Chapter 110

“One price, eight silver coins!”

“So expensive? I inspect the goods first.”

Su Bai picked up a crystal ball and glanced at the introduction of the base:

“Noel’s wild personal show, the deputy master of the battle temple! 》

Vice-Hallmaster of the Temple of War?

Su Bai recalled that the other party seemed to be a man.

Is eternity so open?

It’s a pity it belongs to two men,

Su Bai suddenly lost interest in watching.

“You know it at a glance, it’s quite exciting!”

The other party plays directly.

Su Bai quickly raised her hand, her ring finger and middle finger placed next to her eye sockets, ‘covering’ his eyes.

How can this be seen at his age!

I don’t want to watch it at all.

My Tyrant is not voluntary!

It’s about to start, look forward to it!

A picture appeared on the crystal ball:

Elno wears a robe of the Grand Magister and holds a staff…

Or a professional OL movie?

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly,

Brother Erno looked at the upright and playful flower!


Su Bai’s face began to look weird.

On the screen, Elno yelled

18   “Beat these fighters and let them show off just now!”

“Snatch their speakers! The lights! The music!”

“Laozi has been a magister for most of his life, can’t he enjoy it yet? Continue playing music!”

Elno grabbed the microphone and broadcasted to the ancient city,

“Next, as a level 498 grand magister, I want to say that although I was upgraded to level 499 just now, I did not expect to be level 508. I am not showing off about level 521…”

I can tell,

He really wanted to let everyone know that he would break through this matter.

“Seeing to force the child…”

Su Bai silently turned off the crystal ball.

He wants to download it back and watch it slowly, and find more people to share.

Forget it, after all, he is not a devil.

I bought all the crystal balls for 8 silver coins,

The content in other crystal balls is exactly the same.

Thanks to Su Bai’s perfect clearance,

All the wizards in Eternal City have advanced, and the rest of the professions have a share.

The strength of the entire Eternal City has risen by a big step!

El Noka has been at level 399 for so many years,

It’s understandable to be a little excited now.

Just like Fan Jinzhongju, he should wake up after a while.

Given that 18 hours have passed.

Brother Erno, should calm down… right?

“Elno, what do you mean!”

“You don’t sell this great magister’s staff, why are you hanging it on the magister salted fish net?”

In the office, there was an angry voice.

Elno said leisurely,

“Although I only became the Great Magister for 1 minute and 18 seconds,

But I still have feelings with this staff, and I won’t be able to sell it for how much you pay!

Hang salted fish? Uh, I just want to tell you that I am a forbidden curse magister.(Read more @

Simply showing off has no other meaning, don’t get me wrong. ”

An old white-bearded mage rushed out of Erno’s office angrily.

He scolded as he walked,

“Wangucheng has a Tyrant, it’s amazing, it’s a shame for you!”

“The curse magister, I didn’t play mud with Laozi back then!”

The old mage white beard met Su Bai at the corner,

The anger dissipated a little.

Although the Level 599 Forbidden Magic Mage can’t afford to provoke him, but the high-level mage children can’t lose their demeanor.

The white beard old mage was kind,

“This high-level mage kid, don’t be afraid, I am the 399-level mage Fred.

I want to know something with you.

I recently have the intention to move to Eternal City to live in, and plan to join the Mage Palace.

What materials are needed and where can I do it? ”

After asking, Fred seemed to think that he was a bit impolite, and had the demeanor of a magister.

So I added a sentence,

“By the way, I haven’t asked how to call it yet.”

Su Bai: “Tyrant.”

Fred ran away.

Seeing Fred disappeared, Su Bai was a little confused.

The other questions have not been answered yet!

“It’s rude.”

Su Bai pushed in.

“Little Junior Brother, you are here!”

In the office, Elno was uncharacteristically not playing games.

Instead, he seriously corrected the documents.

Su Bai walked in and took a look at the file name: “Budget Approval for the Reconstruction of the Defensive Array”.

Feeling Su Bai’s gaze, Erno smiled.

“Oh, the power was too strong during the breakthrough. I didn’t control it for a while. I accidentally ruined the defensive formation, and it happened to be overthrown and rebuilt.”

Erno’s serious appearance is really unbearable.

Su Bai recalled the scene in the crystal ball,

It was obvious that Elno did it himself and directly blasted the Mage Palace.

Just to let others see the vision during the upgrade.

It’s pretty hard….

“It just happens to be something serious.”

“In an hour, negotiations on the right to develop the foggy forest will begin.”

Elno introduced,

“Due to the impact of your perfect job transfer, the lord of the city decided to increase your ratio again!”

“We estimate that we will fight for you at a minimum of 35% and a maximum of 45% for you!”

The foggy forest development is a big project.

If Su Bai takes 35% of the output income, it means that he is on an equal footing with Wangucheng and the Federation!

At 45%, Su Bai is even much higher than the other two!

From this ratio alone,

Eternal City is full of sincerity!

Su Bai naturally agreed,

“No problem, let the 599-level curse magister brother, you help me deal with it.”

Elno nodded in satisfaction.

Today’s little brother is particularly pleasing to the eye!

“Well, you are busy with your business, there are seniors around, so don’t worry!”

“Xiu’er, I’m going to take you to an amazing place soon!”

“When you go there, don’t talk nonsense!”

“On weekdays, even if you are a grandmaster, you have to report it when you pass by the door!

Not to mention entering and leaving, except for the owner there, only Master Xiaohu can enter! ”

Shen Xiu’s second uncle’s 633 reminders kept ringing in her ears.

In the Overlord team, he was called Pi Broken Leg, but no one remembered his real name.

“I see, Second Uncle, how many times have you said it!”

“Let’s go to trade secret realm and discuss with the people in Wangu City about the distribution of the rights and interests of the mist forest development? Isn’t it five to five points?”

The second uncle smiled mysteriously,

“It’s not two parties, it’s three parties!”

“Three parties?”

“Tyrant one more!”

Pi broke his leg and took a breath, which is incredible!

“Xiu’er, you are a business genius.

You naturally know how valuable the purified misty forest is! ”

“Guess, how many shares does the Federation intend to give Tyrant?”

“5%? 10%?”

The broken leg squeezed my imagination, and only dared to think of 10%!

The second uncle smiled and waved his hand.

“Start at 25% and cap at 35%!”

“I didn’t expect the Federation to spend its money this time!”

Pi’s broken leg was a little sluggish, he really didn’t expect it.

It is so high!

Tyrant’s wealth may have surpassed all the collection of masters in an instant!

Only the strongest, richer than him!

“Xiu’er, here it is, this is it!”

The second uncle was full of glory and came to a wooden house with a broken leg.

“Walk into this wooden house, you can blow for a lifetime! Go in!”

Pi Broken leg raised his head and glanced at the sign on the wooden house:

[Tyrant reception]


(Eighth delivery! Good night, brothers, continue to rush tomorrow!).

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