Luo Nan performed the technique of fishing for the moon in the well, and then used the Fixation Technique to immobilize Amitabha Buddha so that he could not resist, and then the first thing to draw was the remaining three points of creation power in Amitabha’s body!

After all, this power does not belong to Amitabha Buddha, and it is quite easy to extract it!

When Luo Nan’s previous cultivation realm did not jump to the sub-saint level, he was able to extract two-thirds of the great Brahma power from Amitabha’s body, and now that he had cultivated to the sub-saint level, when he wanted to extract the remaining one-third, it was as easy as probing for things, and there would be no problem at all.

Ronan reached into the well in front of him, grasped a round of crescent moon, and quickly raised the water.

With this round of crescent moon being raised by Luonan to the surface of the well, the remaining one-third of the creation power in Amitabha’s body also disappeared in an instant, and no longer existed.

After losing this powerful force, Amitabha’s cultivation combat strength also fell at a very fast speed.

After just a few moments, Amitabha’s cultivation power fell directly to the level of ordinary saints.

Even if Amitabha Buddha is only a half-step creation saint’s cultivation behavior now, he may not be able to be the opponent of Luonan, who has cultivated to a great rise, not to mention that now that Amitabha’s cultivation has fallen to the level of only ordinary saints, it is even less of Luonan’s opponent!

Feeling this, Amitabha’s face was also instantly pale, and a drop of cold sweat also fell from his forehead, obviously filled with fear.

In the midst of Amitabha’s fear, Ronan had no intention of stopping.

After first extracting the power given to Amitabha Buddha by the Great Brahma and letting Amitabha’s combat power fall to the level of only ordinary saints, Luonan struck again, and a spear of Hades appeared directly in his hand!

With Luo Nan’s current cultivation realm, once again casting this spear of the underworld, the power was already quite terrifying, and the breath it emitted faintly emitted even the saint was terrified, and did not dare to despise it at all.

And just as the spear of the underworld condensed in Luo Nan’s hand, a series of shadows of the underworld also descended into this endless chaotic void!

This hell shadow had changed greatly compared to when Luo Nan was not strong in cultivation.

At this moment, it is almost solid!

When Amitabha Buddha saw this, he was even more terrified, and an irreparable crack appeared in his heart in an instant.

After all, once the seeds of fear are planted, they take root and sprout as fast as they can!


With a soft sound, the mighty Spear of Hades in Ronan’s hand finally came out of his hand and shot in the direction where Amitabha Buddha was.

As soon as it left Ronan’s hand, the Spear of Hades instantly absorbed the shadow of hell that had descended into the endless chaotic void.

After absorbing the hell projection, the power of the Spear of Hades also increased a lot, and the breath emitted from its body was even several times stronger than before

And its speed is even more amazing.

Now Luo Nan is no longer the original Luo Nan, after advancing to the sub-saint realm, Luo Nan’s understanding of space has reached a higher level!

Now, this spear of the god of the underworld was also mixed with his understanding of space.

Therefore, in the moment when the Spear of Hades broke away from Ronan’s hands, it directly appeared in front of the stunned Amitabha Buddha as if it had crossed the endless chaotic void.

For Amitabha, the spear of Hades that appeared in front of him now was a terrible attack that had no trajectory that could not be captured and could not be dodged.


The dark spear of Hades pierced directly through Amitabha’s body.

The Hall of Saints, now under the power of the Spear of the Dark God, were easily pierced like thin paper.

“Ahh!!! ~”

A terrible scream suddenly emanated from the mouth of Amitabha Buddha, and it instantly resounded throughout the entire Endless Chaos Void!

And at the same time as this terrible scream sounded, a series of figures also appeared in the endless chaotic void!

From the Pangu world, the Furen clan, the Fuxi clan, the Xuanyuan clan, as well as the Tongtian Sect Master and the Taoist Four Emperors.

Learned that the mutant came from the nine planes of the World Tree, Odin, Thor, and others.

There is also the arrival of Tartalos from the Olympus world and the mother goddess of the earth, Gaia, who are now around the battle between Lonan and Amitabha, watching such a shocking battle together.

“Amitabha Buddha has become a half-step creation saint, and his strength is too strong, and even if we know that the Terran race has suffered great difficulties, we dare not go deep into it.”

The god king Odin, as an ally of the Terrans, did not come to support this time, and he also felt guilty in his heart, so after seeing several sub-saints of the Terrans, he explained the reason at the first time.

An ordinary saint like them, once they leave the world they are in and enter the Pangu world, they are just a sub-saint, and at most they are just a sub-saint, and at most they are separated from the top sub-saints of the burning lamp.

With this level of combat strength, even if it really rushed to the Pangu World to support, it would not help, and it would not have a half-point impact on the occupation.

After all, it was the battle between the saints that decided the fate of the entire war.

Before the battle between Amitabha Buddha and the Taoist Sanqing, the Terran Yasheng and the Daoist Four Emperors basically could not intervene, and even if Odin and others came, it was the same.

The Flintlock Clan and other Terran Yasheng naturally understood this, so at this moment, Wen Yan also nodded his head in understanding.

At this moment, the sound of Tartaros’s sigh suddenly sounded.

“At first, I saw only a little guy who had undergone three baptisms, but now that just a few years have passed, I didn’t expect this little guy to have grown to such a terrible point!”

“Being able to drive the Creation Sage level Amitabha Buddha out of the Pangu World, and easily crushing Amitabha Buddha in this endless chaotic void, the combat strength of Lonan Xiaoyou has definitely reached the level of a half-step Creation Sage!”

Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, also continued.

And this word also made everyone who appeared in the endless chaotic void now inhale a cool breath.

After all, they could all perceive that the Luonan in front of them now was just a sub-saint!! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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