“The fourth throne has arrived!”

After easily killing Frey, Ronan did not hesitate for a moment, and directly began to levitate on his knees in mid-air, feeling the empty throne behind Frey’s clouds.

Luo Nan now has a lot of experience in the matter of enlightening the Holy Place, and it can be said that it is not too much to say that he is familiar with the road.

Lornan had thought that it would be a very simple matter to realize that the throne vacated after the fall of Frey.

However, Ronan could not have imagined that after closing his eyes for a moment, he would not find any information about Frey’s holy seat at all.

“The nine dimensions of this world tree are indeed different from other big worlds, and there are too many secrets hidden in it, which is worthy of the big world that has survived from the last Huiyuan, and it is really extraordinary…”

Luo Nan murmured in a low voice, and in his heart, he did not dare to despise the nine dimensions of this world tree.

Especially the existence that helped the nine planes of the World Tree to survive the Great Avenue Robbery in the first place made Luo Nan extremely jealous.

“Whether it is Orlaug, the Creator Spirit of the Nine Planes of the World Tree, or someone else, who is still hiding today…”

Ronan’s brow furrowed slightly, but now he didn’t have any thoughts.

However, Ronan was also well aware that the priority now was not to consider the potentially powerful existence, but to take Frey’s throne first.

“Even if this Frey throne is extremely difficult to find, I must not be allowed to retreat!!”

With a cold hum in his mouth, Luonan’s majestic divine thoughts radiated directly in all directions, searching for traces of the Holy Throne of Frey between the Heavenly Dao of this world!

Ronan’s divine thoughts continued to spread to the point of being extremely thin, first sweeping through Warnerheim and later spreading to the other eight facet worlds.

However, the Divine Thoughts that spread to such a large size were naturally incomparably weak, so only the Sub-Saint Level could feel such a powerful Divine Thought!


A frost giant that had been sleeping under the ice field for many years suddenly opened his eyes at this moment!

“What is that, the Divine Mind is so powerful!!”

The huge Frost Giant, with his huge eyes, could not hide his fear!

When he fell into a deep sleep, he had never seen such a powerful divine thought.

And with such a powerful divine thought, how terrifying was the combat power?!

Just thinking about it was enough to make this frost giant Ya Sheng can’t help but tremble all over his body, and the ice field within ten thousand miles also appeared one after another huge cracks and disintegrated!


In the dark abyss at the bottom of the tree of the world, the corrosive fog made up for the haunting, and there was no breath of life in it, as if it were a forbidden area of life.

But in the middle of this forbidden area of life, there was a sudden roar.

Immediately afterward, a pitch-black dragon appeared in the thick dark fog.

The dark dragon was huge, with sharp spikes on its back and an icy glow in its scarlet eyes.

If there were ancient powerful people of the Nine Dimensions of the World Tree here, they would surely recognize this black dragon, which was the famous Black King Niederhogg!

But at this moment, the black king Niederhogg, who was constantly nibbling on the roots of the world’s tree, the gaze in his eyes was constantly flashing, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

After a long time, a sigh came from Niederhog’s mouth, and then he bit his teeth, as if in some irritation, and jerked his powerful tail directly on the side of the world tree rhizome.

The rhizome of the World Tree had almost crumbled by his bite, and at this moment, a tail whip was directly whipped on it, which immediately made the World Tree tremble three times, and even the nine major planes began to tremble.


Next to the fountain of destiny, three beautiful-looking young women raised their heads at the same time and looked into the distance.

“He’s finally done…”

“As instructed by fate, he is the key to getting rid of the stalking…”

“What, are we going to stand by and watch?”

“This is a matter of the Yuan, according to the instructions of fate, we should not have been mixed into it in the first place.”

“Otherwise, even we won’t be able to escape the next Avenue Robbery!”


Throughout the nine planes of the World Tree, many saints were aware of what was happening at the same time, but none of them dared or were willing to intervene in it, allowing Ronan to search for the throne that was left after Frey’s death.

In this way, time passed minute by minute, and when after more than half an hour, after Ronan’s divine thoughts completely swept through the entire nine planes of the World Tree, he finally discovered where Frey’s holy seat was! 、

But just when Ronan discovered the holy throne left behind after Frey’s fall, Ronan’s face suddenly froze, and then a trace of coldness flashed directly on his face.

Because, in this short period of time, he found that the Holy Throne had actually been touched by others!

“Who is so bold as to snatch food from my hands!!”

Luo Nan let out a cold snort, and then the huge divine thoughts contracted instantaneously, and then directly invaded the creature that was already half sitting on the holy seat.

Through the layers of fog, Ronan’s eyes quickly saw who was snatching the throne with him.

It was a golden hall, and in the hall was an archangel with thirty-six pairs of wings on his back, bathing in holy light!

“It turned out to be you Birdman!”

Thousands of miles away, Ronan’s voice was transmitted directly to the archangel’s ears.

And just this sound made the archangel who was a saint tremble in his heart, and he felt as if all the flesh and blood in his body were going to fall apart!

Even though he was Michael, the most powerful angel in all of heaven, he couldn’t help but feel the coming of death at this moment.

And this, just because the other party is thousands of miles away from a cold hum!

And just when Michael fell into fear, Luo Nan, who was thousands of miles away, did not relax, and directly threw off his sleeve, and the two rays of light directly crossed the space and attacked Michael in the golden light hall! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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