Chapter 116

In front of the seven, a spring formed by the roots of a banyan tree appeared.

“There are nine such springs in the entire copy.

Jumping on the spring will bounce you up a distance.

At the same time, you can use displacement skills to keep flying upwards.

The higher the flight, the higher the final clearance score.

10000 meters, Class A

20000 meters, S grade

50000 meters, SS level

100,000 meters can be SSS level!

Overlord introduced,

“Of course not to let you fly all the time, there will be various plant attacks during the flight, which will interfere with you. If you are killed or shot down, the pass will be over!”

Su Bai looked at the spring,

A very interesting setting.

Every time the unstoppable can go 10,000 meters, 100,000 meters takes 10 seconds.

“Su Bai, the more the spring is used, the greater the elasticity!”

Overlord’s eyes gleamed with light,

“You will be the last one to jump!”

The others had no objection and nodded one after another.

Along the way, if Overlord is the leader of the team, Su Bai is like the leader of the team!

He exerts the most effort and deserves to be the last jump, enjoying the best conditions.

Su Bai thought for a while, but didn’t refuse.

Even without springs, he can easily reach 100,000 meters.

If Su Bai does not accept this opportunity,

It seems to be out of touch, and the relationship with everyone is alienated.

“let’s start!”

As the captain, the overlord jumped up first.

As a soldier, his displacement ability is the weakest, I am afraid he can’t fly 10,000 meters.

Just be a stepping stone and let the brethren fly higher!

It is this belief that makes him a real cornerstone in the future!

One person after another jumped on the spring.

Wushuang took the last jump. As a snitch, she had the most displacement.

There is hope to break through the S level and reach the SS level!

After all,

The lower-level copies of the World Tree are used as general-purpose copies from level 100 to level 599,

They challenged as soon as they reached level 100,

I look down on the World Tree a bit too much!

This time the score is not high, just continue next time.

If you come to the dungeon at level 100, you will be able to pass the level with an SSS score

That’s hell!

Flew up like a monkey without a two-way cross.

“What is 〃‖ above 100,000 meters?”

Su Bai was a little curious, jumped on the spring, exerting force on his legs.


The whole person flew out.


Su Bai surpassed the first six people in an instant, so fast that the six people didn’t notice anything!

They can only feel quite strong, there seems to be a strong wind blowing around!

“Good luck! Good wind sent me to Qingyun with strength!”

Overlord laughed,

Then it stopped at 777 meters, unable to continue flying upwards, and was sent a copy.

“Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise Laozi would be a SS-level shame!”

Overlord is rejoicing,

A system announcement came from my ears.

“Player [Tyrant] SSS level clearance of the lower-level copy of the World Tree!”


Overlord was hit once again.

I am 777 meters, and others are 100,000 meters. Is this person a bit bigger than a person?(Read more @

“It doesn’t matter, you can come back to challenge before level 599!”

Overlord encouraged himself.

Although he knew that even at level 599, it would be difficult for him to reach 100,000 meters!

After the system announces the full service announcement,

The response was mediocre.

Everyone said: It’s numb!

Tyrant, after all, is an SSS-level Raiders who lives in the system announcement.

The only time in Tyrant’s life, it was not an SSS-level strategy.

He made a perfect strategy that the full server hasn’t seen in a century!

What happened to Tyrant is not surprising!

At the same time the full server announcement sounded,

Su Bai is still in the air!

“What’s the matter, I can fly upwards?”

The announcement came out, Su Bai, who flew 100,000 meters, can still go up!

“No matter what, keep flying!”


Su Bai has unstoppable 90 consecutive releases!

To 1 million meters,

He landed on a platform!

“This is… hidden off?”

Su Bai looked around, which seemed to be the canopy of the World Tree.

There is nothing all around,

There is only a small pond in the middle.

The water is not deep, Su Bai just approached, and he felt warm and comfortable.

“Good stuff.”

Su Bai took out the container and wanted to collect some pond water.

But no matter how he installed it, the pool water would pass through the container, unmoved.

It seems that the lake is just a phantom.

“Good things are in sight, but there is no way to collect…”

Su Bai remembered that he had a secret water element,

With a thought, Blue Rain, an elf from the secret realm, appeared in front of his eyes.

“Master, long time no see!”

“It’s only been a few days, look at what this is?”


Lan Yu exclaimed,

“This is the fountain of life, the dew on the canopy of the World Tree has condensed a drop in a century!

Every drop of the fountain of life has a powerful healing effect, which can make bones and flesh flesh!

Most importantly, it is the necessary material for the legendary potion! ”

Lan Yu is very knowledgeable and Su Bai is very satisfied.

It turns out that the tool wizard is by my side!

“Then can you collect the water of life?”

“Can suck, but only a little bit.”

With Su Bai’s instruction, Lan Yu immediately started.

Like a water baby, it sucks all the spring water into the mystery of the water element, without leaving a drop!

Su Bai:? ? ?

“…” Do you call this a little bit? ”

Lan Yu was also very wronged,

“There is only one lost here!”

When I think of water in the mystery of the water element,

Su Bai is slightly balanced.

No matter what,

It was an unexpected surprise to be able to take away all the spring water!

There is no value for exploration here.

“Let’s go!”

Su Bai thought,

The whole person appeared at the entrance of the dungeon.

“Su Bai, you are out too! Hahaha!”

Overlord smiled happily,

With Su Bai, 5 people in the whole team have come out.

Only Huo Chong and Wushuang are still breaking through.

Su Bai set off after everyone else, and now he comes out, indicating that he is not flying too high!

Thought of this.

Everyone is in balance.

Everyone showed a “you know” expression,

“It turns out that Su Bai also has shortcomings, not the hexagonal mage! Hahaha!”

Everyone thought so in their hearts.

If Su Bai has no shortcomings, wouldn’t it be too scary?

You can compete with Tyrant!

Su Bai, who has shortcomings, is better.

This way is more real and more acceptable to him as his comrade-in-arms.

Su Bai doesn’t know what everyone is thinking.

However, he liked the feeling of playing together.

You can also kill the Cthulhu running dog by the way and get dozens of 500-level equipment.

Don’t live your life too comfortably.

Just when Su Bai waited for Wushuang and Huo Chong to break through the level,

Received news from the Crown Tree:

“The foggy forest negotiations have come to fruition.”

Su Bai looked down,

35%? Or 40%?

“100% of the revenue in the core zone belongs to you,

There is also 55% of income in the inner circle,

30% of the outskirts’ profit.

There are some additional conditions, meet to discuss in detail. ”

Su Bai was slightly surprised.

“Why is it so high?”

“Did something go wrong?”


(Sixth more sent! Chong Chong Chong! There are two more blowing!

Isn’t it worth everyone to vote for a monthly evaluation vote for the 20,000 authors? ).

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