“The Yuanshi Tianzun has perished, and the Taishang Laojun has given up the Holy Throne and fled!”

These two pieces of news, one more shocking than the other, made Bodhidharma’s face full of shock.

Sanqing had existed for a longer time than both him and the Guiding Daoist, but now, Sanqing, who had stood for countless years, was already left with only one Tongtian Sect Lord!

“Is this really all done by Master and Brother… How could he be so powerful!! ”

Bodhidharma wondered, and then pinched his finger again: “It is the Great Brahma, and he really uses the power of the Great Brahma!” Also, with his current cultivation realm, it can be said that half of his feet have stepped into the level of the Creation Saint, even if he forcibly accepts the power of the Creation Saint, there will not be too serious sequelae, and it will always be possible to recover with some effort! ”

“However, with the help of the Great Brahma Heavenly Power, he was actually beaten into a serious injury, and who was able to do this, was it the Hongjun Daoist who took the shot?”

Between doubts, Bodhi Lao Zu tried to pinch his finger again to deduce the deduction, but after only a few moments of deduction, Bodhi Lao Zu’s brow was a wrinkle, and then his fingertips trembled, and a fine blood mark directly appeared.

“It is actually impossible to deduce, there is the will of the Dao as a guardian, and the Hongjun Dao person, as the embodiment of the Heavenly Dao, should definitely not be blessed by the Dao, so who seriously hurt the Dao Leader!”

Bodhidharma’s voice was full of accidents, and he who had been indifferent to the battle situation was also unmoved in his heart at this moment.

“Go check it out!”

After making a decision in his heart, the figure of Bodhi Lao Zu disappeared directly into the three-star cave of the oblique moon and rushed towards the center of the Pangu World.

How fast the sage was, the figure of Bodhi Old Ancestor disappeared in the three-star cave of the oblique moon, and appeared at the edge of the heavenly court almost at the same time.

Standing outside the Heavenly Garden, Bodhi Laozu’s gaze directly pierced through the Immortal Sword Array and looked at several people in the Immortal Sword Array.

Outside the Immortal Sword Array, the Lingren Clan and other Terran Yasheng were shocked to see Bodhi Lao Zu appear, and they also thought that Bodhi Lao Zu had come to support Amitabha Buddha!

Bodhi Laozu saw the vigilant gaze of the extremely Terran Yasheng and hurriedly waved his hand: “You are not more alarmed, I came here only to witness the victory or defeat of this battle, and I will definitely not participate in it, if I really want to make a move, Hexu will have to wait until now?” ”

After hearing Bodhidharma’s words, several Terran sages were relieved.

In fact, if you think about it, as a saint, there is no need to deceive them at all.

In this way, it is indeed as Bodhidharma said, if he really wanted to help, he would have already helped, why wait until now?

After letting go of his heart, the eyes of the Fu Ren Clan and the others also returned to the Immortal Sword Array.

At this moment, in the Immortal Sword Array, the three people of Luonan, Amitabha Buddha and Tongtian Sect Master had been separated, and Amitabha Buddha was not lightly injured!

Seeing this scene, Bodhidharma narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked the Furen Clan on the side, “Did Tongtian injure Amitabha Buddha?” ”

“Yes and no.”

The Flintlock Clan nodded realistically, and then very, this reaction also made Bodhi Old Ancestor a little puzzled.

And the Lingren Clan did not wait for Bodhi Laozu to ask questions, so they explained what they had previously estrus to Bodhi Laozu.

“Before that, Luonan and Amitabha Buddha were deadlocked, and the Tongtian Sect Master struck a blow from behind, forcing Amitabha’s internal breath disorder, which gave Luonan the opportunity to hit Amitabha Buddha hard with one blow!”

Hearing this, Bodhi Laozu couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, and his gaze quickly returned to the Immortal Sword Array and condensed on Luo Nan’s body.

“Are you saying that this little guy can actually stalemate with Amitabha Buddha, and even severely damage Amitabha Buddha with the cooperation of Tongtian!??”

In the voice of Bodhidharma, there was an unconcealed consternation.

The Fu Ren Clan and the rest of the extremely Terran Sub-Sage heard the rumors and nodded to the Bodhi Old Ancestor in unison.


Bodhidharma inhaled a cool breath, and his eyes were full of horror.

“This little guy seems to be only a quasi-saint level, although he is only one step away from Yasheng, but in the end he is still one step behind!”

Bodhidharma sighed, “But even this quasi-holy realm can actually severely damage Amitabha Buddha…”

Speaking of this, Bodhi Old Ancestor looked at Luo Nan again and pinched his fingers.

Immediately afterward, a blood-stained crack appeared on his fingertips that were deeper than before.

“Sure enough, this little guy is the one who was sheltered by the Avenue, and the Avenue’s robbery has arrived, and perhaps this is the glimmer of life left to us by the Avenue…”

Bodhi Lao Zu secretly sighed for a lifetime, the doubts in his heart were explained, and the figure of Bodhi Lao Zu gradually disappeared outside the Immortal Sword Array, and returned to his own three-star cave of the oblique moon, without asking about the outside world!

And in the midst of the Immortal Sword Array, Amitabha Buddha was almost crazy at this moment.

Being seriously injured by a mere quasi-saint was definitely something he couldn’t accept!

After a roar that resounded throughout the Pangu world, Amitabha Buddha also pointed directly and pointed at Luonan again!

“Go and die!”

Amitabha Buddha knew very well in his heart that Lonan had exhausted the power of the Great Brahma that he had extracted in order to injure him.

Today’s Lonan is just a quasi-saint!

If he goes on, Ronan will die, and no one will be able to save him!


With a muffled sound, Amitabha’s fingers finally touched Lonan’s body.

The next second, Luo Nan’s body and soul directly collapsed, completely dissipating in the Pangu World, and even the traces that once existed were erased from the world, and there was no trace of the existence of the past half!

After killing Lonan, Amitabha’s eyes flashed with the pleasure of revenge, obviously, he did not see the smile that flashed in the corner of Ronan’s mouth before he died!


In the darkness, Lonan’s consciousness that had been defeated by Amitabha Buddha gradually reorganized!

“Ding, Saiya Bloodline has been activated and is being evaluated to gain experience… The assessment is complete! ”

“Ding, the experience is being written…”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v350!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v351!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v352!”


“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v361!”

A series of system prompts kept ringing in Luonan’s ears, which also represented a huge increase in Luonan’s level!

Not only did it cross into the sub-saint realm, but it also rose more than ten levels in a row, reaching 1v361! _

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