Chapter 111

Tyrant reception, there is neither Tyrant nor no one.

Pi broke his leg and followed his second uncle into the cabin. They only dared to stand in the lobby on the first floor, and did not dare to go upstairs.

Looking around, there is a lot more cold air in Pi’s broken leg!

“Second Uncle, I read it right!”

“The peerless wine in the Secret Realm of Tianjiu, the rare fruit of the Elven World Tree, even the teapot is filled…”


Pi broke his leg and his throat moved slightly and grunted.


The second uncle hurriedly reminded,

“Hush! Be careful!”

Pi’s broken leg nodded numbly.

He Shen Xiu comes from the Shen family.

The Shen family is also known as the richest family under Xeon.

The strength may not be as good as other master families, and there is no invincible master inside.

However, the contemporary owner of the Shen family is a business genius!

When everyone was addicted to improving strength, he was making money.

When everyone resisted the invasion of the crypt, he made money while donating money to the frontline.

No matter what everyone is doing, the purpose of the Shen family is very clear:

Make money! Make money! It’s still really making money!

The legendary deeds of the head of the Shen family are numerous.

The famous Eternal Wizard Palace Magic Forum was built by him.

He also founded ‘Eternal Taobao’, ‘Eternal Jingdong Daojia’, ‘Eternal PDD’, ‘Eternal QQ’, and ‘Eternal Xiaomi Equipment Series’…

When everything was calm, everyone suddenly discovered that

The Shen family has become a behemoth in a wealthy country!

As the eldest son of the Shen family, Pi Broken Leg is naturally knowledgeable.

The drinks and food on the first floor of the Tyrant reception,

I haven’t even eaten a broken leg!

When I visited the Xeon family only once,

The other party took out a small portion to entertain the Shen family.

This is already the highest courtesy!

And these priceless things are placed in front of you like the food in ordinary bars!

“The goodness of the Federation to Tyrant is reflected in all aspects…”

“Is there a waiter or not, the one that covers board and lodging.”

Pi broke his leg and took a sip of water, forcing himself to look away.

Looking further, his stomach was groaning.

“Let’s stand here and wait a while, the people of Wangu City are coming soon!”

The second uncle did not forget to exhort,

“Tyrant is like a water element in the trading secret,

If you run into Tyrant, don’t do anything stupid.

If Tyrant’s information is leaked out, it would be a crime of treason against humanity! The Shen family can’t protect you! ”


Pi’s broken leg kept nodding.

He broke his leg, not his life.

Broken legs can be skinny.

Let’s avoid the death.

In order to distract her, Pi Broken Leg’s eyes fell on those extremely precious delicious and delicious drinks.


Pi broke his leg and heard the sound of swallowing saliva.

No, I didn’t swallow!

He turned his head slightly and saw that his second uncle was just as greedy as himself.


“Second Uncle, saliva…”

Pi’s broken leg ran into his second uncle with an elbow.

The second uncle came back to his senses and forcibly explained,

“I didn’t sleep well last night, you see, I was sleepy after standing for a while, and I fell asleep!”

As he said, he wiped the saliva off his mouth if nothing had happened.

The two continued to look at the counter without an appointment.

Keep going~~~

This suffering did not last long.

Another group of guests greeted the Tyrant reception, and a water element broke in.(Read more @

Su Bai pushed in,

It is rare to see outsiders on the first floor.

Surprisingly, Tyrant’s bar is finally open for business?

Pi Broken leg and a rich middle-aged man stood in the lobby, seeming to be waiting for someone,

They didn’t dare to sit down, so they could only stand and wait.

Su Bai said secretly in his heart,

“It should be someone who is here to talk about the right to develop the foggy forest.

Pi’s broken leg was there. ”

Su Bai was about to go upstairs, but found that their legs trembled slightly.

Why, standing tired?

Su Bai said,

“Sit down.”

Pi’s broken leg and the middle-aged man are a spirited spirit,

Tyrant spoke to us! !

This is Tyrant’s site,

If you don’t listen to Tyrant, the consequences…


They swipe and sit on the floor!

Su Bai:…

What’s wrong with these two people? !

“There is a bench, let’s sit on the bench.

If you want to sit on the ground, there is a futon upstairs, you can come up with me to get it. ”

Su Bai felt that as an old man in Tyrant’s reception,

He needs to be kind to these new faces.

But Pei’s broken leg and the middle-aged man were extremely frightened,

“Don’t worry, don’t worry!”

They crawled from the ground, rushed up to the bench, and sat on it!

Just like the joy of finishing playing BOSS.

Su Bai murmured from the bottom of his heart,


He is about to go upstairs.

Pi broke his leg and never expected that the pressure of facing Tyrant would be so strong!

With just two sentences, he became the puppet in Tyrant’s hands. What Tyrant asked him to do, he would subconsciously do it!

“Is this the strongest of the future?! Is this the invincible posture?!”

Pi’s broken leg was trembling all over, and every cell was wailing in fear!

Facing Tyrant, he is like a lone boat in the storm, weak and helpless!

In the previous fight, Su Bai overwhelmed Pi with a severe beating and broke his leg.

In the bottom of Pi Broken’s heart, Su Bai and Tyrant can even be compared!

Only then did he realize how ridiculous his thoughts are!

Tyrant completely destroyed his psychological defense in a few words!

Horrible! !

In order to hide this fear, Pi Broken Leg could only cast his eyes on the rare treasures on the counter.

He was horrified to find that even the food that he had longed for before was not delicious anymore! !

In front of Tyrant, he didn’t even dare to think of gluttonous thoughts!

Su Bai didn’t know what was going on with the two of them, and was about to go upstairs.

Suddenly found that Pi Broken leg had been looking at the fruit tray wine.

Su Bai suddenly realized,

“I have never been a guest at home, I have forgotten the basic etiquette.”

“Pour a cup of tea and make a snack, otherwise the guests will wait.”

Su Bai stopped and walked to the counter.

Pi Broken leg and his second uncle immediately turned their eyes to the side!

Don’t look directly at God, nor look at Tyrant! !

Tyrant held the fruit tea and placed it in front of the two of them.

“…” There is nothing good, so let’s just do it. ”

The broken leg has lost the language function, and I don’t know what to say.

skin? He has never done so in his life!

Tyrant’s tone seemed a little angry,

“Don’t like it? Then I’ll change it.”

“No, no, that’s all right!”

The two of them heard Tyrant’s implication and ate immediately.

Su Bai nodded in satisfaction, and went upstairs to wait for someone to go.

When I left, I didn’t forget to give instructions.

“After you finish eating, you can take it yourself.”

How dare Pi Broken Leg and Second Uncle!

When Tyrant’s figure disappeared at the top of the stairs, the second uncle let out a long sigh.

He’s sweaty all over his clothes!

A broken leg is not much better!

“Xiu’er, it’s not as famous as meeting, Tyrant is really strong!”

Pi broke his leg and nodded while eating Hesai.


He can only fill his inner fear by constantly eating!

“You kid, eat slowly, don’t fight with me!”

“Why are you still in your pocket?”

Pi Broken leg whispered,

“I will bring some for my friends.”

Second Uncle: “Your second mother actually likes these things…”

After a while, the fruit plate in front of the two was swept away.

At this time, the crown tree man pushed the door and entered, followed by a dwarf.

The two went straight up the steps and went to find Tyrant on the second floor.

Leaving the duo of Pi’s broken leg who was shocked again.

“Second Uncle, the one just now is the first person under the strongest…”


“And Master Xiaohu?!”

“Stop talking, besides, I’m going to have a heart attack!”

“What did I say to you, enter the Tyrant reception, and you can blow it for a lifetime!”

On the second floor,

Su Bai waited for the crown tree man and the little tiger master.

The two of them are like Siamese babies recently, always accompanying them.

The crown tree man said straightforwardly,

“Tyrant, I want to trouble you with something.”

“The Federation has organized a 100-level team, ready to explore the low-level copy of the World Tree.

Would it be convenient for you to invite Crow’s apprentice Su Bai to participate? ”


(The first update will be sent! Thank you for your monthly flower evaluation ticket for rewards and reminders, rush!).

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