Michael in the gold shop felt the two ghostly rays that crossed the space, and a look of horror flashed on his face, obviously the power of that ghostly light was not something he could resist at all!

And in this case, Michael did not give up on feeling the empty throne.

If he can get that holy throne, he will become a saint in the nine dimensions of the tree of this world.

And once you become a saint and master the power of a saint, it will be very beneficial to dig out that thing in Warnerheim!

Therefore, for Michael, who is very central to Jehovah, he will never give up this opportunity, even if he is really in danger of death.

And at this moment, Michael wasn’t worried that he would really be killed directly by the two ghostly rays that crossed over!

After all, there was one by his side at the moment, and there was another one who was strong enough to make the whole Warnerheim tremble. Shake, and even directly make the Warner God Clan surrender to the existence of the Clan!

That is Jesus, the Son of the Holy Jehovah!

“Archangel Michael, please don’t worry about the influence of others, your loyalty to the Lord Father can naturally see that the glory of the Lord Father will surely protect you!”

With the indifferent words of Jesus’ mouth ringing, a single golden light suddenly appeared without warning, directly covering Michael in it.

And Michael’s face, along with the cover of this golden light, also became more and more indifferent.

Obviously, the ghost light that had originally made him feel terrible could not pose any threat to him at this moment!


The next second, the ghostly light that crossed over finally struck, directly hitting the golden light barrier.

With a muffled sound, the ghostly light and golden light barriers exploded at the same time, emitting a loud roar that resounded throughout Warnerheim.

Centered on Michael’s golden temple, the loud noise spread in all directions, and its power was so astonishing that it instantly attracted the attention of all living beings in Warnerheim.

For those ordinary beings, this loud noise that resounded throughout Warnerheim was tantamount to the end of the world!

However, after the loud noise, Michael, who was shrouded in a golden light barrier, was unharmed!

Even though the golden light had shattered, it was clearly blocking Ronan’s attack!

“So tough!!”

Standing behind Michael, Jesus could not help but have a touch of jealousy on his face at this moment.

He was observing the battle between Frey and Lonan, and when he saw Lonan kill Frey in a second, Jesus was not too jealous!

However, after seeing that Lonan’s blow actually broke the golden light barrier, Jesus finally paid attention to Lonan in his heart.

“When the Great Brahma World was shrinking, it was just a weak bug, but I didn’t expect that now in just a dozen years, it has actually grown to such a point…”

Jesus murmured that the golden light that had been covered before was the power of God Jehovah!

Although it is only the two great worlds of Jehovah far apart, the power of the projection must not be compared with the true power of Jehovah.

But even if you can be defeated once, you can do it very well.

“This boy’s combat strength now should have approached half a step of the Creation Saint…”

Jesus murmured in his mouth, and the cold glint in his eyes flashed: “I knew that when I was in the great Brahma world, I should have killed it with my bare hands!” ”

At this moment, it is impossible to say that Jesus did not regret it in his heart.

Because, even if he hadn’t touched it in person, he could already feel how difficult it was for Ronan to deal with.

And just as Jesus’ voice fell, a misty golden light suddenly condensed in front of him.

In this golden light, there was a slender figure standing. 、

Seeing the figure of the show in this golden light, even Jesus also laid down a noble head at the first time.

“Lord, why did you suddenly come here?”

“Regret doesn’t solve any problem, my child.” The figure in the golden light, the leisurely voice sounded, not impatient.

When Jesus heard this, he nodded his head repeatedly, “Yes, Father, I have forgotten this.” ”

The figure in the golden light waved his hand, and then he said to Jesus, “Well, this guy is an uncontrollable point, since it is uncontrollable, then purify it so as not to affect my glory and spread throughout the universe!” ”

“Yes, Father! I have this thought too! ”

Jesus nodded.

However, he no longer knew why his Lord, the Holy Land, would suddenly send a light and shadow to this place!

As if seeing Jesus’ doubts, God Jehovah said, “Because your strength is not enough to purify this uncontrollable boy in front of you, I have come to give you strength!” ”

As the words fell, the figure of God Jehovah dissipated directly into the golden light.

With the dissipation of Jehovah’s figure, the golden light instantly became innumerable times stronger, and then it directly merged into Jesus’ body.

With the entry of this force, Jesus’ breath instantly soared several times, reaching an unprecedented level of power.

Feeling the power in his body at this moment, Jesus’ eyes were full of killing chances, and the divine mind quickly locked on Lonan, who was attacking this side.

“By the order of the Lord Father, purify everything!”

The roar sounded, and the figure of Jesus disappeared directly into the golden temple, meeting with Ronan who was on the way.

When the two met, they directly shattered the space around them, and Shuangshuang entered the endless chaotic void.

“Jesus? I’ve wanted to you for a long time! ”

When the words fell, Ronan’s figure flashed, and he directly attacked Jesus, and collided with Jesus with lightning speed.

For Ronan, the whole world of Jehovah made him unhappy.

In the beginning, it was because of the invasion of angels that the city of Mikawa was reduced to ruins, the citizens died nine times out of ten, and even he himself was abducted by the angels and fell into another country!

After that, he was hunted down by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Archangel Medanzo, and it can be said that the entire Jehovah’s world had a great vendetta against Ronan!

Moreover, the last throne of Lonan was in the world of Jehovah.

Therefore, a battle with Jesus and even God Jehovah is inevitable!

Since there must be, what is the difference between a little earlier and a little nighter? _

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