Looking at the Buddha puppet who had originally thought he was about to die, but now he could not hold out for a second under Luo Nan’s hands, and he was all crushed to the ground, Sun Wukong’s face also showed a look of shock.

He knew that Luo Nan had killed Maitreya Buddha, and his strength must be very good, but he did not expect that Luo Nan would actually be so powerful.

Those Buddha puppets who had left themselves helpless were not worth mentioning at all in front of Lonan!

“No wonder… No wonder Amitabha Buddha imprisoned him in the world of Meru, probably because he couldn’t deal with it by other means…”

Sun Wukong secretly sighed in his heart.

And just when Sun Wukong sighed, Luo Nan had already imprisoned these endless Buddha puppets in the oven of heaven and earth.

After doing all this, Luo Nan turned to look at Sun Wukong, “Thank you so much for helping to stop these puppets before.” ”

“Old Sun did his best, and was almost forced into a desperate situation by this Buddha puppet, but fortunately, even if you wake up, you may not be able to stop it.”

Sun Wukong waved his hand at Luo Nan, and a look of embarrassment flashed on his face, before continuing: “Don’t talk about this, do you understand the path out of this broken place?” ”


Lonan nodded and responded.

Sun Wukong was overjoyed, he was trapped here can be said to be living like a year, and now when he heard the herding say that he had found his way out, he excitedly flipped several heels directly in mid-air!

“Good! Well, Lao Sun finally has hope to leave this broken place! ”

Not only was Sun Wukong excited, in fact, Luo Nan was also quite happy in his heart.

To be able to leave this world of Meru is naturally a good thing!

“Great Sage, I will take you away immediately, and you will not resist!”

Luo Nan shouted at Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong also nodded his head: “Although Shi Wei is!” ”

The next moment, a divine power gushed out of Luo Nan’s body, which directly wrapped around Sun Wukong’s body and fled into the space with Sun Wukong.

Immediately afterward, the art of fishing for the moon in the well unfolded, and the bodies of Luo Nan and Sun Wukong soon turned into two rounds of crescent moons in the well world.

These two rounds of crescent moon, under the action of an invisible force, slowly floated towards the well surface.

But just when he was about to fly out of the water, he suddenly stopped.

“Amitabha Buddha enlightened this Sumire world in order to target the art of fishing for the moon in the well, and if I really use the power of the technique of fishing for the moon in the well to fish myself out of the world, then I will sink into the next time!”

“This is Amitabha’s conspiracy against the art of fishing for the moon in the well!”

Previously, it was because of this that Lonan had been trapped in this world of Meru, going through the cycle over and over again.

But now, Luo Nan had already realized this, so when the Moon Technique, which would represent himself and Sun Wukong’s crescent moon, was mentioned on the well surface, he would come directly.

“Special path, here!”

At this moment, in Ronan’s eyes, the whole world had become a labyrinth like a spider’s web!

The only way out of this labyrinth was already in Ronan’s field of vision!

The next second, Ronan directly controlled the crescent moon and crashed towards the breakthrough point.

And the desert world where he and Sun Wukong lived also disappeared without a trace in this instant, and it was obvious that the two had left the desert world.

However, the two did not fall into the new world after leaving the desert world, just like they had experienced before.

At this moment, beside the two of them, it was a dark void!

“Out there?”

Sun Wukong’s face was full of surprise.

But Ronan shook his head, “The last step is still near!” ”

When the words fell, the Luonan Super Race State and the Battle Saint Law were opened at the same time, and the chaotic power in the body operated, directly activating the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Force!

The terrifying power of the dragon elephant filled Luo Nan’s body, and then exploded in a flash, directly hitting the dark space around it!

The power of this huge and invincible dragon elephant burst out, instantly producing a fierce roaring sound in the dark space.

And with this roar, a deep crack appeared directly in the dark space!

The appearance of this crack seems to have broken the original balance of the dark space.

Immediately afterward, cracks spread out above the initial cracks and spread out in all directions.

At this moment, the power of the dragon elephant in Luo Nan’s body was once again accumulated, and the second punch was quickly punched.

The dark space, which had not been valued by the negative before, also collapsed directly after being hit by Luo Nan’s second punch!

It’s like broken glass.

With the complete collapse of this dark space, Luo Nan and Sun Wukong also took the opportunity to directly flash out of this darkness!

The breath of familiarity will soon arrive!

“This is Pangu World, Spirit Mountain!”

Sun Wukong’s whisper quickly sounded, and then he looked up sharply, and his face changed.

Because at this moment, a huge Buddha was looking down on him and Luonan.

This huge Buddha is none other than Amitabha!

“I didn’t expect you to actually be able to escape from the world of Meru, did I still lose to that guy…”

Amitabha Buddha did not look at Sun Wukong at all, but his eyes were all focused on Luo Nan’s body, and there was a hint of disappointment in his murmured voice.

Ronan naturally knew who the person Amitabha Buddha was talking about was, the same being who had created the art of fishing for the moon in the well in the first place.

However, to be honest, the reason why he was able to escape from the world of Meru was not all about using the technique of fishing for the moon in the well.

Or, if only the use of the technique of fishing for the moon in the well, Ronan would not be able to get out of the world of Meru at all.

Being able to come out, the Void Emperor’s Void Sutra is also indispensable.

It was precisely because of the existence of the Void Sutra that Luo Nan’s mastery of space had reached a very high level, which could find the weakness of the world of Meru in one fell swoop.

However, Lonan would not be kind enough to explain this to Amitabha.

Seeing that Amitabha Buddha was still in obscurity, Luo Nan directly wrapped Sun Wukong with divine power and fled directly into the void.

“Amitabha, the mountains do not turn and the water does not turn, and I will kill you when I come down here and see you again!” _

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