Sun Wukong has been lost in this world of Meru for a long time, so he knows this world of Meru very well.

For some of these hidden extremes, I know a lot.

Unfortunately, Sun Wukong could not be said to be proficient in space, so he could not escape from this Sumire world.

But Luo Nan is the complete opposite of Sun Wukong, Luo Nan can be said to be extremely proficient in space, looking at the entire Pangu world, I am afraid that this Amitabha Buddha can compete with Luo Nan.

If Sun Wukong had told Luo Nan all his knowledge of this Sumire world over the years, then Luo Nan would most likely have figured out a way to escape and then take Sun Wukong out of this Sumire world with him!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan also rushed to Sun Wukong.

And Sun Wukong did not hide anything, and he gave everything he knew to Luo Nan and Pan!

With Sun Wukong’s narration, Luo Nan’s understanding of this world of Sumire is also getting deeper and deeper.

And the mystery of this world of Meru was also unveiled little by little by Luonan.

When Sun Wukong finished speaking, Luo Nan couldn’t help but sigh: “As it is, this Sumire world is indeed exquisite, and the Daoist who received the Dao was able to create this kind of technique, and his talent was truly extraordinary, so it is no wonder that he was able to become holy in the first place!” ”

This Sumire world, according to Sun Wukong, is actually like a ring of chains, jumping out of one ring of the chain, it will automatically enter the next ring of chains, constantly reincarnating back and forth, resulting in always being trapped on this chain and unable to get out.

And the only way to get out is to jump from the chain to the side and find a path that doesn’t lead to the next ring!

Sun Wukong knows this method, but he does not have the corresponding ability!

Lonan had this ability, but he didn’t know this method before.

When Sun Wukong said the method, Luo Nan was also suddenly enlightened, and secretly lamented how he had not thought of this stubble before!

After learning the fundamental mechanism of this Sumire space, Luo Nan no longer hesitated, directly sat down on his knees, and began to understand this Sumire world, and a huge amount of divine consciousness spread out from his body, probing into the void in all directions, looking for the path that could escape!

With Lonan’s mastery of space, it is not difficult to find that path.

However, just as Luo Nan sat down on his knees, a stream of Buddha’s light suddenly appeared in this space.

When the light dissipated, the Buddhas who looked sluggish and like puppets appeared around them.

Although these Buddhas looked sluggish, they were all filled with a terrible and powerful aura.

This powerful breath can also make people’s hearts shake at tens of thousands of miles.

Obviously, Lonan’s actions had already made Amitabha Buddha worried, which was why so many puppet Buddhas were sent to stop Lonan from searching for the weakness of the world of Meru!

After the tens of thousands of puppet Buddhas appeared, without any words, they rushed directly towards Lonan, who was closed in his eyes and crossed his knees.

Sun Wukong on the side saw the situation, and the sharp color in his eyes flashed.

“At this time, there are still some conspiracies and tricks, and they have really disappointed the old man!”

With a murmur in his mouth, Sun Wukong shook the golden hoop stick in his hand: “When I killed 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers in the Heavenly Palace, today I am killing you 100,000 Buddha puppets!” ”

After the words fell, Sun Wukong directly incarnated into thousands of people and collided with the Buddha puppets who rushed in.

The roar is continuous!

The fierce battle is enough to make anyone shudder.

But Sun Wukong is the starting force of killing, and the tyrannical nature that has been suppressed for tens of millions of years is all released at this moment, and the red eyes of the Buddha block the killing of the Buddha!

Luo Nan, on the other hand, was not affected by half a point, and he carefully understood it.

Time passed like this, and those Buddha puppets seemed to be born out of nothingness, not only infinite, but also getting stronger!

Although Sun Wukong is powerful, he can’t bear it after a long time.

After all, it was a true saint who was now the one who was shot, and it was a saint who was far more powerful than other saints!

Hostile to such a being, Sun Wukong can hold on for so long, which is already extremely good!


Spitting out a mouthful of blood foam to the side, Sun Wukong flashed a trace of worry in his eyes: “Brother Luonan, if you make up for it faster, I can’t hold on…”

Sun Wukong had always thought that this Sumire world did not have half an attack power, but could only trap people in it.

But now, he really knew that in this Sumire world, there was actually such a killing move!

Once unfolded, even he could not hold on, and it was only a matter of time before he perished.

The puppet Buddha’s attack became more and more ferocious, Sun Wukong gradually stopped, and the injuries on his body became more and more serious.

“Do you really want to die in this world of Meru, but… I can’t help it! ”

Sun Wukong clenched his teeth, and the resentment in his heart was monstrous.

However, in the depths of his gaze, there was a deep helplessness.

Amitabha, it’s too powerful!

And just when Sun Wukong is gradually desperate, ready to wait for death.

Lonan, who was visiting the world of Sumire, finally opened his eyes!

“It was here!”

A voice of surprise rang out, and a hint of surprise appeared on Ronan’s face.

But soon, Luo Nan discovered the surrounding situation and the deeply damaged Sun Wukong!

“Great Sage, I’m here to help you!”

As the words sounded, the breath on Luo Nan’s body suddenly climbed, directly reaching the sub-saint level, and then waved his hands together.

“If the husband takes the heavens and the earth as the furnace, he will be made into work; If yin and yang are charcoal, then all things are copper! ”

Heaven and earth oven, sacrifice heaven and earth!

An oven formed by the convergence of pure divine power and yin and yang qi instantly appeared in the sky.

The next second, the oven turned, and a large number of Buddha puppets were directly refined in it!

The Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi formed by these refinements will become the power to catalyze the oven!

Those puppet Buddhas are infinite, but the oven of this heaven and earth will never stop!

Suddenly, the Buddha puppet who had originally forced Sun Wukong into a desperate situation was easily restrained by Luo Nan! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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