Chapter 117

An hour ago,

When Su Bai and Bawang were fighting in the dungeon,

Another battle started at [Tyrant reception].

“Xiu’er, Second Uncle, I will bring you to learn more.”

The second uncle was very proud and introduced,

“The negotiation between the two parties should be generous!

Do not use vulgar words, but pay attention to demeanor. ”

Pi Broken Leg has a question in his heart,

“Second uncle, you are talking about negotiations between the two sides,

The focus of the negotiations is how to divide Tyrant’s rights and interests. Isn’t it weird? ”

“Tyrant is not here, are you afraid that your own interests will be damaged?”

Pi Broken Leg just learned,

Tyrant actually entrusted Elno of Wangu City to be in charge of the negotiation!

“You don’t understand this, right?”

The second uncle was very proud. He had already waited for Pi’s broken leg to ask this question!

“Where is Tyrant from?

People of the Federation, the roots are still on Earth!

He is not an eternal NPC!

We are like Tyrant’s mother-in-law, Wan Gucheng is Tyrant’s mother-in-law,

How can there be a natal relative in your in-laws?

Eternal City is responsible for the negotiations, and it will definitely give Tyrant a lot of profit.

I estimate it is between 20% and 25%!

They all count on Tyrant to upgrade!

Our federation cannot be weakened.

Given the highest 35% ratio, the three are on an equal footing!

After all, it’s better for our family to treat 640 Tyrant! ”

After some metaphors,

It always feels weird to have a broken leg.

But it can’t be said to be strange.

Is Tyrant so popular?

Tyrant seems to have become a huge sweet pastry,

Eternal City and the Federation followed Tyrant and shouted: Choose me, choose me!

“This is a dog licking!”

Pi’s broken leg finally reacted.

What kind of mother-in-law’s mother-in-law, don’t put gold on your face!

Aren’t these two crazy licking dogs? !

There is an ominous premonition of a broken leg,

Today’s negotiations may be extraordinarily ‘extraordinary’.

The representative of Eternal City has arrived.

After the two parties took their seats, they went straight to the subject:

How much should be given to Tyrant for the development of the Misty Forest!

The second uncle thought about it and said:

“We recommend that 22% of the equity be vested in Tyrant…”

He reserved a lot of room for bargaining,

This is conducive to follow-up negotiations.


Elno didn’t talk about martial arts, so he lifted the table when he came up.

“No talk for less than 35%!”


The opponent’s smallest card is bigger than yourself?

How to play this!

Pi Broken leg looked on with cold eyes, and said in his heart,

“Appeared! The licking dog inside! It’s about to start!”

“They will keep increasing each other’s prices until one of them can’t bear it!”

“This is a win-win: Tyrant wins twice!

Is this also in your calculations, Tyrant! It’s terrible this man! ”

My second uncle gritted his teeth, seemingly heartache,

“35% is 35%!”

He agreed!

Elno gave him a strange look.

“I said that the talks below 35% are exempt, and the talks above 35% will be slow!

Let me give the number first, 40%! “(Read more @

The second uncle took a breath.

At 40%, the Federation and Wangu City only account for 30%, which is not as much as Tyrant!

“I need to ask for instructions…”

this matter,

Completely beyond the scope of the second uncle’s authority.

If during the negotiation, the federal bid is lower than Wangucheng,

Doesn’t it mean,

The Federation pays less attention to Tyrant than Wangu City?

The Federation does not allow this to happen!


The Crown Tree Man came down from the second floor and sat next to Uncle Shen Xiu to help him hold the battle.

This time the second uncle is full of confidence,

“40% can!”

Elno sat down and raised the price, “That 42%!”


“Okay, 45% from the Federation!”

“1% bigger than you!”


Both parties continue to increase prices,

At last,

The second uncle even started swearing,

“Give it 100% to Tyrant, don’t both of us!”

“I second!”

“Still second? Would you like to add more to Tyrant!”

“Yes, Wangucheng can give out three buildings to Tyrant!”

“Really, you’re here to make trouble!”

“This is how you talk to the 599-level curse magister?!”

“Laozi is afraid of you, talk about business as long as you talk about business, show some sincerity!”


The two sides quarreled for a long time, and Elno suddenly buzzed a few Elvish words.

The second uncle was stunned for a moment, and said angrily,

“You scold me?!”

Pi broke his leg and said in surprise,

“Second uncle, do you understand?”

As a chat,

Pi Broken is proficient in all languages ​​in eternity!

He didn’t expect that the second uncle also understood.

Just now, Elno:

“Stingy, miser, do you want Tyrant to miss you?”

The second uncle is righteous and confident,

“He suddenly said bird language, why didn’t he scold me?”

Pi broke his leg and gave a white look, and replied in Elvish language.

“We all sit down and talk, and negotiate a mutually acceptable condition.”

“it is good.”

The conversation between the two was completely changed to Elvish.

An illiterate second uncle was left in place, unable to understand anything.


The Crown Tree also joined the negotiation.

Yes, he can also speak Elvish!

The second uncle with broken leg, first felt how important it is to learn a foreign language!

For Elvish, he only knows a few words,

For example: “Don’t!” “Don’t come here!” “No!” and the like.

If I don’t understand too much, I can only appreciate the body language.

The three discussed for half an hour, and finally came up with a plan:

The core is 100%, the inner circle is 55%, and the outer circle is 30%!

Such generous conditions are given to Tyrant, but there are also restrictions!

“Tyrant must ensure that the utilization efficiency of these plots is not less than 60%!

If the goal cannot be achieved within three years.

These plots were taken back by the Federation and Wangu City, and 60% of the follow-up proceeds were given to Tyrant! ”

The core area of ​​the foggy forest,

The value accounts for more than 60% of the value of the entire foggy forest!

The reason for giving it all to Tyrant,

It is the determination of both parties:

Tyrant sits alone at Jinshan and Yinshan, and he can’t finish the development!

He has only one person, and he wants to pull a team to develop, and it is too late for three years!

The development of such a large project is calculated in a 10-year cycle.

Give Tyrant free for 3 years,

After 3 years, both parties will get it back, and it can still be developed!

Anyway, the foggy forest can’t run away there.


The Federation and Wangucheng expressed their importance to Tyrant.

In fact, it did not pay too much.

The wishful thinking is very loud.

“Developing the foggy forest requires people and money!”

The second uncle is triumphant,

“Xiu’er, as long as Tyrant doesn’t have a business genius like you,

There is no start-up capital of more than 1 million contribution points,

The core area of ​​the mist forest is for him, and he can stare! ”

Hear this,

Pi broke his leg and shook his heart.

“Maybe… this is an opportunity for me?”

“Would you like to give it a go… Refuge in Tyrant?!”

“But even if I go, what about the start-up capital, I only have more than 200,000 contribution points for private money…”

Pi broke his leg and thought about it.

After the negotiation between the two parties is over, we will wait for Tyrant to express his position!

After a while,

The crown tree person informs everyone,

“Tyrant agreed!”

Baichuan City, Wuzhe Cemetery.

Zhao Zizhen, who had been busy all night, finally ended the rescue.

To be able to rescue an invincible grandmaster, it is not a small achievement for him.

He sighed.

“Unfortunately, the injury is still too serious. It is difficult to get back to the top!”


(The seventh is sent, rushing! Thank you for your monthly pass, code word!).

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