“It is naturally an incomparably difficult thing for the Great World to last for a long time, and that is something that can only be done by the existence of a celestial being who has transcended the level of a saint. Although I can’t let the Pangu World exist for a long time, I can help the Pangu World survive this time of the Great Pillage, how? ”


Hearing Jehovah’s words, a chuckle also rang out from Lonan’s mouth.

Survive this Avenue robbery for a while?

That wasn’t Lonan’s goal.

Luo Nan’s goal is to let Pangu Century Russia truly survive all the great avenues and disasters and survive for a long time.

Just like the desolate world that existed in ancient times!

And the words spoken by Jehovah are not at all tempting for Ronan. Puzzle.

Because Jehovah could not have known that Lonan had mastered the way to make the life level completely beyond the saint’s economy, and he was already reluctant to complete it!

Just by getting the last holy throne in the Jehovah’s world, Luo Nan’s Five Saints Breaking Technique could be directly cultivated, and when the time came, it would be easy to break through to a higher level.

And once Ronan really broke through to a higher level, it would not be difficult to hold on to the Pangu World, not to mention that a being like Jehovah was not worth mentioning in his eyes!

So at this moment, Ronan also laughed out loud after hearing Jehovah’s words, and then directly roared!


Suddenly, the terrifying divine thoughts, visible to the naked eye, were accompanied by a black qi with a cold breath, directly centered on Luo Nan, and spread in all directions.

At the same time as this divine thought spread, the huge angels who had originally surrounded Jehovah seemed to have received an irresistible blow!



Suddenly, the flesh and blood are everywhere!

It was like a rolling wave, directly drowning a large number of angels!

The Qi sprayed on Luo Nan’s body, turning into a mountain and smashing into the bodies of many angels.

And the writing angel only felt the blood writhing violently, as if there was a poisonous snake in the body that was constantly devouring his body and mind.

Only the next moment, even the Jehovah, who was surrounded by many angels in the center, felt that he could no longer bear it, and in his throat, he felt a fishy sweet breath, and in the end it was still uncontrollably sprayed out.


Lonan is invincible!

At the moment when there were many angels in the town, Ronan’s fists swung forward violently.

The fist came out as if it didn’t want money.

One punch turned into ten thousand punches!

In the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, around Jehovah, the powerful angels who were enveloped in a thick holy light actually began to shatter one by one, turning into blood flowers and scattering!!

Many angels have originally tough bodies. The carving is like turning into a porcelain doll, under the macro foundation of Ronan’s punch, all the functions are wasted, and even the flesh is not tied.

“Demons… This guy is a demon! ”

All the angels began to shudder.

Angels are a powerful race created by Jehovah using the experience of creating dozens of great worlds.

Even if you look at the seven great worlds, no race can match the angels.

After all, this is a powerful combat machine that can be almost mass-produced.

Therefore, from the beginning of the Great Avenue to the present, the world of Jehovah can march to many great worlds at the same time, and not fall behind.

It is because of the strength of the angels!

For other great worlds, the combat power of the sub-saint or even the quasi-saint level was quite rare and precious, and every time it fell, it was a huge loss.

But for the angelic race, the quasi-saints, although not many, are not so precious.

Because the number of angels and saints is limited simply because Jehovah’s world can only accommodate so many.

However, once the existing quasi-saints or sub-saints fall, Jehovah, as the founder and creator, will soon be able to create a large number more.

This is the power of the angelic group!

But now, this mighty race created by the Lord has no power to fight back in front of Lonan!

Even Jehovah himself was not lightly injured!

This is something that even the Lord himself did not expect.

Jehovah has always believed that with his own experience and cultivation, looking at the seven great worlds, he cannot find a being who can fight with himself.

But Jehovah did not expect that such a freak as Lonan would appear!

“This boy, what the hell is going on…”

Jehovah wiped away the blood from the corner of the zui and murmured in his mouth.

The next second, it rushed directly towards Lonan!


Ye Brahma’s fingers are like sharp swords, urgent. Promote the casting.

In an instant, the two saint-level angels composed of many angels had completely collapsed.

Luo Nan commanded the dance continuously, as if suddenly, driving the infinite sword qi that appeared in this heaven and earth.

A huge flower blooms, and each petal of this flower flashes with cold breath and ripples

That blooming flower was completely composed of these many sword qi crisscrossing and combining.

The sharp light flashed with a compelling killing intent.

Even in Jehovah’s heart, he couldn’t help but have a cold feeling, as if from his own heart began to spread to the extreme, and then rose to the top of the head!


The sword qi burst out, and the flowers instantly bloomed to the extreme, from beautiful and direct vitality to matchless killing!


The neck of a sub-saint-level angel flashed a scarlet color, and he felt his body being pierced, and his zui screamed bitterly, and suddenly grabbed his neck, as if he intended to forcibly press it.

But all this is in vain.

Blood is still like a fountain, sprinkled out of life.

Luo Nan walked continuously, like a realm walker, and with each walk, the sword qi infused with his fingertips would evolve into the most terrifying killing move.

“Invincible… We are invincible…”


“This is a demon, a devil from the Nine Shadows, and we can’t fight it…”

Angels, scared!

Even at their father’s side, the angels were afraid.

“Smack hee…”

But Luo Nan would not give them the slightest chance, and the whole person incarnated into the supreme Shura.

Every movement would set off a huge killing slash, blood flew everywhere, behind him, that huge illusion was even more invincible, and none of the enemies he was eyeing could dodge the past. _

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