And now this flying boat that comes from the lottery is from the mighty and desolate world!

You know, crossing the endless chaotic void is an extremely difficult thing, even for the Creator Saints.

However, as long as he had this flying boat, then crossing the endless chaotic void would not be such a difficult thing for Ronan.

However, although this flying boat was extremely powerful, the look on Luo Nan’s face was not very happy to get this blue flying boat.

The treasures he wanted most now were those magic weapons or magic secrets that could make his combat strength soar in a short period of time, and although this flying boat was fast, it was of little use to him in a short period of time.

At most, it could only be after the Great Avenue had destroyed the counter-current of time and space, and then he would use it to travel through the endless chaotic void.

But for Ronan now, that speed is not the most important thing, because he doesn’t plan to go anywhere else.

For the current Luonan, his only goal is to transcend the life level and become a being powerful enough to resist the Dao Quantity Robbery!

Only in this way could he save the Pangu World.

Although he was not satisfied with the reward he received this time, Luo Nan was not too disappointed, this flying boat was a magic weapon of the too desolate world, the speed was incomparable, and he should already feel satisfied to get such a treasure.

After receiving the reclusive flying boat, Luo Nan looked at the re-condensed body, far more powerful than before, and the zui corner also raised a smile.

The next second, Luo Nan’s figure suddenly disappeared into the same place, and then a silver-white flying boat appeared in the same place where Luo Nanfang was located.

The light above this flying boat was incomparable, and in the instant it appeared, it directly flashed away and disappeared into this void.

And almost at the same time that the ship disappeared, above the abyss of Warnerheim, a white flying boat suddenly appeared.

The next second, Luo Nan’s figure stepped out of this flying boat.

“Hey, the speed of this flying boat is really extremely fast, and it only took a split second for me to come directly to Warnerheim, which is a thousand times faster than before!”

You know, it would take at least a few days for Ronan to travel such a long distance before.

Now, with the help of this flying boat, he came to Warnerheim in just an instant, and the speed was terrifying!

“No wonder such a flying boat can cross the void. I’m afraid nothing else can do it. ”

Ronan murmured in a low voice, and then his eyes returned to the abyss again.

But just when Luo Nan’s gaze was condensed above the abyss, a golden pillar of light suddenly fell down in mid-air, landing straight on the ground, and Luo Nan could only faintly see that there seemed to be a slender figure in the golden light pillar.

After a moment, the pillar of light dissipated in front of Luo Nan, and then Luo Nan could clearly see what was going on with the figure in the previous pillar of light.

Who else but Jehovah?

And with the appearance of Jehovah, the thunderstorm also suddenly sounded, the voice became louder and louder, and the red name continued!

Immediately afterward, a large number of angels appeared in front of Ronan, swarming from the distant sky in the direction where Lonan was located.

Most of these angels’ combat strength was at the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and it was not worth mentioning in front of Luo Nan now!

However, at this moment, God’s body emitted bursts of golden light, and then these golden rays completely swept through the golden angels coming from behind.

Illuminated by this holy light, the cultivation realm of the angels instantly soared, and then tens of thousands of angels gathered together, and the breath was connected to build a more powerful giant angel!

And these giant angels actually all possessed saint-level combat power!

“It is worthy of the existence of more than ten large worlds, and the creatures created are far stronger than other worlds, and they can even form a saint-level combat power in batches.” Without me, Jehovah’s attempt to conquer the seven great worlds would undoubtedly be a fairly simple matter. ”

The army of angels coming in the direction of King Ronan murmured in a low voice.

But above Luo Nan’s expression, there was no look of panic.

Soon, these angels were around Jehovah.

Chen Yunsheng, who was slender and wearing a silver robe, appeared in front of Luo Nan like the stars and the moon, which could be described as full of pomp.

Chen Yunsheng was condescending, his gaze swept over Luo Nan’s body, and then he snorted coldly: “There is actually a cultivation improvement, and it has reached the limit of the saint, in my opinion, it should be only after I injured me that your cultivation has increased, right?” ”

Luo Nan looked at Jehovah, smiled and nodded, “You guy has a little bit of eyesight, and I’m not afraid to tell you that my current strength is indeed achieved by relying on you, and if I hadn’t injured you, my cultivation would never have been able to improve so quickly!” ”

“I knew that at your age, it would never be possible to reach the peak of a saint with your own cultivation, and I didn’t expect you to have such an ability.” I have survived for more than ten years, and I have never seen a being like you. Not only can it be resurrected from the dead, but it will also be stronger every time it dies, which will be the ability that many people dream of…”

The Lord said to Lonan, his eyes flashing with greed, “Why don’t you tell me that method, I’m sending you a great creation, how?” ”

“What great creation?” Lonan asked.

“I know that you want to preserve the big world to which you belong, and I can help you do this at any cost to cultivation, how?” Jehovah said to Lonan.

Luo Nan heard a look of surprise in his eyes: “Can you do this?” ”

“It is naturally an incomparably difficult thing for the Great World to last for a long time, and that is something that can only be done by the existence of a celestial being who has transcended the level of a saint. Although I can’t let the Pangu World exist for a long time, I can help the Pangu World survive this time of the Great Pillage, how? “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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