Looking at Luo Nan who was standing in front of him, Amitabha’s face was also involuntarily blue.

He already understood that Ronan was going to cut the grass and root it down and hunt him to death!

Thinking of this, Amitabha Buddha frowned involuntarily, and then went directly to Luonan to attack.

Since you can’t run away, you might as well fight it!

Moreover, while fighting with Lonan with his backhand, Amitabha Buddha was also frantically sending a distress signal to the Great Brahma far beyond the endless chaotic void.

After all, the only person who can help him now is the one behind him.

Amitabha Buddha was sure that no matter how powerful Lonan was, he could never be the opponent of the Creator Sage!

After all, the Creator Saint is already a more powerful life level beyond the level of the Saint.

The difference between a Creator saint and a saint is as obvious as the difference between a saint and a quasi-saint!

This gap is simply insurmountable!

However, to Amitabha’s anxiety, his distress signal to Brahma was not answered at all.

The distress signal was as if it had been lost in the endless chaotic void, and had not been transmitted to the ears of the Great Brahma at all.

Of course, it is also possible that it reached the ears of Brahma, but Brahma did not respond.

And whichever of these two possibilities is a disastrous outcome for Amitabha!

Because once there was no help from the great Brahma, the Creator Saint, with his current state, he would definitely not be the opponent of the soaring strength of Lonan!

Thinking of this, Amitabha Buddha couldn’t help but have a hint of determination in his eyes, and then he used the power of his whole body to press towards Luonan.

However, the strength of Amitabha Buddha today is not worth mentioning in Lonan’s eyes.

Seeing Amitabha Buddha pressing towards him, the corners of Ronan’s mouth flashed a sneer of disdain, and then he stretched out a palm and slapped it towards Amitabha.

Luo Nan’s palm, which seemed to have no power attached to it, was like a stream of light that swept through the endless chaotic void, and finally landed on the body of Amitabha Buddha.

However, this seemingly powerless stream of light, after encountering the body of Amitabha Buddha, suddenly exploded with terrifying power.


A burst suddenly sounded in the endless chaotic void, and the stirring void power shook non-stop.

In the midst of this shock, Amitabha Buddha seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and his huge body was slightly hunched over, flying directly into the distance.

After the chapter exploded, Luo Nan’s figure flashed again, as if teleporting in this endless chaotic void, directly behind Amitabha.

Immediately after, Ronan kicked again. Kick Amitabha Buddha like a leather ball.

After being beaten twice in a row by Lonan, Rao was Amitabha Buddha Ding who could not bear such humiliation!


A roar emanated from Amitabha’s mouth, and then ten thousand golden rays of light burst out from Amitabha’s body and spread in all directions.

Suddenly, Amitabha Buddha was like a golden giant towering in the endless chaotic void, and the power between his hands and feet was enough to make the entire void tremble inconsistently.

“Tricks of the trade!”

If it had been before, for such an Amitabha Buddha, Lonan might not have had half a solution, only the fate of being obliterated.

However, after the cultivation realm had broken through to the sub-saint level, coupled with the blessing of the Super Sai III and the Fighting Holy Law, Luo Nan’s combat strength had soared hundreds of times, which was completely enough to fight with Amitabha Buddha.

What’s more, in the previous battle, Amitabha Buddha had been severely injured, and at this moment he could not pose much of a threat to Lonan.

Even if he manifested his golden body, he was not Luo Nan’s opponent!

“Amitabha, since the art of fishing for the moon in the well is the pain of your voice and one of the reasons why you want to kill me, then I will use this technique of fishing for the moon in the well today to send you back to the west!”

The corners of Luonan’s mouth rose slightly, and the voice in his mouth sounded in the endless chaotic void.

This voice, in the silent endless chaotic void, appeared more and more clear.

And Amitabha’s face also instantly sank: “Find death!” ”

At the same time as a roar sounded, the golden giant incarnated by Amitabha Buddha also attacked Luonan.

However, Luo Nan’s figure was erratic, looming in the endless chaotic void, no matter how close Amitabha Buddha approached, he could not come to Luo Nan’s face, and the distance from Luo Nan remained unchanged!

Although Amitabha Buddha is also good at space together, his perception of space is obviously not comparable to Luonan!

And this also made the panic in Amitabha’s eyes even worse, and what frightened Amitabha Buddha even more was that while he was chasing Luonan, Luonan’s hands had already drawn a circle like a wellhead in front of him.

“Take the heavens and the earth as the well, and all beings and all things as the moon!”

“Fishing for the moon in the well!”

With the sound of the sound, an invisible curtain of light suddenly appeared in all directions of Amitabha, tightly surrounding Amitabha.

In the instant that this curtain of light appeared, Amitabha Buddha only felt that his connection with the outside world was completely cut off in an instant, as if he was trapped in a new world!

This feeling made Amitabha Buddha feel very uncomfortable.

And just when Amitabha Buddha wanted to break the curtain of light that surrounded him, he suddenly felt that his body had lost control at this moment, as if someone had applied the Concentration Technique.

After fixing his gaze, Amitabha Buddha realized that it was Lonan in the distance, who was now pointing at himself with a flat outstretched hand.

“Taoist magic, fixation!!”

Gritting his teeth and reciting the name, Amitabha’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of despair.

Now, Luo Nan’s combat strength cultivation was slightly higher than his, so the duration of this Fixation Technique was definitely not short!

And just when Amitabha Buddha was frozen in the body technique and could not move, Luo Nan’s other hand actually went directly into the well in front of him, pulled one of the crescent moons, and slammed it outward!

“Take your remaining three points of Creation Power first!”

The power of the founding saint that Brahma had previously given to Amitabha Buddha had earlier been drawn by Ronan by two-thirds, and now a third remains.

That is, with this one-third of the creation power, Amitabha Buddha was able to maintain far beyond the sage combat strength after leaving the Pangu world.

Without the blessing of this creative power, Amitabha Buddha, who has left the Pangu world without a holy position, his combat strength is only equivalent to that of ordinary saints, and may even be weaker than ordinary saints.

Therefore, the first thing that Lonan draws out now is the remaining three points of creation power in Amitabha’s body!

After all, this power does not belong to Amitabha Buddha, and it is quite easy to extract it! _

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