

Luo Cheng said with emotion,

“When you get active, you feel that youth is back!”

Su Bai’s mouth twitched,

Do you call this exercise? !

You do radio gymnastics to upgrade to an invincible master!

Is your talent to become stronger by doing radio gymnastics? !

“The old man, when he was still doing radio gymnastics, was drawn to the battlefield…”

Luo Cheng looked at the tombstones all over the floor and fell silent.

“Lao Luo, I did radio gymnastics with you,

Do you always have to do something with me? ”

“Go, I’ll accompany you home!”

Su Bai:…

This is the first time that Su Bai can’t take advantage of words.

The other party is also good at relying on the old to sell the old!

“I have done all the radio gymnastics. Isn’t it inappropriate to do eye exercises?”

Su Bai is persuasive.

Luo Cheng seriously said:

“I usually do eye exercises at 2:30 in the afternoon.”

You fucking do it!(Read more @

Su Bai didn’t expect that,

The reclusive life of an invincible master is so boring!

It seems that in the future,

To find a way to have some fun for Luo Lao,

This way he won’t pester himself.

“Lao Luo, let’s do eye exercises now, and I will accompany you.”

“Your kid has a lot of bad ideas, what tricks do you want to use?”

In the end, Luo Cheng still couldn’t help Su Bai.

Sit at the table and prepare to do eye exercises.

“Before doing eye exercises, drop eye drops.”

“There is a family member who takes a bath without drawing the curtains 10 kilometers away.

I can see it all, you let me drop my eye drops? ”

Su Bai couldn’t bear it,

“Don’t share your voyeuristic life with me!

I’m still a kid! ”

Luo Cheng fought against each other,

“A child who destroyed the Assassin League branch and was rumored to be the Assassin Grandmaster?”

Su Bai forced Luo Cheng and dropped two drops of eye drops!

This is probably the bravest thing he has done in his life.

Level 136 forces an invincible master of level 799!

Eye drops dripping down,

Luo Cheng shook his whole body.

Immediately felt an extremely powerful vitality running away in the body!

All injuries were quickly repaired, and those hidden wounds that the Healing Master was helpless, were repaired in a blink of an eye!

“This is not eye drops, this, this is…”

“The spring of life!”

Feel the strength coming back into the body little by little, even stronger than at the peak!

Luo Cheng opened his eyes abruptly, and two bright lights shot out.

There is no shadow of Su Bai beside him.

“This brat!”

“The courage is really fat, dare to press Laozi!”

“In the future, I will skip radio gymnastics with Xeon too, hahaha!”

Saying this, Luo Cheng carried the kerosene lamp and walked out of the hut.

Looking at the tombs of the brothers, for Luo Cheng, this is his brother’s home!

“Brothers, I may go down to accompany you later.”

“I want to kill more evil god running dogs, crypt monsters, and make my wish for you!”

Between words,

A brilliant kerosene lamp!

The entire warrior cemetery was illuminated like daylight!

On this day,

Underworld lantern Luo Cheng, re-enter the invincible master!

“You said it’s hard for Luo Cheng to recover to the top?”

Xiaohu asked, Zhao Zizhen sitting across from him.

“Yes, the injury is too serious!”

“Old Zhao, talk more if you can speak!”

Zhao Zizhen frowned and scolded angrily.

“Xiaohu, what do you mean! I have endured you for a long time!”

“Can’t you believe in science? I am also a healer who has been famous for decades!”

Zhao Zizhen started his own personal show.

He counted Luo Cheng’s injuries, hidden dangers, and possible treatment options.

From all aspects, extremely scientific arguments have been made, ‘why Luo Cheng can’t return to the top’!

“To sum up, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Cheng to recover unless he finds the legendary spring of life!”

The snoozing tiger, as soon as he hears this, he won’t be sleepy!

“Old Zhao, how rare is this spring of life?”

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

“Hmph, since eternity appeared, a total of three drops of life spring have appeared!”

Zhao Zizhen tried to convince people with reason,

“The conditions for collecting life spring water are very harsh.

You must first rush to 1 million meters in the world tree, and then you must have a designated container, and use a special method to collect!

If something goes wrong, the collected life spring water will also be useless! ”

Xiaohu seemed to understand, “Just talk about the probability, the possibility that Luo Cheng can get the spring of life!”

“There is no one in a billion!”

Zhao Zi is really confident.

Xiaohu jumped off the chair and shook Zhao Zizhen’s shoulders.

“I thank you for the underworld lantern!”

“No matter how feudal and superstition you are, I’m going to go crazy!”

Xiaohu didn’t care if Zhao Zi really yelled at him.

Go straight out and find the middle-aged man.

“Go, let’s go to Baichuan City!”

The middle-aged man was puzzled, “Why are you going there, watching the crow?”

“I suspect Luo Cheng is already healed, to verify that Zhao’s mouth is not working well!”

Zhao Zizhen scolded again from the house.

The middle-aged man also feels a bit too trivial.

However, he must now personally protect Xiaohu.

“Well, go and see.”

…… …. 0

Two figures,

Appeared outside the Wuzhe Cemetery in Baichuan City,

At this time the sun has risen halfway, and many people have awakened from the game.

Xiaohu didn’t say a word yet.

The middle-aged man’s face changed drastically!

The crown mark on his eyebrows is almost out of control!

at the same time,

A kerosene lamp also flew out of Luo Cheng’s hands, and hit the two!

The light of the kerosene lamp is extremely bright!

In an instant,

Two suns appeared over Baichuan City!

The terrifying heat is coming,

The middle-aged man made a decisive decision,


With the little tiger in one hand, the middle-aged man’s body turned into countless trees, rolling in the ground at great speed!

in a blink,

He appeared 500 kilometers away!

When he returned to the ground, Master Xiaohu was sound and unsure.

The crown of the middle-aged man’s eyebrows is shining brightly, it seems to be rushing out!

“How is this going?!”

Xiaohu has never seen this scene before,

The experience just now was really terrifying!

It seems that the other party can easily kill himself with just one thought!

The two sides who rushed to each other were just the aftermath of the battle, enough to kill the grandmaster Xiaohu!

This…. Is it the strength of the Invincible Grandmaster? !

Xiaohu felt it for the first time,

Grandmaster and Grandmaster are not the same! !

The middle-aged man’s hands were green sprouts, his eyes were burning,

Rarely appeared the intent to fight!

In this world, there are not many opponents worthy of his all-out fight!

In the sky of Baichuan City,

The other sun was also taken back,

It changed back to that kerosene lamp and fell into Luo Cheng’s hands.

The green sprouts in the middle-aged man’s hands have also recovered.

Until then,

He has the time to answer Xiaohu’s question,

“I didn’t expect Ming Deng to fully recover and rush into his world.

Suffered a counterattack from the dark lantern. ”

After explaining,

He said with a little regret,

“From today, Invincible will not be allowed to enter Baichuan!”

There is a famous saying in chess: the king does not see the king!

There are similar famous sayings among top masters:

Invincible but invincible!

If you meet invincibly, one will die!

And the one who survived… hopes to reach the top! !


(The eighth sent it up, and fell asleep groggy.

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