The strength of the Star Picker can be said to be far beyond Jehovah’s expectations.

Moreover, this Jehovah had no time to perform a powerful killing move to resist Luo Nan’s star picker, and could only swing the spear, bring a dazzling blue glow, and stab at this starlight palm print fiercely, as if to smash this starlight palm print into smash with one shot.


The Starlight Palm Seal collided fiercely with the spear in Jehovah’s hand, and then countless starlight flowed out from the palm print, but the cyan spear also suddenly stopped in mid-air, unable to advance any further.

Immediately after that, the cyan light on the spear began to dissipate continuously, although Jehovah had the strongest combat power that the Xuantian Peak Cultivator could possess at this moment, but under the sudden warning, facing Luo Nan’s star picker, he still could not completely resist it.

However, this blow of the Lord also eliminated most of the power of the Starlight Palm Seal, and even the starlight condensed in the Palm Seal became much dimmer, and it was obvious that the power was not as great as before.

Jehovah’s backhand carried the spear behind him, and at the same time, his left fist slammed out at this starlight palm print, colliding with this palm print, and then the cyan light burst out from his fist, instantly annihilating the starlight palm print.

Ronan was stunned to see it, not expecting that his strongest blow would be annihilated by Jehovah so lightly.

But soon, the accident in Ronan’s eyes dissipated directly.

For he had seen that an abnormal and tragic look appeared on Jehovah’s face.

Obviously, he had already suffered a lot of damage in the blow just now.

But he knew very well that it was absolutely impossible to defeat Jehovah with this level of damage alone.

To defeat Jehovah in a whole sense, it will take a long battle!

And now, the top priority is suicide!

Now that he had inflicted some wounds on Jehovah, Ronan could die.

As long as the Saiyan bloodline is activated, his combat effectiveness will be increased again.

When his cultivation realm really stepped into the realm of the Creation Saint, Ronan was convinced that he might not be Jehovah’s opponent!

Therefore, Ronan also rushed out directly at this moment and attacked the Lord.

The armor on his body emitted a ghostly light, like the god of war from hell.

However, now this god of war flew directly to Jehovah’s side, and then directly exploded himself with lightning speed.


With a loud noise, the manic energy wave swept directly in all directions.

The Lord avoided it and was drawn into it.

Obviously, even the Lord could not have imagined that Ronan would be so determined that after actually fighting the Star Picker, he would directly explode himself, and would not give himself the opportunity to seal it at all!

“This boy is really treacherous!”

After the manic energy swept in, the Lord wiped away the trace of blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth and scolded in a cold voice.


In the darkness of nothingness, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in Ronan’s ears.

“Ding, the Saiyan bloodline has been activated and the experience is being calculated, please wait!”

“Ding, get experience has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level is 1v397!”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level is 1v398!”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level is 1v399!”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level increase, the current level is 1v400!”

“Ding, congratulations on the host level reaching the current limit and getting a chance to win the lottery once!”

When the level is raised to 1v400, it also means that Lonan’s level has reached the limit of what he can have now.

In other words, unless he successfully cultivated the Five Sacred Breaking Techniques and raised his life level as a whole by one notch, there would be no further improvement in his level after that.

Moreover, when it reached four hundred episodes, Luo Nan could also clearly feel that his combat strength was much stronger than before.

What made Luo Nan even happier and more excited was that in the instant of entering the 400th level, he actually got a lottery opportunity!

“I don’t know, when I get to where I am now, I will still pull something out of the system!”

With a murmur in his mouth, Ronan meditated in his heart and used the lottery opportunity!

The next second, three clusters of golden light burst out of the void and appeared in front of Ronan.

Three golden blobs of light, apparently for Ronan to choose one of them.

However, Luo Nan did not know what was written in each of the three golden light clusters in front of him at this moment.

Luo Nan knew that even if he used all his strength, he would never be able to see the slightest hint from the three golden light clusters, so he didn’t do any senseless struggle, just a little lightly, and his fingertips touched the golden light cluster on the left.

After the golden light dissipated, Luo Nan’s palm had an extra blue flying boat the size of a palm, and the middle flying boat looked extremely exquisite, and vaguely could see countless starlights constantly flashing on the flying boat, and when these starlights flickered, they looked as if they were connected into runes, and then outlined the traces of the formation, which was extremely eye-catching.

【Hidden World Flying Boat】The best flying boat of the too desolate world, crossing the endless chaotic void is almost like shuttling through the stars, the speed is extremely fast, and you can cross the starry sky in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this information that suddenly appeared in his mind, Luo Nan’s face couldn’t help but have a smile, and he never expected to get such a thing.

The magic weapon of the flying boat type, but Luo Nan had never gotten it.

What’s more, in the description of this reclusive flying boat, there is another word that has caught the attention of Ronan!

That’s the world too desolate!

For the Desolate World, Lonan was not ignorant.

In the news he got from the Beginningless Emperor, Luo Nan learned that the location of their seven great worlds was actually a place in the extreme edge of the Endless Chaos Void, which could be said to be the most barren place in the entire chaos.

And in the very center of the Endless Chaos Void, there is another extremely prosperous place, that is, the Desolate World!

The time of the existence of the desolate world is unknown.

At least it has existed in tens of thousands of Huiyuan, and it has experienced countless countercurrents of the Endless Chaos Void, but it still stands in the deepest part of the Endless Chaos Void.

It can be said to be extremely powerful! _

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