“Ronan, it’s actually you!”

When Amitabha Buddha saw that Ronan actually appeared between him and the Master of the Tongtian Sect, his brow frowned involuntarily.

However, he had clearly sensed before that Luo Nan’s body and soul had been crushed by his own years, and it could be said that he had absolutely fallen.

So now, who will appear in front of you?

As if he did not believe in evil, Amitabha Buddha quickly swept over Lonan’s body with his own divine thoughts, and after determining that Lonan’s soul was exactly the same as the one he had previously destroyed, Amitabha’s face could not help but appear a look of shock.

He had long known that Luo Nan could come back from the dead, after all, this was no secret in the entire upper echelons of the Pangu World, and this ability Luo Nan had shown countless times since his debut.

But Amitabha Buddha has always believed that the reason why Lonan was able to be resurrected was because none of those who had been able to truly erase everything about Lonan from this world, which gave Lonan the opportunity to be revived.

But Amitabha Buddha was different, as a half-step creation saint, he had received the power given by the Great Brahma, whether it was cultivation or realm, he had already overtaken any existence outside the Pangu World Rising Hongjun Daoist.

So, Amitabha Buddha was confident that he could kill Lonan.

Even after killing Lonan, Amitabha Buddha worked tirelessly to erase all traces of Lonan’s existence in the world!

After doing all this, Amitabha Buddha was slightly relieved.

But what Amitabha Buddha did not expect was that even in this case, the person in front of him could still be resurrected!

This, let Amitabha Buddha somewhat accept that he could not.

If this is the case, then who in the world can kill this hateful guy in front of him?

And just when Amitabha Buddha was confused, the Tongtian Sect Lord, who was already ready to die, had an irrepressible joy on his face.

Obviously, even he didn’t think that even Amitabha, whose strength was enough to crush everything, couldn’t kill Lonan now!

If this is the case, then Amitabha’s battle plan cannot be realized.

An enemy that cannot be killed and defeated is enough to stop Amitabha!

When Tongtian was happy and Amitabha Buddha was confused, Luo Nan’s movements did not stop, and with a gentle wave of his hand, several yuan forces appeared from behind him, probing into all directions of this Immortal Sword Array, sending the Tongtian Sect Master and the Daoist Four Emperors out of the Immortal Sword Array.

Without the Four Emperors presiding over the sword array, the Immortal Sword Array also had the meaning of gradually dissipating.

However, in the next second, Luo Nan’s palm, the Immortal Sword Array, which had originally had some loosening tendency, was re-stabilized.

After doing all this, Luo Nan’s gaze shifted to Ami’s body in front of him, and then a terrifying power erupted directly from his body, just like a long thorn in the entire heavenly dome.

The four hundred times the combat strength of Super Match Three, coupled with the horror of the Battle Holy Law, made Luo Nan’s cultivation combat strength enough to soar nearly a thousand times!

Today’s Luonan is already a sub-saint level of cultivation in itself.

If it had soared a thousand times, it seemed that it had already surpassed the level of saints, and it was not far from the so-called creation saints! 、

This change naturally woke up Amitabha Buddha, who was in a state of confusion.

Amitabha Buddha felt the change in Lonan’s breath, and a look of unacceptable shock appeared on his face.

He could never have imagined that the boy in front of him would not only be able to come back from the dead under his own hands, but also have such terrible power in the midst of resurrection from the dead!

Amitabha Buddha had a vague feeling that even in his heyday, there was only one way to defeat Lonan in the face of such a battle!

What’s more, after the previous battle and the hard resistance to the power of the Great Brahma, Amitabha Buddha had already been deeply damaged, and now he could only exert less than seven points of his combat strength!

Under such circumstances, Amitabha Buddha was simply powerless to confront the soaring strength of Lonan!

After discovering this, Amitabha Buddha did not hesitate for a moment, and as soon as he bit his teeth directly, he tore the void into it, and even fled directly.

Amitabha Buddha knew very well in his heart that the one who knows the times is Junjie!

Not to mention that Luo Nan’s cultivation had skyrocketed so much now, and it had surpassed his cultivation behavior.

Even if Lonan’s cultivation did not grow so much, Amitabha Buddha could only choose to give up.

Because he is facing an enemy that he can’t kill, and every time he kills the other party, it makes Ronan stronger.

This kind of opponent, Amitabha Buddha did not dare to deal with, nor could he cope!

Therefore, after thinking about this, Amitabha Buddha simply turned around and ran.

However, Amitabha Buddha wanted to escape, and how could Ronan let him do as he pleased?

Seeing Amitabha Buddha retreat into the void, Luonan zui corner flashed a sneering smile, and his figure disappeared into the void in a flash.

In the Pangu world, it is the turn of the mastery of space to create the world of Sumire Amitabha Buddha, who deserves to be the first.

And the quasi-Tidao who calls himself one flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi can be called second after that.

Zhen Yuanzi, who created a clean sleeve, can also rank in the top ten.

Of course, all this was before the Great Avenue Disaster came.

Now, after the Great Avenue Raid came and Ronan rose, this ranking should have changed somewhat.

With the Void Emperor Sutra and the Technique of Fishing for the Moon in the Well to enlighten the space, Luo Nan’s achievements in space have now surpassed Amitabha Buddha and the Quasi-Ti Daoists!

Therefore, at this moment, the escape of Amitabha Buddha, in Lonan’s view, is simply a dying struggle, a superfluous move!

In the void, Lonan discerned the trail of this Amitabha Buddha.

It wasn’t long before the figure of Amitabha Buddha appeared in front of Lonan.

And Lonan’s attack was also directed towards the Amitabha Buddha in front.

Amitabha Buddha naturally did not dare to resist hard when he saw it, and he wasted a lot of time in a flash, delaying his escape speed.

Finally, after taking a very breath, Ronan’s figure finally appeared in front of Amitabha, completely blocking Amitabha’s way! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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