Chapter 112

Want Su Bai to do the copy together?

Su Bai understood the meaning of it instantly, and said in his heart

“It seems that the Federation is also suspecting that Su Bai is a crow.

However, they have no more evidence to prove it.

Let Su Bai and the Federation’s genius team work together to better observe Su Bai! ”

Su Bai knows that this is not only an observation, but also an assessment.

If the identity of “Su Bai” shows enough potential,

The Federation will immediately tilt resources to him.

by that time,

Tyrant received a federal resource, Su Bai received one, and the crow might also receive one.

One person does three jobs at the same time!

What an inspirational story of hitting workers!

Su Bai knew that if he refused this invitation, it would cause more unnecessary trouble.

Just right,

He also wants to go to the lower-level copy of the World Tree, so he should relax.

The low-level dungeon of the World Tree is very special, and the score for the clearance is only based on the last fight, and will not reveal their true strength.


Su Bai does not have to worry about his identity being exposed.

Although I decided to accept this invitation from the bottom of my heart, there is no shortage of face-saving work.

Tyrant said disgustingly.

“You have done me a big favor, and I am fed up with helping the crows with apprentices.”

“I will inform the crow to let Su Bai meet at the designated location.”

Su Bai successfully unlocked a new achievement [I am fed up with myself].

Hearing Tyrant’s words, the crown tree man breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact,

From the beginning of contact with Tyrant, the Federation has not requested too many 633 things from Tyrant.

The genius team leader of Killing City, after Tyrant refused, the Federation did not dare to force it.

strictly speaking,

Su Bai joined the genius team,

This is the first time that the Federation and Tyrant have reached a formal cooperation!


“The time and place are all here, and the materials for the lower-level copies of the World Tree are also here.”

“Don’t waste your time, if the negotiation downstairs is a result, I will let you know.”

The crown tree man hesitated and added,

“If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the negotiation, we can re-negotiate.”

“it is good.”

After speaking, Su Bai left the trading secret.

After reaching level 100, Su Bai has been in a hurry, and Su Bai has forgotten to deal with a few things.

Su Bai directly uses the equipment contract obtained by killing evil bosses.

At level 100, he can use level 110 equipment.

The second piece of the Hundred Battle suit is also unlocked,

Master Xiaohu directly strengthened into outstanding equipment:

Equipment: Outstanding Hundred Battle Gloves (lower legendary level)


Equipment conditions: 10000 strength, kill 10000 units (same level or leapfrog)

Attack: 310,000

Skills: scored twice

Score twice: After entering the battle state, randomly lock two enemies and cause 25% extra damage to them. After double kills, gain all attributes +20%, lasts 60 minutes, and cools down for 12 minutes.

Different from winning with the flag, the score twice is to randomly designate the enemy.

The attribute bonus obtained is also higher.(Read more @

12 minutes of cooling time, after the talent enhancement, only 6 minutes left.

Su Bai can stack up to 10 layers of double braces!

With 12 levels of victory, all attributes are blessed by more than 300%!

For Su Bai, the more the fighting time is pushed back, the stronger his fighting power!

of course,

Su Bai has never encountered an enemy who can fight himself for an hour.

Today’s Su Bai, under the master, is a rare rival!

Facing the master, he also has the ability to save his life.

After becoming a first-rank martial artist, Su Bai’s control of the power of the elements has also undergone subtle changes.

The mask of joy and anger can change form at will!

Su Bai turned it into a ring and carried it on his hand.

In this way, his level, occupation and other information will not be able to be snooped by outsiders.

Su Bai packed everything up and started rushing to the meeting point.

“The lower dungeon of the world tree, squad leader Overlord?”

“An old acquaintance again.”

Eternal Continent, a large branch of the Assassin Alliance.

Countless evil god running dogs converge here.

The black robes, masks and other equipment on their bodies are embroidered with complicated patterns.

These patterns symbolize the evil god they follow and are a status symbol.


An exception occurred today!

The disciples who originally belonged to the Ninth Cthulhu, all the patterns on their bodies disappeared!

No matter how they pray, sacrifice, or even want to go to the supreme kingdom of God!

It all failed!

The ninth evil god has disappeared!

God, abandoned them!

They are also called: the people abandoned by the gods!

“Those who are abandoned by God will be condemned by God!”

The rest of the believers alienated them one after another, their eyes mixed with contempt and gloat.

Even in the running dog of Cthulhu,

There are also levels of dog head, big dog, and second dog.

People who are abandoned by God are stray dogs and are not accepted by any group!

“The sins you committed, and were abandoned by the gods, will wash away the shame with blood, and prove to the gods the value of you!”

An archbishop announced the oracle:

If the people abandoned by the gods can snipe the geniuses of the human race, there will be evil gods willing to accept them again!

“Brothers, to be a man and a dog, just look at it today!”

One of the leaders of the forsaken, the 599-level dark curse magister [Schmidt].

“Our recent fleeting years have been unfavorable, our actions have frequently failed, and none of them succeeded!”

“It’s all because of Tyrant, this person is f*ck outrageous!”

“He has problems, he keeps asking him trouble, we also have problems in our minds!

Tyrant we can’t provoke, can’t other geniuses also be provoke? ”

Schmidt’s remarks sparked hope for many players.

As long as you don’t match Tyrant, you can fight hard every day!

“This time, our goal is…”

A portrait of a person appeared in front of everyone,

“Overlord is alive, SS-level talent, 100-level fighter!

He will take the team to the lower-level instance of the World Tree today! We are like this…”

Listening to the foolproof plan,

Confident smiles appeared on the faces of all participants!

The glory lost from Tyrant can be found in the Overlord Squad!

“You are the Overlord Team?”

Su Bai looked at the six people in front of him, missing skin and broken legs.

Come to think of it, Pi’s broken leg is fencing in Tyrant.

There is a mask of joy and anger that obscures other information,

Even if Su Bai exposes this handsome face, no one knows that he is Tyrant!

“Yes, welcome Su Bai students to come and guide!”

The team burst into applause, and everyone extended a warm welcome to Su Bai’s arrival!

No one underestimates Su Bai because of his B-level talent.

A mage who can break Skin to death with his bare hands and dare to despise the other party is a brain problem.

After the group introduced themselves,

Overlord waved his hand,

“If there is nothing else, let’s go!”

“Let’s keep in touch with each other on the way!”


The Overlord Squad is on the road with great strength,

Secretly, a pair of eyes stared at them, sending back all the information collected.

“Chief, this time I have made a lot of money!”

“That 100-level S-talented fighter [You come to kill me] isn’t there. I replaced it with the B-talented Su Bai!”

“Our winning percentage has increased by at least 30%!”


(The second one is sent! Chong Chong Chong!).

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