At the same time, the cultivation level soared, making Luo Nan feel a terrifying force that instantly poured into his body.

However, although these forces are strong, they are not manic, but very docile, and after pouring into Ronan’s body, they are directly integrated into Ronan’s flesh and blood.

Not only did it not cause Luonan any discomfort, but it did not cause any trauma to Luonan, but it made Luonan’s body quickly become stronger.

Luo Nan had a vague feeling that as long as he completely mastered this extra part of his body now, then it would not be impossible to fight with Amitabha Buddha head-on!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Nan quietly waited for the energy gained from the cultivation realm to slowly merge into his body.

In the darkness, time seemed to stand still, and Ronan didn’t know whether a hundred years had passed or a moment had passed, and the energy had finally fully merged into his newly claimed divine body.

With the complete integration of energy, Luonan can also feel his current strength!

The palm of his hand clenched his fist slightly, and the dark space around Luo Nan seemed to be unable to withstand Luo Nan’s strength, slightly twisted.

Luo Nan was sure that with a little more force, he could easily shatter this dark space!

However, today’s Luonan will not idle eggs to compete with this dark space.

Because in his heart, there is a more important goal – that is, Amitabha!

“Amitabha, don’t be surprised when you see me again…”

Luo Nan let out a faint sigh in his mouth, and then he directly flashed out of this dark space!


In the Pangu world, after the cause of the flood was broken, the saint redefined the world and divided the world into four continents!

Among them, the southern Zhanbu Continent is occupied by mortals, which is the main area for the survival of mortals, and there are countless secular kingdoms.

The Dongsheng Shenzhou is the gathering place of the Youxian Sanxiu, and the concentration of Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi is the crown of the four continents, which can be said to be a unique advantage.

West Niuhe Chau was originally a poor place, after being occupied by Buddhism, it has been painstakingly managed by Rulai and is now quite prosperous.

As for the last Northern Julu Continent, it is the Land of Ten Thousand Demons, gathering countless kinds of amazing demons, and even many ancient relics living here!

Since Luo Nan came to the Pangu World, he had traveled all over the other three continents, but he had never come to this Northern Julu Continent.

At this moment, in the sky above the Northern Julu Continent, Luo Nan’s figure suddenly appeared.

His gaze swept across the continent below, but there was no change in Ronan’s look.

With the strength of his current Divine Thoughts, it was only a slight glimpse of the Great Demon and the Ancient Relic Clan hidden in the Northern Julu Continent that could not escape his perception at all.

However, these so-called big demons and far away are not worth mentioning at all in the eyes of Luo Nan today!

At this moment, Luo Nan didn’t have the kung fu to waste any time in this Northern Julu Continent, just glanced at it, and went directly to the sky.


The Heavenly Garden, with a total of four heavenly gates, correspond to the four major continents.

From which continent you come, you will enter the heavenly court from which day!

Of course, this is only for ordinary gods.

Now, after Luo Nan advanced to the Sub-Saint Realm, the restrictions of the four heavenly gates in the southeast, south, and northwest were already useless to Luo Nan.

The great array that could have blocked all the gods could not take effect on Ronan at this moment.

Luo Nan was in the gap between the void and the Pangu world, and soon came directly to the center of the Heavenly Garden.

At this moment, the Immortal Sword Array was thrown at it, but the Heavenly Sect Leader in it was already on the verge of falling!

After killing Lonan, Amitabha’s anger was apparently not vented, and he quickly turned his spearhead against the Tongtian Sect Lord.

Even if Amitabha Buddha was seriously injured, it was not something that the Tongtian Sect Master could handle, and after just a few breaths, the Tongtian Sect Master was already severely damaged, not far from falling!

“Oh, Tongtian, then your two brothers will die together with that hateful boy!”

Amitabha’s voice was cold, and his men were even more ruthless.

His hatred for Tongtian is not only because of the battle of Fangcai, but also his desire to win the war!

You know, as long as he kills Sanqing, he can go along with the trend to eliminate the isolated Nuwa.

When the time comes, after using the four holy seats, he can use these holy seats to ask the Great Brahma in exchange for the reward he deserves!

That’s the Creation Seat!

Thinking of the power possessed by the Creator Saint, Amitabha’s eyes were filled with fire.

As long as he kills the Tongtian Sect Lord, he will become very, very close to his goal!

Taking a deep breath, Amitabha Buddha was ready to deliver a fatal blow to the Master of the Tongtian Sect, and the golden light of the Dao Dao appeared behind Amitabha, and the Sanskrit Zen chant resounded throughout the entire Immortal Sword Array, and even through the entire Pangu World.

And the golden light that came out of the womb came out of the birth with an incomparably fast speed, and it directly attacked the heavens with the momentum of ten thousand jun.

This level of attack, even in its heyday, is difficult to stop.

Not to mention that he was already deeply damaged at this moment, not to mention blocking this attack, even dodging was already impossible.

“Sure enough, today is the day of my fall…”

A light sigh sounded in Tongtian’s mouth, but there was not much fluctuation between the looks.

At the moment when he chose to stay and confront Amitabha Buddha, Tongtian had already anticipated the end of his own death.

Therefore, in addition to pity, his eyes were more relieved and calm.

And just when Tongtian had given up his struggle and was preparing to disappear in the golden light wielded by the Amitabha Buddha, a slightly emaciated figure suddenly appeared in front of the Tongtian Sect Lord.

This emaciated figure faced the golden light, and with one finger, the Dao Dao golden light with its terrifying power instantly froze in the air, and he could no longer move!

This scene made the Tongtian Sect Master who had originally closed his eyes and waited for death and the Amitabha Buddha, who had the victory in his hands, stunned, never expected that when the overall situation was decided, he would actually kill a Cheng Jin halfway through.

And after seeing the face of this emaciated figure, Amitabha Buddha’s face changed dramatically! _

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