With the cultivation of the Yasheng Realm, it is possible to drive Amitabha Buddha out of the Pangu World, and easily seriously injure Amitabha Buddha in the endless chaotic void, how can this strength not be shocking?

The flattery of Odin and Tartaros and others also made the human sub-saints smile one by one.

After all, Luo Nan was a member of the Terran race, and the more powerful Luo Nan’s standing, the greater the chance that the Terran would be preserved in the coming Great Avenue Raid!

And just as the Terran Yasheng was talking to the saints, in the middle of the battlefield, the second spear of punishment in Lonan’s hand had once again pierced through the body of Amitabha.

This kind of attack across the void, Amitabha Buddha could not dodge at all!

One, two, three…

More and more spears of the gods pierced the body of Amitabha.

As far as Amitabha Buddha was concerned, Ronan’s attack was no longer something he could dodge.

This level of attack is definitely quite a threat to him!

After just a few breaths, Amitabha Buddha was already a hedgehog covered with black spears!

At the beginning, Amitabha’s mouth could still make a scream, but after a few breaths, Amitabha’s open mouth could not produce half a breath!

The most terrifying thing about the Spear of Hades is not from physical damage, but from the fact that every Spear of Hades has a very large amount of Hell Nether Qi attached to it.

These nether qi can devour the vitality of any living being.

Even though Amitabha Buddha is a saint, the vitality of his whole body is still constantly being deprived of at this moment.

And once the vitality is completely swallowed up by the underworld qi, Amitabha’s life will come to an end!

“I didn’t expect that the half-step creation saint would actually come to such an end!”

Odin, who was watching the current situation of Amitabha Buddha in the distance, also couldn’t help but sigh lightly, and his voice was full of sighs.

Beings born in the great world like them, the greatest goal and pursuit in their lives are only half-step creation saints.

After all, the true Creation Saints, those are all chaotic beings born in the chaos, have evolved into various great worlds, and can become Creation Saints.

Among the several great worlds today, only the Pangu World’s Creator Sage Hongjun Daoren was an exception.

Because from a century point of view, the Hongjun Daoist did not create the world, he was able to become a creation saint because the true creation saint Pangu was exhausted at the time of creation.

Hongjun was given the opportunity to fill the gap and become a new creation saint!

It can be said that this opportunity is also this, if you want to become a Creation Saint, you can only wait for the Creation Saint to die on his own and make room for it!

But how difficult it is to get the Creator Saints.

Therefore, for the vast majority of saints, the greatest pursuit in life is only a half-step creation saint.

And Amitabha Buddha, who is now in front of everyone’s eyes, has already taken advantage of this greatest pursuit of existence!

However, even Amitabha, who had become a half-step creation saint, still did not show any resistance in the hands of Ronan, and was almost hanged.

How could the saints not sigh at this scene?

A moment later, accompanied by a stream of light flickering in the endless chaotic void, a burst of mourning sound actually sounded in the endless chaotic void.

“Half-step Creation Saint Falls, Chaos Wails!!”

Tartaros’s eyes flashed with a strange color, and he couldn’t help but blurt out: “I thought this legend was just a legend, but I didn’t expect it to be true!” ”

After all, no half-step creation saint has ever fallen in any world, so naturally this legend has never been effectively verified.

Gaia, who is located next to Tartaros, thinks completely differently from Tartaros.

“If that legend is true, isn’t it proof that Amitabha Buddha has fallen now that the Chaos Wailing is ringing?”

Gaia’s words awakened the dreamer, and many saints who were addicted to the chaotic wailing of the saints were trembling involuntarily after hearing Gaia’s words.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of powerful divine thoughts came together toward the Amitabha Buddha cover in the center of the battlefield, trying to explore the current situation of Amitabha.

And this is to probe, the face of all the saints is involuntarily changed.

Sure enough, Amitabha Buddha had no breath, and even his soul had been swallowed up by the monstrous underworld qi!

Half-step creation saint, just fall!!

After determining this, the many saints who were located in the Endless Chaos Void at this moment looked into Luo Nan’s eyes, in addition to jealousy, they had more reverence!

After a short moment, as if they had made an appointment at the same time, many saints and saints bowed to Lonan at the same time.

This battle actually surprised Luo Nan, especially when he saw that several human saints were bending towards him, Luo Nan was even more difficult to accept: “Gentlemen, what are you doing?” ”

“There is no priority in cultivation, and the master is the teacher.” Luo Xian can kill Amitabha Buddha, it is stronger than me and so much more, this worship, Luo Xian naturally can afford it! ”

Xuanyuan Clan said with a serious face, and the Fuxi Clan Furen Clan beside him was also the focus of attention.

Although Luo Nan was their back, Luo Nan’s combat strength had now surpassed them too much.

Not to mention that they are only sub-saints now, even if they cross two great levels in succession and become half-step creation saints, they may not be the opponents of Luonan!

Moreover, Lonan killed Amitabha, but saved the entire human race and the Pangu world.

This is a great merit for the Pangu World, and it is definitely worth the worship of the Extreme Terran Yasheng!

As for the saint of other worlds, Yasheng, worshipping Ronan is even more reasonable, completely out of respect for the strong!

Hearing Xuanyuan’s words, Luo Nan was not good at saying anything, but he quickly reached out and lifted his hand, and the hundreds of saint figures in front of him bent down and were re-lifted by an invisible force. _

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