In the face of the two pitch-black spears thrown by Ronan, Frey’s face changed dramatically!

Ever since Jesus led an army of angels into Warnerheim, Frey has been in Warnerheim to help Jesus with a secret plan!

During this period, the whole of Warnerheim was closed to outsiders, and no outsiders were allowed to enter for the first time, and Jesus and Frey and others did not go out, so they did not know much about the changes in the outside world.

Therefore, when facing Lonan, neither Jesus nor Frey mentioned the importance it deserved.

Once Jesus and Lonan also had a relationship, when Lonan crossed the great world, because Maitreya Buddha shot Lonan once, which directly led to Lonan being sent into the endless chaotic void.

After experiencing countless deaths and rebirths, Luo Nan adapted to the environment of the Endless Soul Crossing Void, and thus obtained a part of the Chaos Breath.

Let his strength soar, later, just happened to encounter the Beginningless Emperor who crossed the Void, which was only when the Beginningless Emperor came to his aid, he sent out the hardware shield Void and came to the Great Brahma World.

In the great Brahma world, Lonan came across Jesus who led the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to besiege Shi Ba Xiang, and it was at that time that he had a relationship with Jesus.

However, at that time, Lonan, in Jesus’ serious wrongdoings, was probably not even as good as a worm, and could not arouse Jesus’ attention at all.

Therefore, when Rona rushed into the Endless Chaos Void before, Jesus did not care, but only sent Frey to stop it.

Unfortunately, Frey was just an ordinary saint, how could he be Ronan’s opponent?

In the face of the spear thrown by Ronan, Frey’s expression flashed a look of fear, but by the time Frey tried to avoid it, it was too late!

Two dark spears penetrated directly into Frey’s body and pierced Frey’s body directly.

A large amount of Nether Breath also poured into Frey’s body along the spear, constantly devouring the life breath in Frey’s body at a terrifying speed.

Although Frey was a saint, he had no ability to resist in the face of the Spear of Hades in the place of Lonan.

After all, no matter how it looked, Luo Nan’s combat strength now had surpassed the level of the half-step Creation Saint, and even if he faced the Creation Saint, he could make the other party annoyed.

It was because there was really no way to take Lonan that Brahma had to give up a holy throne to Lonan.

Frey was just an ordinary saint, so why could he compete with Lonan?

The massive loss of life force made Frey’s face change suddenly, and he could clearly perceive that he was not the opponent of the young man in front of him at all.

“You… Who are you, and what would you have such terrible combat power!!! ”

Frey couldn’t help but exclaim.

Saints, only those who sit on their own thrones are saints.

Once you leave the great world where your own holy position is located and go to something else, your cultivation will fall to the level of a sub-saint.

In other words, the saint is actually a saint on the throne in essence.

On the level of life, there is no difference between them and the Asans!

After leaving their own big world, although there will be strong and weak differences between saints, the gap between them will not be too obvious.

Now, the person in front of him is obviously not the existence of the nine planes of the World Tree, but undoubtedly comes from the outside world.

Since this is the case, it means that the other party is not sitting on the throne at all.

And his own true saint, but there is no way to take the other side, which makes Frey simply unable to accept!

Thinking of this, Frey’s brow couldn’t help but frown tightly!

The only person who could make him feel so powerless was the man who had followed the angelic army into Warnerheim…


Initially, the war between the Angel Army and the Warner God Clan could not be won or lost in a short period of time.

The war was once very anxious.

But in the midst of the stalemate, a middle-aged man with a Bible in his hand appeared on the battlefield of Warnerheim.

With the momentum of destroying the decay, he directly destroyed all the resistance forces in Warnerheim!

Forced Warnerheim to choose surrender, to be like God!

And now, in Frey’s opinion, the guy in front of him is not much different from the Jesus who is so powerful that he can only look up!

Thinking of this, Frey couldn’t help but have a look of despair on his face.

If the person in front of you is really a level of existence with Jesus, then does it need to be said about his own fate?

In the face of such a powerful existence, let alone confrontation, I am afraid that I can’t even escape!

“I’m not your opponent, how can you not kill me?!!”

Facing Lornan, Frey once again chose to show weakness.

Although he understood very well that in the face of Lonan’s weakness, it was very likely that he would be put on the death list by Jesus.

However, if you don’t surrender at this moment, you have no chance of surviving at all!

Lornan glanced up and down at Frey, but there was no sound in his mouth.

Since he had promised Odin to help him solve Frey, he would naturally do it.

Therefore, the only response to Frey was a finger pointed out by Ronan!

With this point, Frey only felt that his body and the entire heaven and earth around him were frozen in an instant.

Immediately afterward, the entire weight of Warnerheim seemed to weigh on him.

Even in Frey’s heyday, such a heavy pressure was not something he could easily bear.

What’s more, now that Frey was seriously injured at all, deprived of a large amount of life force by the Nether Breath in his body, such a heavy pressure was even more impossible to resist!


A mouthful of golden blood sprayed directly from Frey’s mouth, forming a thick golden mist above the sky.


With a terrible and unwilling sound, Frey’s body suddenly exploded, turning into dust and merging into the thick golden fog of the sky.

Saints, fall!

Killing Frey, Lonan’s expression did not change in the slightest, as if it were simply a thing worth mentioning.

“The fourth throne has arrived!!” _

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