Chapter 119

“Today, we are gathered here to attend Luo Cheng’s funeral…”

The priest couldn’t help stopping, looked at Su Bai, and asked,

“Are you sure this is the manuscript handwritten by Master Luo?”


Su Bai is sure.

“Why hasn’t the ink on it dried yet?”

“Master Luo just died not long.”

Father: Damn, what he said is so reasonable, I can’t refute it!

“Well, go ahead, today is a good day, there should be BGM here.”

The melody of ‘good day’ rang.

Su Bai was very considerate and sent BGM.

The priest continued to chant the eulogy.

“Because Luo Cheng is dead.

Some people die, he lives forever…”

The entire funeral was very small,

Not many people participated:

Old, Nian Xiaoyao, Zhao Zizhen, Su Bai, Qin Lin…

Luo Cheng has no relatives and no queen, alone.

He is gone, I am afraid that only those present will remember him.

Looking at the coffin, his body couldn’t help shaking.

“Yesterday it was fine, what about today, what…”

He choked with words.

When excited,

He even stepped forward and slapped Luo Cheng’s coffin board vigorously.

He expects a miracle to happen, the other party can sit up from the coffin and continue to scold him.

“Grandpa, the sorrows have changed smoothly…”

Zhao Zizhen is the one who can’t accept this the most.

“Impossible, the postoperative recovery is very good!”

“I went out for a stroll, and when I came back, there were no more people!”

He even opened the coffin for an autopsy and checked it again and again.

In the end, a thousand words turned into a sigh.

It’s so cold.

“Death is like this, no breath at all,

Even the strongest can’t be saved! ”

Fortunately, Master Xiaohu was not present,

Otherwise he will call the insider directly!

Su Bai is the happiest person in the audience,

“Everyone is happy, this is fun!”

He can even sway with the BGM of ‘Good Day’.

“Luo Lao seeks benevolence and benevolence, and he died well!”

“Dabai, pay attention to image!”

Qin Lin reminded while filling the grave.

“You are so happy! You are almost bursting into tears!”

“Why, I have a very sad smile!”

When Luo Cheng was buried, everyone dispersed.

Qin Lin was a little strange,

“Dabai, I saw a big sun rising from here this morning.

Everyone in the city has seen it!

I thought Master Luo had recovered his strength! ”

“No, that was his last ripple.”

Su Bai expressed regret.

The two did not leave directly, but stayed in the cemetery cabin.

Back in the car when he was old, the sad expression disappeared instantly.


Nian Xiaoyao’s big eyes were filled with big doubts.

The loss of a close friend,

Grandpa’s sorrow should be so hot.

How could it be done so soon?

“Bad son, not being a son of man, bastard stuff!”

The old man yelled,

Nian Xiaoyao was stunned.

This is the legendary love engenders hate?

Grandpa Grandpa couldn’t accept the other party’s departure,

No sadness, but endless resentment?

Until Nian Xiaoyao heard that sentence,

“The old immortal still pretends to be dead!”

Nian Xiaoyao:? ? ?

Grandpa won’t be crazy, right!

Be sober, grandpa!

Nian Xiaoyao seriously corrected the words,

“Grandpa, Master Zhao has an autopsy!

Even if it is pretending to be dead, the grandmaster can’t find out.

Grandpa, you can’t find it either! ”

The old man said very depressed,

“Laozi was lying on the coffin, and there was an undead laugh from inside.

I was so scared that Laozi was about to have a heart attack! ”

“Go to the hospital!”(Read more @

Outside Baichuan City, beside an ice sculpture.

Bai Chongshan has been sitting here all night.

“Otherwise, we wouldn’t dare to come here, don’t we?”

“Even if he pretends to be dead, the dark lantern of regressive strength,

Can you beat the siege of 10 masters?

We are responsible for taking out the grandmaster of the Federation,

You killed the crows (fire worms), and you get what you need! ”

They dare to take action against the dark lantern,

Even the invincible grandmaster of the heyday is still a grandmaster.

There is always a way to restrain.

But they dare not kill the descendants of the strongest with their own hands,

In that way, the anger of the strongest will be ushered in!

That is comparable to the anger of gods!

Bai Zhongshan’s heart is like ashes, without worry…

Killing a Xeon descendant, not so much care!

After listening to the words of the phantom,

Bai Chongshan suddenly opened his eyes and roared,

“Do it tonight!”

He, can’t wait!

“Dabai, what are you looking for?”

“Looking for a hammer, I heard that a hammer is more suitable for a dark lantern.”

Su Bai found a big hammer, and Qin Lin carried a shovel.

“Why are we going now?”

There were only two people left in the entire warrior cemetery.

The rest were evacuated.

“Planning the grave!”

Qin Lin: …

“Is this inappropriate?”

“What’s wrong!”

Su Bai is plausible,

“Lao Luo said in his last words that he will be buried when he is dead.

Maybe he was alive again after urinating! ”

“This, this is too…”

Qin Lin was still speechless.

Su Bai has already started.

Sledgehammer! Sledgehammer!

Su Bai smashed the text under the tombstone to pieces,

Only the word Luo Cheng remained.


Qin Lin never dreamed that he would dig a grandmaster’s grave one day!

“Big, white!”

“The coffin, the coffin is moving, and the corpse has changed!”

“Hurry up and find the hoof!”

An old man with a voice, sat up from the coffin.

“The old man can come out by himself, why do you have to dig?”

“A sense of ritual!”

Su Bai is plausible.

Finally caught the opportunity to toss the dark lantern,

Can’t let it go!

“Good fellow, did you even smash the tombstone of the Lord?”

Luo Cheng patted the ashes on his body and looked at the mess with interest.

“It’s not lucky to put tombstones here if people are alive!”

Su Bai said confidently,

“The more I looked at the tombstone, the more angry I became, and I smashed it with my head!”

“Yes, the ruts are teachable.”

Luo Cheng nodded and said solemnly,

“Give me the sledgehammer in your hand.

You have the qualifications to practice iron head skills, and I will pass on your unique skill.

Let the old man give you a few hammers in the head to make sure you get the best! ”

The corners of Su Bai’s mouth twitched.

Is this a trick?

This is the opening of the heavenly spirit cover!

Luo Cheng walked out of the tomb.

“You said, this is really useful?”

Feign death was Su Bai’s idea.

Luo Cheng didn’t care, he had experienced everything in his life, and the funeral was the first time.

It’s fresh!

Especially when the second child lay on the coffin and made him laugh!

It’s worth the fare.

“Guaranteed to be useful!”

Su Bai patted his chest to make sure,

“Those emperors, saints, invincibles all rely on the trick of pretending to be dead to lure and kill the enemy!

I read a lot, trust me! ”

Luo Cheng couldn’t help squinting his eyes.

There is no serious word in this kid’s mouth!

Su Bai smiled and said,

“I have a hunch.”

“Your chance to make a move is coming soon!”


(The first one is sent! Chong Chong Chong!).

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